Help us with gardening and eco-construction in Mosoj Llajta, Bolivia

  • Favourited 28 times
  • Last activity: 4 Jul 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 1 month



  • Description


    For the first time we are looking for volunteers, helpers to our tasks for a while. To have an environment that can function as a lodge or hotel in the future, everything is built, but we need to finish small projects and decorative details. We need help with renovation tasks, some construction projects eg solar water heating system, If you have some skills such as painting, working with wood would be ideal, garden arrangement, technical help for the bicycle park. We can do some “treasure” hunting trips, of antiquated furniture, antique objects, 100-year-old carved doors in the cities of Sucre and Potosí. Sometimes we will need help with food preparation and cleaning in the kitchen.
    In other words the help we are looking for, being 2 women at home, is masonry and construction work. Practically, it is light decorative work, and repairs, because 99% of the buildings are built. We are also interested in people who like bicycles and bike mechanics, we are looking for people who can fix or build bicycles. And finally we are looking for people who have experience in permaculture, organic gardens and farms that explain how to create your own digital food. In case of the kitchen, it is only self-service food preparation and dishwashing as in any house.

    Por primera vez buscamos voluntarios, ayudantes a nuestras tareas por un tiempo prolongado. Para tener un ambiente que puede funcionar como un hospedaje en futuro, todo esta construido, pero necesitamos terminar pequeños proyectos y detalles decorativos. Necesitamos ayuda con tareas de refacción, algunos proyectos de construcción p.e. sistema de calentamiento de agua por el sol, Si tienes algunas habilidades como pintar, trabajar con madera sería lo ideal, arreglo del jardín, ayuda técnica para el parque de bicicletas.
    Podemos hacer algunos viajes de búsqueda del “tesoro”, de muebles anticuados, objetos antiguos, puertas talladas de 100 años de antigüedad en las ciudades Sucre y Potosí.
    A veces necesitaremos ayuda con preparación de comida y limpieza en la cocina.
    Con otras palabras La ayuda que estamos buscando, siendo 2 mujeres en casa, es trabajo en albañileria y construcción. Prácticamente, es trabajo liviano de decoración, y de arreglos, porque 99% de edificaciones están construidos. También nos interesa personas que les gusta las bicicletas y mecánica de ellas, estamos buscando personas que pueden arreglar o construir bicicletas. Y por ultimo estamos buscando personas que tienen experiencia en permacultura, los jardines y granjas orgánicas que nos explican como crear tu propia comida digital. En caso de la cocina, es solo autoservicio de preparación de comida y lavado de platos como en cualquier casa.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Art Projects
    Language practice
    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Help around the house
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    As the city of Sucre is the capital of Bolivia and where there is a lot of culture, you will benefit from trips to museums, excursions through the architectural jewel of Bolivia. They will be transported 300 years in history.

    Como la ciudad de Sucre es la capital de Bolivia y donde existe mucha cultura, se beneficiarán con paseos a museos, excursiones por la joya arquitectónica de Bolivia. Se transportarán 300 años en la historia.

  • Help


    It would be ideal if someone taught us how to make an organic garden, plant trees and flowers, designing a nice garden and alpinarium, and we would also be happy to learn how to make some decorative objects from recycled material. We love to recycle because we consider that matter can be transformed by applying our energy, we give second life to objects that were once used and forgotten. We also need help from a master who knows bikes well. He knows how to weld, understands the mechanics and optimal functioning of bicycles.

    Sería ideal que alguien nos enseñe a hacer un jardín orgánico, que plante árboles y flores, diseñando lindo jardín y alpinarium, además estaríamos felices de aprender a hacer algunos objetos decorativos de material reciclado. Nos encanta reciclar porque consideramos que la materia puede transformarse aplicando nuestra energía, damos segunda vida a los objetos que fueron usados y olvidados alguna vez. También necesitamos ayuda de master quien sabe bien la bicicletas. Sabe soldar, entiende la mecanica y funcionamento optimo de bicicletas.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    Spanish: Fluent
    Russian: Fluent
    English: Intermediate

    This host offers a language exchange
    We want to speack more in English

  • Accommodation


    A comfortable private room, with its bathroom, before the inauguration of the hotel.

    Una habitación cómoda privada, con su baño, antes de la inauguración del hotel.

    The food will be prepared by all of us who will live in our house: breakfast, lunch and dinner. The person who helps in our house is a guest and will not pay for the food. In case the person invited to share the work in our house decides to buy his own food (because of tradition, culture or taste), he can cook for himself (there is another kitchen for that, individual).

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    The hotel is located in a rural area, it is a beautiful place surrounded by mountains and nature, immersed in country life, just 45 minutes from the city of Sucre. You can take beautiful photographs of the Milky Way because the sky in this place is very clear, hiking, observing the work of the Chuquisaqueños farmers. We ask all potential workaway volunteers to send us: - Address and contact information in case of emergency in the country of origin - 1 reference that we can contact by WhatsApp or email. They can be a friend, former employer/colleagues - people who know you well and can attest to your good character and suitability for this type of volunteer work. - Copy of your medical/travel insurance - working with us is not dangerous, but we want to ensure that our volunteers have access to health services if they become ill during their time in Bolivia - of course we hope this does not happen ( It's just in case!)

    El hotel se encuentra en una zona rural, es un hermoso lugar rodeado por montañas y naturaleza, sumergida a la vida campestre, a solo 45 minutos de la ciudad de Sucre.
    Puedes hacer lindas fotografías de la Vía Láctea porque el cielo de este lugar es muy limpio, senderismo, observar el trabajo de los campesinos chuquisaqueños.

    Pedimos a todos los potenciales voluntarios de workaway que nos envíen :
    - Dirección y datos de contacto en caso de emergencia en el país de origen
    - 1 referencia con las que podamos contactar por whatsapp o email . Pueden ser amigo, ex-empleador / colegas - personas que te conozcan bien y puedan dar fe de tu buen carácter e idoneidad para este tipo de trabajo voluntario.
    - Copia de tu seguro médico / de viaje - el trabajo con nosotros no es peligroso, pero queremos asegurarnos de que nuestros voluntarios tengan acceso a los servicios de salud si se enferman durante su tiempo en Bolivia - por supuesto, esperamos que esto no suceda (¡es sólo en caso!)

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 272693316921

Feedback (2)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (5.0)

Cultural exchange: (5.0)

Communication: (5.0)

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