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Host rating
100 %
Last replied
13 Feb 2025
Reply rate
99.6 %
Usually responds within 2 days
Email verified
Host offers payment
Badges (2)

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We operate a specialized secondary school and related educational activities in Fukuoka, in the South of Japan.
Along the school section, we also organize cooking classes for children, English lessons for Japanese children and teenagers, programming classes with LEGO-building, day-service (after-school care) for children with disabilities, and picture books publishing.
Our work is also linked with an organic farm and a correspondence-based high school on Yakushima island, in Kagoshima Prefecture.
In all these areas, we always aim to better our influence on the planet and support the youth of the future through holistic and global education. For this reason, we are following various international resolutions, such as the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
If you would like to be a part of our project or if you have any question, feel free to send us a message.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Fukuoka!
私達は、鹿児島県 屋久島で、オーガニックファームと通信制高校を運営しています。
学校教育の活動以外にも、子供向けの料理教室、レゴを使ったプログラミング教室、障害児向けのデイサービス(after-school care)、絵本の出版などの運営も行っています。
福岡でお会いできるのを楽しみにしています!Types of help and learning opportunities
Language practice
Babysitting and creative play
UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve
Cultural exchange and learning opportunities
Some of our staff speak English or Spanish, however the vast majority of your interactions will be with Japanese people, so it is a great opportunity to practice the language.
You will be able to meet many generations of Japanese, especially young children and students.
Finally, you will be staying in a share-house in Fukuoka, so you can enjoy all the culture this city has to offer.
そして、福岡のシェアハウスに宿泊することになりますが、この街のあらゆる文化を楽しむことができます。Projects involving children
This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.
Host offers payment in line with the minimum wage
This host offers accommodation and payment.
We are looking for people to help us with:
1. School related activities, such as sharing your culture with students, teaching English, attending events with them, etc.
2. Assisting in cooking classes for children. You don’t need to be a good cook, as you would mainly assist the chef and help the children cook while using English. You can learn Japanese recipes and share your own!
3. PR related activities, such as writing articles and sharing pictures on blogs and social media, translation into your language, etc. You don’t need to be proficient in communication or computer field, as any skill is welcome.
4. Help with programming class events.
5. International exchange in after-school day services, with school-age children. (For example, teach children the traditional games of your country.)
Depending on your Japanese level and your own hobbies and talents, there are many things to do, and we welcome suggestions!
Our students don't stay the whole day, so you will only help during activities.
① 学生と文化を共有したり、英語を教えたり、彼らとのイベントに参加したりするなど、学校関連の活動。
② 子供たちの料理教室の手伝い。
③ ブログやソーシャルメディアで記事を書いたり、写真を共有したり、自分の言語に翻訳したりするなど、PR関連の活動。また、コミュニケーションやコンピュータの分野に精通している必要はありません。スキルはすべて歓迎します。
Languages spoken
English: Fluent
Spanish: Fluent
Japanese: FluentThis host offers a language exchange
This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
You can contact them directly for more information.Accommodation
We have a school dormitory for volunteers to stay.
学校の「寮」がありますので、そちらに宿泊することになります。What else ...
Fukuoka has been selected as one of the most-livable cities in the world. It has a lively center with many cultural events, shopping malls and busy bar streets, as well as beautiful parks, quiet temples, and the mountains and the sea easily reachable by bicycle, bus or subway!
It is also the city with the youngest population in Japan, as many young Japanese people come to experience Fukuoka’s trendy lifestyle, relaxed attitude and friendly population.
But perhaps what Fukuoka is most famous for is the food: countless small restaurants, cafes, bars and even food stalls spread throughout the city, serving all kinds of food at all prices.
Finally, the city is only 20 minutes away from the airport by subway and has easy access to all the main attractions of Kyushu. Hop on a bus or train on your off-days and enjoy Dazaifu shrine, Aso volcano, Beppu onsen city, Nagasaki, etc.
For a week or a few months, Fukuoka is definitely one of the best places to feel the authentic Japanese lifestyle.
By joining us here, we hope you will support our social and environmental projects and enjoy the unique experience in Japan while having fun with us and other Workawayers!
ここに参加することで、私たちの社会・環境プロジェクトを支援し、私たちや他の労働者たちと楽しく過ごしながら、日本でのユニークな体験を理解していただけることを願っています!A little more information
Internet access
Limited internet access
We have pets
We are smokers
Can host families
Can host digital nomads
This host has indicated that they love having digital nomads stay.
How many Workawayers can stay?
Feedback (5)
Our students might be really shy with their English, but Micol was really patient with them, shared her culture, and one of the students also taught her some origami. ^^
She also… read more
Audrey's Japanese was really good, and she tried hard to talk to our students, share her culture and encourage them to also practice their English. She helped us with the maintenance of the accommodation and also making post for our social media.
She was also welcoming fo the volunteers… read more
The volunteer work was rewarding and I got to participate in fun activities including an art class,… read more
We had been connected online practicing Japanese together before he came to Fukuoka, so it was really nice to finally meet him in person and spend time together.
His Japanese is really good, and he is always trying hard to continue improving. Our students can be quite shy, but he tried hard to approach… read more
I had a really… read more
These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.
Accuracy of profile:
Cultural exchange:
Our students might be really shy with their English, but Micol was really patient with them, shared her culture, and one of the students also taught her some origami. ^^
She also… read more
Audrey's Japanese was really good, and she tried hard to talk to our students, share her culture and encourage them to also practice their English. She helped us with the maintenance of the accommodation and also making post for our social media.
She was also welcoming fo the volunteers… read more
The volunteer work was rewarding and I got to participate in fun activities including an art class,… read more
We had been connected online practicing Japanese together before he came to Fukuoka, so it was really nice to finally meet him in person and spend time together.
His Japanese is really good, and he is always trying hard to continue improving. Our students can be quite shy, but he tried hard to approach… read more
I had a really… read more
We were able to meet online a couple of times before he arrived to Fukuoka, so by the time we met him in person we were already comfortable with each other and knew he would be a good influence for our students.
Even though he had started his Japanese language studies not so long… read more
She made a quiz game for the students to feel more motivated to participate, and spoke slow English that was easy for the students to understand. She is studying Japanese, so… read more
Her brother came to… read more
She had to do an internship for university, so she had prepared a lot of materials for the classes, but was… read more