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100 %
Last replied
5 Feb 2025
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100.0 %
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Welcome to all friendly and animal loving helpers.
We are a vegetarian, non-smoking couple with four adult children. One of them lives together with us in an individual farmstead (private, no business) about 45 min away from the baltic sea. Our horses (seniors, no riding possible), dogs, cats, sheep, turkeys and chickens belong to our family and are looking forward to cuddles and caring helpers. There is always a lot of different work to do. If you’d like to help us with that and don’t mind getting a little dirty from time to time, than you could be a perfect match and are more than welcome
We are looking forward to:
- Bob the builder – you are skilled in craftmanship? Bingo! (Future projects are building up our tiny house, building several wooden benches and a paved path..)
- A hobby cook who likes to share vegetarian or vegan recipes.
- Nature lovers – cranes, sea eagles….great sunrises and sundowns and a terrific starry sky are waiting for you.
- A hobby gardener who helps us create a vegetable patch and has no fear of tons of weeds, mowing the lawn
and wild areas of our courtyard.
- Fitness freaks who like to test their strenght by working in the fresh air.
- Language learners who want to improve their german (we don’t speak any dialect) and like to teach us more
about their language in return.
- LGBTQ+, people of colour – simply everyone who‘s friendly, tolerant and empathetic.
- No smoking, no drugs and no excessive use of alcohol.
- Everybody who wants to have a great win win experience for both sides.
- Responsible animal lovers.
- People who come to Germany in a legal way and have a valid health insurance.
- People who do not expect a whole day of entertainment and are able to enjoy their freetime by themselves. If you like to have company throughout the day come with a friend.
Since we’re all very busy throughout the day, we still try to work together as often as possible because it‘s more
fun then.
Where you are accommodated? :
- Opportunity 1: in a seperate room in our house
Good to know:
*for singles or two persons
*shared bathroom
*full board, 3 times a day, also on your days off
*we ask you to work 5 hours a day. If you stay longer than a week, you’ll have 2 days off per week.
*Those who arrive by train will be picked up. On your days off you will have the opportunity to
ride along to the next station with one of our family members – of course you will also be
picked up in the evening 😉. Train connection to Rostock or the baltic sea is good. There is
no public transport from our home!!! If you can’t live without party, hustle and bustle,
company around the clock and nightlife this offer isn’t for you!
*Bicycles are available
*WLAN only for messenger services
- Opportunity 2: you come with your camper van, pitch available
Good to know: *only short time stays during the season from May to October
*Water and electricity are available but there is no opportunity to dispose gray water or a
chemical toilet.
*one meal per day, optional breakfast or dinner, selfcatering for the rest of the day.
*we ask you to work about 3 hours a day
*for singles, couples or families
*nice and well trained dogs are welcome. There are a lot of animals especially cats on the
court which we want to keep healthy and happy 😉.
*WLAN only for messenger services.
This sounds interesting to you?
We are curious hearing from you. Please write us a short message including:
*who you are and why you want to visit us.
*when do you want to come and how long do you want to stay.
*what kind of work do you want to do, what are your special skills or what do you want to learn.
*what do you expect from us.
*which languages do you speak.
We are looking forward to hearing from you. See you soon.
Lust auf Natur, Landleben, Tiere und eine nette Familie in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern?
Ein herzliches „Hallo“ an alle tierlieben, fröhlichen und tatkräftigen Workawayer!
Bei uns erwartet euch ein vegetarisches Paar (Nichtraucher) mit vier erwachsenen Kindern. Eine davon wohnt zusammen mit uns in einem alleinstehenden Hof ca. 45 min von der Ostsee entfernt wohnen. Unsere Pferde (Senioren, kein Reiten möglich), Hunde, Katzen, Schafe, Truthähne und Hühner gehören mit zur Familie und freuen sich auf Streicheleinheiten und tierliebe Helfer. Da es auf unserem Hof immer was tun gibt, fallen ganz unterschiedliche Arbeiten an. Wenn du also Lust am Mithelfen hast und dich auch mal schmutzig machen kannst, bist du bei uns genau richtig.
Wer passt zu uns:
- Bob der Baumeister – hier kannst du dich handwerklich austoben. Du kannst etwas besonders gut? Lass es uns
gerne wissen. Zukünftige Projekte sind z.B. der Ausbau eines tiny house, Bau von Sitzbänken und einem gepflasterten Weg...
- Die vegane/vegetarische Küchenfee – wir freuen uns auf neue Rezeptideen.
- Der Naturliebhaber – Kraniche, Seeadler und Co., tolle Sonnenauf- und Sonnenuntergänge und ein fantastischer Sternenhimmel warten auf dich.
- LGBTQ+, people of colour – einfach alle freundlichen, toleranten, empathischen Menschen.
- Gartenfreunde – wir sind dankbar für Tipps beim Gemüseanbau, auch Rasentreckerfahrer kommen hier auf
ihre Kosten.
- Fitnessfreaks, die ihre antrainierten Muskeln gerne mal bei der Arbeit an der frischen Luft dem Praxistest
unterziehen möchten.
- Deutschlerner, die bei der gemeinsamen Arbeit ihre Sprachkenntnisse verbessern möchten (wir sprechen
Hochdeutsch, also keinen Dialekt) und die im Gegenzug bereit sind, uns ihre Sprache näher zu bringen.
- Nichtraucher, keine Drogen, kein (übermäßiger) Alkoholkonsum
- Alle, die möchten, dass diese Erfahrung für beide Seiten einen win win Effekt hat.
- Menschen, die ihre Freizeit eigenständig nutzen möchten und kein Dauerentertainment erwarten. Du hast gerne Gesellschaft? Dann komm doch mit einem Freund/Freundin. Wir sind
tagsüber alle beschäftigt, versuchen aber, die meisten Arbeiten gemeinsam zu machen, weil es zusammen
einfach mehr Spaß macht.
- Verantwortungsvolle Tierfreunde
- Menschen, die legal nach Deutschland einreisen und eine gültige Krankenversicherung haben.
Wo wohnst du?
- Möglichkeit 1: Bei uns im Haus in einem eigenen Zimmer
Gut zu wissen:
*gemeinsam genutztes Bad
*Singles oder Paare
*Vollverpflegung (Frühstück, Mittag- und Abendessen), auch an freien Tagen
*5 Stunden Mithilfe/Tag, bei Aufenthalten die länger als eine Woche dauern sind 2 Tage pro
Woche arbeitsfrei.
*Wer ohne Auto kommt, wird von uns selbstverständlich vom Zug abgeholt und hat die
Möglichkeit, an seinen arbeitsfreien Tagen mit einem der Familienmitglieder bis zum nächsten
Bahnhof mitzufahren und abends dann natürlich auch wieder zurück 😉 Die Verbindungen
nach Rostock und an die Ostsee sind gut. Busse fahren ab unserem Hof keine!!!! Für
Partygänger, Trubelliebhaber, Nachteulen und Menschen, die nicht gut auch mal alleine sein
können ist dieses Angebot nichts!
*Fahrräder stehen zur Verfügung
*WLAN Nutzung für Nachrichtenfunktionen möglich
- Möglichkeit 2: Ihr kommt mit eurem Wohnmobil, Stellplatz ist vorhanden.
Gut zu wissen: *nur Kurzzeiteinsätze zw. Mai und Oktober möglich.
*Strom und Wasser sind vorhanden, es gibt aber keine Möglichkeit der Grauwasser- oder
*Arbeitszeit ca. 3 Stunden pro Tag
*1 Mahlzeit pro Tag, wahlweise Frühstück oder Abendessen, den restlichen Tag verpflegt ihr
euch selbst.
*für Singles, Paare oder Familien
*verträgliche und gut erzogene Hunde sind ebenfalls willkommen. Wir haben viele Hoftiere und
freilaufende Katzen, die wir gerne behalten möchten.😉
*WLAN Nutzung für Nachrichtenfunktionen möglich.
Interesse geweckt?
Wir sind gespannt auf deine Nachricht. Bitte schreibe uns:
*Wer du bist und warum du zu uns kommen möchtest.
*Wann du kommen möchtest (bitte beachte die verfügbaren Zeiträume s.o.) und wie lange?
*Welche Arbeiten du dir vorstellen kannst, was du besonders gut kannst oder was du lernen möchtest.
*Was du von uns erwartest.
*Welche Sprachen du sprichst.
Wir freuen uns auf dich.Types of help and learning opportunities
Language practice
DIY and building projects
Animal Care
Farmstay help
Creating/ Cooking family meals
Help around the house
General Maintenance
MountainCampingGardeningPlant careDIY & craftsCooking & foodMusicLanguagesAnimalsCarpentryNatureOutdoor activitiesCyclingHikingYoga / WellnessFarmingPetsLGBTQVan lifeSustainabilitySelf developmentVegetarian or veganCultural exchange and learning opportunities
Get to know the work on a private farmstead, work manually, improve your german skills, care for animals, help to develop new ideas, help to bake bread, preserve fruits and make jam, have a glimpse at the workshop of our goldsmith, get to know the local birds, animals and plants, learn wellness massage techniques, share vegan and vegetarian receipes. We have guitars and a piano that you can play. Ride a tandem, shoot with bow and arrow, learn to enjoy the silence ;) ...
Here are examples for your work, together we will see what suits you most.
- mow the lawn, pull weeds
- share and cook vegetarian or vegan recipes.
- care for animals, clean out stables
- clean up the garage and barn
- preserve fruits
- build up a tiny house where we could need your ideas and help
- repair things
- prepare the guest house
- cut trees and hedges
- chop wood
- build benches
- help to do the household
- teach us your mother tongue
- you have massage skills, my back and shoulders are always grateful ;)
- .....Languages
Languages spoken
German: Fluent
English: IntermediateThis host offers a language exchange
We like to host language learners who want to improve their german (we don’t speak any dialect) and like to teach us more about their language in return. You should have basic knowledge of German or English so we are able to communicate.Accommodation
Where you are accommodated? :
- Opportunity 1: in a seperate room in our house
Special features:
*for singles or two people
*shared bathroom
*full board, 3 times a day, also on your days off
*we ask you to work 5 hours a day. If you stay longer than a week, you’ll have 2 days off per week.
*Those who arrive by train will be picked up. On your days off you will have the opportunity to ride
along to the next station with one of our family members – of course you will also be picked up in the
evening 😉. Train connection to Rostock or the baltic sea is good. There is no public transport from
our home!!! If you can’t live without party, hustle and bustle, company around the clock and nightlife this offer isn’t for you!
*Bicycles are available
*WLAN only for messenger services
- Opportunity 2: you come with your camper van, pitch available
Special features:
*only short time stays during the season from May to October
*Water and electricity are available but there is no opportunity to dispose gray water or a
chemical toilet.
*one meal per day, optional breakfast or dinner, selfcatering for the rest of the day.
*we ask you to work about 3 hours a day
*for singles, couples or families
*nice and well trained dogs are welcome. There are a lot of animals especially cats on the
court which we want to keep healthy and happy.
*WLAN only for messenger services.What else ...
- For nature lovers – cranes, sea eagles…. and a terrific starry sky are waiting for you.
- At most within an hour's distance: baltic sea, Rostock, Warnemünde, Bad Doberan
- If you don't have an own car - on your days off you will have the opportunity to ride along to the next station
with one of our family members, of course you will also be picked up in the evening 😉. Train connection to
Rostock or the baltic sea is good.
!!! There is no public transport from our home!!!
- Bicycles are available
- Our horses, dogs, cats, sheep, turkeys and chicken are looking forward to be petted.A little more information
Internet access
Limited internet access
We have pets
We are smokers
Can host families
Space for parking camper vans
Pitch available -only short time stays during the season from May to October -Water and electricity are available but there is no opportunity to dispose gray water or a chemical toilet.
Can possibly accept pets
Please get in touch if you want to come with your pet. Together we will have a look if it could work.
How many Workawayers can stay?
Feedback (12)
The tasks were very varied, from mowing, chopping wood, feeding the animals, cooking vegetarian meals,… read more
These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.
Accuracy of profile:
Cultural exchange:
The tasks were very varied, from mowing, chopping wood, feeding the animals, cooking vegetarian meals,… read more
The week with you went by quickly, of course, but I really enjoyed the time. The activities were very varied, and there was never too much or too little to do. Every workawayer who comes to you can count themselves very lucky and will have a wonderful experience. You really are an… read more
We really appreciated our time with this sweet family, and we cannot believe how fast these three weeks went by. Anni and Oli are incredibly friendly, welcoming, warm, thoughtful and the best hosts you could ever wish for. The tasks were… read more
It was my first Workaway experience and also… read more
Es war meine erste Erfahrung als workawayer, dementsprechend aufgeregt und nervös war ich.
Diese Art von Anspannung wurde mir im ersten Moment des Sehens schon genommen.
Wir wurden herzlich empfangen und durften erstmal ankommen.
Es gab ein nettes on boarding, wurden allen Fellnasen vorgestellt und schonmal mit unseren… read more
Anni and Oli were kind and always available and the days passed very fast unfortunately ahah.
It was such an enriching experience and I learn a lot from them and improve my little german language.
If you're looking to help and live in a serene and calm… read more