Research and experimentation of alternative ways of life in the Diois mountains, France



 Min stay requested: at least 2 weeks



  • Description



    Welcome to you traveler,
    Jose, the rope access technician, and I live in this small village in the Haut Diois mountains at 1150 m altitude and, from time to time, Luna (my 24 year old daughter) joins us.

    For 26 years, thanks to external help (many travellers in the last 18 years), we have made this village habitable. We have installed the garden bases, a yurt, a sweat lodge, terraces, the Sharing house (we invite groups to sing, dance, practice yoga, fast, welding retreats...)

    The latter is dedicated to people who wish to pass on their knowledge or practices (physical, VOCAL, musical, theatrical, etc.) as well as their DIY skills useful for autonomy (resilience).

    Here is a non-exhaustive list of ongoing projects:

    - preparation of a national meeting of feminist choirs this summer
    - Irrigation system in the garden
    - Greenhouses to be installed
    - Barn frame
    - Maintenance of fruit trees
    - Cladding, subsoiling, insulation
    - hydraulic plant
    - phytoremediation
    - layout of rooms and dormitories
    - transforming a coniferous forest into deciduous trees, making it welcoming for groups...
    - ...

    It is a particularly isolated place in the mountains, space for poetry!
    Faced with the risk of the collapse of this society (collapsology), we aim to tend as much as possible towards food and energy autonomy.
    In this spirit of sobriety, we welcome travelers with a strong ecological conscience who are looking for alternatives, poetry in their lifestyles and consumption.

    We enjoy the ever-evolving experience of living with travelers from all corners of the world.

    It is important for us to share moments together outside of working hours through physical and artistic practices. We start the day with Taoist movements, we share meals, which are vegetarian.
    We also do not want drugs or alcohol and we want to keep tobacco at a safe distance.

    We want to move towards a horizontal operation that requires everyone's responsibility, both in daily life and in working hours. We prefer to encourage exchanges on the way of life, on ideas to be able to work together to improve our common life in this place.

    We appreciate travelers who manage to be as AUTONOMOUS as possible in their tasks without excluding others that we will try to guide. It is more a place of exchange than learning. Previous experience and knowledge in areas such as gardening, bricklaying, carpentry, plumbing, low-tech cooking and permaculture will be of great help, but the motivation to help with the project and to help each other remains the most important thing.

    If you are ready to LEAVE your comfort zone, participate in daily life with good humor and freedom, we will be happy to welcome you.

    Please contact us in French (if possible, we understand English, Spanish), indicating approximately the desired dates and the duration of your stay.
    We would also be interested to know what you think about these lines of thought:
    -What are your motivations?
    - How does the project resonate with you?
    - What would you like to receive and give during your stay?

    Please be responsive during our written exchanges
    Send feedback


    Benvenuto a te viaggiatore,
    Io e Jose, il tecnico di accesso su corda, viviamo in questo piccolo villaggio delle montagne dell'Haut Diois a 1150 m di altitudine e, di tanto in tanto, Luna (mia figlia di 24 anni) si unisce a noi.

    Da 26 anni, grazie ad aiuti esterni (molti viaggiatori negli ultimi 18 anni), rendiamo abitabile questo borgo. Abbiamo installato le basi del giardino, una yurta, una capanna sudatoria, terrazze, la Sharing house (invitiamo gruppi a cantare, ballare, praticare yoga, fare digiuni, ritiri di saldatura....)

    Quest'ultimo è dedicato a persone che desiderano trasmettere le proprie conoscenze o pratiche (corporee, VOCALI, musicali, teatrali, ecc.) nonché le proprie competenze fai da te utili all'autonomia (resilienza).

    Ecco un elenco non esaustivo dei progetti in corso:

    -preparazione di un incontro nazionale di cori femministi quest'estate
    - Impianto di irrigazione in giardino
    - Serre da installare
    - Telaio del fienile
    - Manutenzione degli alberi da frutto
    -Rivestimento, ripuntatura, isolamento
    -centrale idraulica
    -disposizione delle camere e dei dormitori
    -trasformare un bosco di conifere in alberi decidui, rendendolo accogliente per i gruppi...

    È un luogo particolarmente isolato tra le montagne, spazio alla poesia!
    Di fronte al rischio del collasso di questa società (collapsologia), puntiamo a tendere il più possibile verso l’autonomia alimentare ed energetica.
    In quest’ottica di sobrietà, diamo il benvenuto ai viaggiatori con una forte coscienza ecologica che cercano alternative, poesia nei loro stili di vita e di consumo.

    Ci piace l'esperienza in continua evoluzione di vivere insieme a viaggiatori provenienti da tutti gli angoli del mondo.

    Per noi è importante condividere momenti insieme al di fuori dell'orario di lavoro attraverso pratiche fisiche e artistiche. Iniziamo la giornata con movimenti taoisti, condividiamo i pasti, che sono vegetariani.
    Inoltre non vogliamo droghe né alcol e vogliamo tenere il tabacco a distanza di sicurezza.

    Vogliamo andare verso un'operazione orizzontale che richieda la responsabilità di tutti, sia nella vita quotidiana che nell'orario di lavoro. Preferiamo incoraggiare gli scambi sul modo di vivere, sulle idee per poter lavorare insieme per migliorare la nostra vita comune in questo luogo.

    Apprezziamo i viaggiatori che riescono ad essere il più AUTONOMI possibile nel proprio lavoro senza escludere altri che cercheremo di guidare. È più un luogo di scambio che di apprendimento. Precedenti esperienze e conoscenze in settori quali giardinaggio, muratura, falegnameria, idraulica, cucina a bassa tecnologia e permacultura saranno di grande aiuto, ma la motivazione ad aiutare con il progetto e ad aiutarsi a vicenda rimane la cosa più importante.

    Se sei pronto per USCIRE dalla tua zona di comfort, partecipare alla vita quotidiana con buon umore e libertà, saremo lieti di accoglierti.

    Vi preghiamo di contattarci in francese (se possibile, capiamo inglese, spagnolo), indicando approssimativamente le date desiderate e la durata del vostro soggiorno.
    Inoltre, saremmo interessati a sapere cosa ne pensi di queste linee di pensiero:
    -Quali sono le tue motivazioni?
    - Come ti risuona il progetto?
    - Cosa vorresti ricevere e regalare durante il tuo soggiorno?

    Si prega di essere reattivi durante i nostri scambi scritti
    Envoyer des commentaires


    Bienvenue à toi voyageur, voyageur,
    José, le cordiste et moi vivons dans ce petit village des montagnes du Haut Diois à 1150 m d'altitude et, de temps en temps, Luna (ma fille de 24 ans) nous rejoint.

    Depuis 26 ans, grâce à une aide extérieure (beaucoup de voyageurs ces 18 dernières années), nous rendons ce village habitable. Nous avons installé les fondations du jardin, une yourte, une hutte de sudation, des terrasses, la Maison du Partage (nous invitons les groupes à chanter, danser, pratiquer le yoga, faire du jeûne, des retraites de soudure....)

    Ce dernier est dédié aux personnes qui souhaitent transmettre leurs connaissances ou pratiques (corporelles, VOCALES, musicales, théâtrales, etc.) ainsi que leurs compétences de bricolage utiles à l'autonomie (résilience).

    Voici une liste non exhaustive des projets en cours :

    -préparation d'une rencontre nationale des chorales féministes cet été
    - Système d'irrigation dans le jardin
    - Serres à installer
    - Charpente de grange
    - Entretien des arbres fruitiers
    -Bardage, rejointoiement, isolation
    - centrale hydraulique
    - aménagement des chambres et dortoirs
    -transformer une forêt de conifères en feuillus, la rendant accueillante pour les groupes...
    - ...

    C'est un lieu particulièrement isolé en montagne, espace de poésie !
    Face au risque d’effondrement de cette société (collapsologie), nous ambitionnons d’aller le plus possible vers l’autonomie alimentaire et énergétique.
    Dans cette optique de sobriété, nous accueillons des voyageurs dotés d'une forte conscience écologique qui recherchent des alternatives et de la poésie dans leur mode de vie et leur consommation.

    Nous apprécions l'expérience en constante évolution de vivre avec des voyageurs des quatre coins du monde.

    Il est important pour nous de partager des moments ensemble en dehors des heures de travail à travers des pratiques physiques et artistiques. Nous commençons la journée avec des mouvements taoïstes, nous partageons des repas qui sont végétariens.
    Nous ne voulons pas non plus de drogues ni d'alcool et voulons garder le tabac à une distance sûre.

    Nous voulons évoluer vers un fonctionnement horizontal qui exige la responsabilité de chacun, tant dans la vie quotidienne que dans les horaires de travail. Nous préférons favoriser les échanges sur les modes de vie, sur les idées pour pouvoir travailler ensemble à améliorer notre vie commune dans ce lieu.

    Nous apprécions les voyageurs qui parviennent à être le plus AUTONOME possible dans leur travail sans exclure les autres que nous tenterons de guider. C'est plus un lieu d'échange que d'apprentissage. Une expérience et des connaissances antérieures dans des domaines tels que le jardinage, la maçonnerie, la menuiserie, la plomberie, la cuisine low-tech et la permaculture seront d'une grande aide, mais la motivation à contribuer au projet et à s'entraider reste la chose la plus importante.

    Si vous êtes prêt à SORTIR de votre zone de confort, à participer au quotidien avec bonne humeur et liberté, nous serons heureux de vous accueillir.

    Merci de nous contacter en français (si possible, nous comprenons l'anglais, l'espagnol), en indiquant approximativement les dates souhaitées et la durée de votre séjour.
    De plus, nous serions intéressés de savoir ce que vous pensez de ces pistes de réflexion :
    -Quelles sont vos motivations ?
    - Comment le projet vous parle-t-il ?
    - Qu'aimeriez-vous recevoir et offrir en cadeau pendant votre séjour ?

    Merci d'être réactif lors de nos échanges écrits
    Expéditeur de commentaires

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Art Projects
    Language practice
    Help with Eco Projects
    Elderly Companionship
    DIY and building projects
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities


    Many opportunities will arise for cultural exchange with the people you will meet here.
    On the other hand, it is possible to join the choir once a week in Die, as well as to participate in numerous dance occasions in the region...


    De nombreuses opportunités d'échanges se présenteront à toi grâce aux rencontres que tu feras ici.
    D'autre part, il est possible de se joindre à la chorale une fois par semaine à Die, ainsi que de participer à de nombreuses occasions de danser dans la région...

  • Help


    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Cooking meals for workawayers and us, and cleaning house
    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Gardening
    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Building and renovation projects: carpentry, stone work, plastering
    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Feeding cats and chickens
    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Collecting, splitting, chopping firewood
    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ General maintenance
    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Various interior building maintenance projects such as painting, installing shelves, etc.

    Or if you have a skill or experience that you think would be relevant, tell us.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    French: Fluent
    English: Intermediate
    Spanish: Intermediate
    Italian: Beginner

    This host offers a language exchange
    Je débute l'apprentissage de la langue italienne Quindi, benvenuti ai miei futuri insegnanti di italiano

  • Accommodation



    There is space for 6 people (or 3 couples and a single personne) throughout various rooms and loft in the main house.
    Please note that the rooms do not have heating, (mine also).

    There is a separate summer kitchen for workawayers if necessary.
    We eat mostly simple vegetarian meals: lots of whole grains and vegetables.
    We use an ecological dry toilet.


    Nous avons de la place pour accueillir 6 voyageurs (ou 3 couples et une personne seule). Plusieurs pièces sont à disposition dans la maison. Il est important de noter que les chambres ne sont pas chauffées (y compris la mienne).

    Nous avons aussi une cuisine d'été pour les voyageurs si nécessaire.
    Nous mangeons des repas végétariens simples : beaucoup de légumes, céréales complètes.
    Nous utilisons des toilettes sèches.

  • What else ...

    What else ...


    Many mountain walks are possible, trapeze, books are available dealing with nature, construction, garden and And of course all the musical, physical, acrobatic practices described above


    Beaucoup de promenades en montagne sont possibles, trapèze, des livres sont à disposition traitant de nature, construction, jardin et
    Et bien sur toutes les pratiques musicales, corporelles, acrobatiques décrites plus haut

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    wifi is working

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    We have place for van but for the piste, I recommend no more than 5 meters longer

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

Host ref number: 395975926389

Website Safety

Feedback (47)


The image depicts a stone house with a balcony and staircase, surrounded by trees and a grassy area with fallen leaves.
The image depicts a house under construction in a mountainous area, with a person working on the roof and a pile of wood in the foreground.
The image depicts a group of five people gathered around a wooden table, enjoying a meal together on a cloudy day. The atmosphere appears to be relaxed and convivial.
The image depicts a rocky hillside with a small waterfall cascading down, surrounded by trees and foliage, set against an overcast sky.
The image depicts a stone house with a snow-covered roof, surrounded by trees and a cloudy sky, in a serene winter setting.
The image depicts a man standing in the snow, wearing a red jacket and hat, with a yellow shirt and scarf, next to a car covered in snow.
The image depicts a rustic stone house with a balcony, surrounded by trees and a grassy yard, set against a cloudy sky.


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile:

Cultural exchange:


Help with our permaculture and food forest projects while learning about natural building in Gourdon, France
Help care for our kids and speak English with elise, in Toulouse, France