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Host rating
85 %
Last replied
3 Jul 2024
Reply rate
85.7 %
Usually responds within 34 days
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A family of two kids, 16 and 9 y/o. Looking for a guest that can help me with fixing around the house, painting some rooms of the house, gardening and speak english to my kids if possible when they are at home. We live in a House in a hill close to the forest and the sea. 10 minutes far from the beach. In Moaña, a town in Vigo area inlet. In Galicia, at the northwest of Spain.
Types of help and learning opportunities
Language practiceGardeningDIY and building projectsBabysitting and creative playCreating/ Cooking family mealsHelp around the houseGeneral MaintenanceCultural exchange and learning opportunities
We can offer you a countryside accommodation, 10 minutes walking far from the bus stop to Vigo city (300.000 inhabitants), 40 minutes walking far from boat to Vigo.
Projects involving children
This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.
I am looking for a guest that can help me with small fixing manteinance around the house, painting some rooms of the house, gardening and speak english to my kids when they are at home and take them to the town if necessary when I can not do It.
Languages spoken
English: Fluent
Spanish: Fluent
German: Intermediate
French: Beginner
Portuguese: BeginnerAccommodation
A individual room in a House in a hill with bathroom and 3 meals a day.
What else ...
You have a bus stop to the city. 10 minutes far from the House walking. 40 minutes walking far from the House is the Port, where you can take a boat to the city
A little more information
Internet access
Limited internet access
We have pets
We are smokers
Can host families
How many Workawayers can stay?
Hours expected
Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week