Learn to grow vegetables and bake bread on a tropical organic farm in Turrialba, Costa Rica

  • Favourited 610 times
  • Last activity: 26 Jul 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 2 weeks



  • Description


    We are an organic family run farm producing a variety of crops, some for market and some for our consumption. We have dairy cows for elaborating yoghurt, cheese and butter. Sometimes chickens and other animals mainly for our consumption. We apply regenerative agriculture with our animals, cows are strictly grass fed on rotational pastures. As for cultivated crops, we grow many greens, sweet potato, peanut, beans and a variety of native tubers. Also, bananas, plantain and other fruits.
    For the past 8 years we baked breads of all types, pizzas and sweet goods in a clay oven whos fate unfortunately has come to an end. We are now starting over with our baking in a new space and new equipment to offer a more professional and consistent product. We have modernized our new micro bakery and hope to expand production and offer high quality baked goods to new clients and/or businesses.

    Somos una familia de productores organicos. Hace 16 años decidimos hacer un cambio de vida y comprometernos a una vida sostenible y natural ....

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Farmstay help
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
  • UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN goals
    No poverty
    Zero hunger
    Good health and well-being
    Quality education
    Gender equality
    Clean water and sanitation
    Affordable and clean energy
    Decent work and economic growth
    Industries, innovation and infrastructure
    Reduce inequality
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible consumption and production
    Climate action
    Life below water
    Life on land
    Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Partnerships for the goals
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Here you will have the opportunity to learn how to go from nothing to something. How to start , keep ,and expand a growing space. Learn about soil mixes,compost making, biofermented fertilizer, seedling starts and seedling care and everything up to post harvest care , animal care , pasture/forage management , living fences .
    Plus, we run a micro bakery and make sourdough breads and other baked goods using the products harvested on the farm. We produce a variety of fermented foods, cheese , yogurt and butter making and everything that is farm to table cooking, including chicken, fish meat etc. Plus sustainable construction, Natural plant medicine, and everything else that has to do with living self reliant.

    Aqui hay mucho para aprender- como producir alimentos sanos en harmonia con el ambiente. Soluciones sostenibles en las construcciones y una panadería pequeña Medicina natural . Y entre otros !!!

  • Help


    We are looking for volunteers that have a true sincere interest in organic agriculture , not travelers looking for a budget stay ...

    As for experience required.... your desire to learn , work and earn your stay is more important than previous experience!

    What we look for in volutarios is the following - People who really want to live the life of a farmer, depend on the land and its endless solutions to feed oneself and even the nearby community. Be able to get up early with a smile and know that where there is a will there is a way !!!!
      Some tasks to be carried out daily are: Prepare areas for crops, start the seedlings, assist in the production of compost (about a ton per month), weeding, production of bio-organic fertilizers and the application of them, keep pastures clean and others. Almost all inputs are produced from resources of the same farm.
    The work tends to be physically demanding.The nature of farmwork is hard physical labor, so know now what you are getting involved in !!!
    We also look for volunteers who are able to cook and are willing to work in a busy, productive kitchen. One thing to consider is that part of our sustainability as farmers is raising, slaughtering, elaborating and cooking our own animals. If that is not something you would be willing or comfortable to assist with, then this is probably not the place for you.
    Lo que buscamos en volutarios es lo siguiente - Gente que de verdad lo que quieren es vivir la vida de un agricultor, depender de la tierra y su sin fin de solucciones para alimentarse uno mismo y hasta la comunidad cercana. Poder madrugarse con una sonrisa y saber que querer es poder!!!!
    Algunas tareas de llevarse al cabo diario son: Preparar areas para cultivos , iniciar los almacigos , asistir en la produccion de compost(se maneja alrededor de media tonelada por mes) , desyerbadas , produccion de fertilizantes bio-organicos y la aplicacion de los mismos , mantener potreros limpios y otras. Casi todos los insumos se produce de recursos de la misma finca.
    El trabajo tiende ser bastante exegido physicamente.

  • Languages spoken

    Spanish: Fluent

  • Accommodation


    Simple house without electricity but equiped with a solar panel for night time lighting and charging devices Maximum space for 3 people. The house has potable water, toilet, shower. Gas stove and basic kitchen utensils for cooking
    Many ingredients of the meals are from the farm, dinners and weekends you will be responsible for cooking your own meals; we can provide and share anything we are harvesting at the time to help supplement your evening and weekend meals.

    Casita sencilla sin electricidad pero cuenta con panel solar para alumbrar y cargar dispositivos . Cupo maximo 3 personas. La casa tiene agua potable,inodoro, ducha y Cocina equipada
    La alimentación por una parte es de la finca y tambien de canasta basica del supermercado. Cenas y fines de semana seran responsables de cocinar sus comidas; nosotros podemos compartir todo lo que estamos cosechando durante su estadía para elaborar y suplementar sus comidas.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    Turrialba volcano nearby, river rafting trips, Guayabo National Monument and loads more to see and do in the area. Carribean coast a few hours by bus- public transportation close by and easy to use to travel all around the country.
    Very peaceful area, laid back family vibe.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    5 horas diarios 5 dias por semana

Host ref number: 363951247465

Feedback (8)



These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (5.0)

Cultural exchange: (4.8)

Communication: (5.0)

Small farm and animal rescue welcomes animal and plant lover in Punta Banco, Costa Rica
Help with a project to teach English the children of the community in Río Claro, Costa Rica