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Join our lake community and help with gardening and creative projects near Hannover, Germany



 Min stay requested: at least a week



  • Description


    Welcome to our small leisure property 🤩 We are a lake community of four who would like to make new acquaintances and exchange ideas. Evenings together by the fire or creative design of our lakeside are our common interests. We also built two slightly larger TinyHouses that still need one or the other fine-tuning. We are happy about creative helpers who support us in garden maintenance and help us to make the place a little nicer. Our community project is located directly on a small private lake, the shore of which is begging to be made a little more accessible. The cherry tree in the middle of the property fell over during the last storm and needs to be severely cut back, and the hedges around the property urgently need trimming. In addition to the garden projects, there are also a few small things to be done on the TinyHouses, such as painting the facade, building a staircase to the roof terrace and putting the whirlpool into operation. If you are interested, please send us an email! We look forward to getting to know you and having a great time with you. Kind regards Alfi and Calson


    Willkommen auf unserem kleinen Freizeitgrundstück 🤩 Wir sind eine vierköpfige Seegemeinschaft die gerne neue Bekanntschaften schließt und sich austauschen möchte. Gemeinsame Abende am Feuer oder kreative Gestaltung unseres Seeplatzes sind unsere gemeinsamen Interessen. Außerdem haben wir zwei etwas größere TinyHouses gebaut die noch den einen oder anderen feinschliff benötigen. Wir freuen uns über kreative Helfer und Helferinnen die uns bei der Gartenpflege unterstützen und uns dabei helfen den Platz etwas schöner zu machen.
    Unser Gemeinschaftsprojekt befindet sich direkt an einem kleinen privaten See, dessen Ufer danach schreit etwas zugänglicher gemacht zu werden. Der Kirschbaum in der Mitte des Grundstücks ist bei dem letzten Sturm umgekippt und muss stark zurückgeschnitten werden und die Hecken rings um das Grundstück müssten dringend einmal etwas beschnitten werden.
    Neben den Gartenprojekten sind auch ein Paar Kleinigkeiten an den TinyHouses zu machen, wie Fassade streichen, Treppenaufgang zur Dachterrasse bauen und Whirlpool in Betrieb nehmen.
    Wir freuen uns
    Bei Interesse meldet euch bitte per Email!
    Wir freuen uns euch kennen zu lernen und eine schöne Zeit mit euch zu verbringen.

    Liebe Grüße
    Alfi u Calson

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Art Projects
    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    You don't need any special skills other than fun and a positive attitude that you'll want to return to.


    Ihr braucht keine besonderen Fähigkeiten außer Spaß an der Sache und eine positive Einstellung an dem man gerne zurückkehren will.

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    We are happy about creative helpers who support us in garden maintenance and help us to make the place a little nicer. Our community project is located directly on a small private lake, the shore of which is begging to be made a little more accessible. The cherry tree in the middle of the property fell over during the last storm and needs to be severely cut back, and the hedges around the property urgently need trimming. In addition to the garden projects, there are also a few small things to be done on the TinyHouses, such as painting the facade, building a staircase to the roof terrace and putting the whirlpool into operation.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    German: Fluent
    English: Intermediate
    Polish: Intermediate
    Spanish: Beginner
    Portuguese: Beginner

    This host offers a language exchange
    We like to practice and learn different languages ​​in our free time. Therefore, foreign speakers and travelers are particularly welcome to promote cultural exchange and get to know each other.

  • Accommodation


    As accommodation you can of course fully use the infrastructure of our lakeside area. There is a raft house, a trailer and two caravans for overnight stays, all of which still need some attention. There is a toilet, an outdoor shower and a kitchenette in one of the GinyHouses. For catering there are several supermarkets in the immediate vicinity. We look forward to sitting around the fire with you at dinner and making plans.


    Als Unterkunft könnt Ihr natürlich die Infrastruktur unseres Seeplatzes vollumfänglich mit nutzen. Zur Übernachtung gibt es ein Floßhaus, einen Bauwagen und zwei Caravans die alle noch etwas Aufmerksamkeit brauchen.
    Es gibt ein WC, eine Außendusche und eine Kochzeile in einem der GinyHouses.
    Für die Verpflegung gibt es mehrere Supermärkte in direkten Umgebung. Wir freuen uns auch darauf beim Abendessen mit euch gemeinsam ums Feuer zu sitzen und Pläne zu schmieden.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    In addition to our private lake, there are other beautiful lakes in the immediate vicinity. There is a train station with a 15-minute connection to Hanover.


    Neben unserem Privatsee gibt es weitere schöne Seen in direkter Umgebung. Es gibt einen Bahnhof mit 15 minütiger Anbindung nach Hannover.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    This host has indicated that they love having digital nomads stay.

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    We have plenty of space and floor space and can also accommodate Vans or Caravans on our property

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    This host has said they are willing to accept those travelling with a pet.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

Host ref number: 339537674766

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