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90 %
Last replied
6 Feb 2025
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100.0 %
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I have 2 hectares in the mountains next to Bogotá, which are transformed into an ecological and "frequency" project in order to help people who want to visit the mountains or want to rent for seminars, workshops or other activities of inspiration and change. The project is to make a small contribution to the peace process in Colombia by instilling people with alternative ideas, creativity and especially: energy. Our project es the only place in the world where the frequencies of nature are improved and used to influence consciously in human beings. The mountain has a plateau on which we built a glass house and different ecosystems full of highland plants, woods, brooks and ponds with a wonderful panoramic view of the valleys. The different ecosystems are to be converted into various natural scenarios like wild, landscaped gardens with works of art, integrated ecological productions and other native plants. Animals will be gradually integrated into these areas. We need every helping hand to continue to transform this growing paradise.
Please read the part of more details.
Ich habe 2 Hektar in den Bergen neben Bogotá, die in ein künstlerisch-ökologisches Projekt verwandelt werden, um Menschen, die den Berg besuchen wollen, oder für Seminare, workshops oder andere Aktivitäten mieten wollen, zu Inspiration und Veränderung zu verhelfen. Das Projekt soll einen kleinen Beitrag zum Friedensprozess in Kolumbien leisten, indem es Menschen andere Ideen, Kreativität und Energien vermittelt. Der Berg hat ein Plateau mit wundervollen Rundblick über die Täler, auf dem wir ein Glashaus errichtet haben, verschiedene Ökosysteme, zwischen Hochlandpflanzen, Naturwald, Bach und Teichen. Die verschiedenen Ökosysteme sollen in verschiedene Naturszenarien umgewandelt werden, zwischen Wildbewachsung, angelegten Gärten mit Kunstwerken, und integrierten ökologischen Produktionen mit Wildpflanzen wie Andenbeere, und andere einheimische Pflanzen. Dazu sollen nach und nach Tiere integriert werden. Wir brauchen jede helfende Hand, die aus dem bisher herrschenden Anfängen ein Paradies verwandelt.
Bitte lies auch die weiteren Details.Types of help and learning opportunities
Art Projects
Help with Eco Projects
Animal Care
Creating/ Cooking family meals
Help around the house
General Maintenance
UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve
Cultural exchange and learning opportunities
The help will be done together with local workers, if you there are enough spanish skills to have basic conversations. You will have a fantastic opportunity to learn a lot about the local culture and to practice Spanish with native speakers. If you do not know spanish, it will be quite dificult for you here.
Die Arbeit wird zusammen mit Einheimischen erledigt, wenn genug Spanischkenntnisse bestehen, um grundlegene Gespräche zu meistern . Es kann viel über die einheimische Kultur und Bevölkerung gelernt und Spanisch praktiziert werden. Ohne Spanischkenntnisse ist es schwierig bei uns.Help
The help is versatile. Work options include building garden walls and stairs, creating and maintaining the gardens themselves, the development of small eco projects, minor construction projects and marketing. All of this is to be done with the involvement of local people with whom we want to create a network.
We are searching for interested, active and uncomplicated people, regardless of age, with the desire to really work and exchange creative ideas. Innovative contributions are always welcome.
We also expect responsibility in regards to the socio-cultural rules and safeguards of Colombia, which means that we ask that you follow our guidance on behavior measures. The same to our house habits We appreciate a lot that you observe and integrate yourself.
Die Arbeit ist vielseitig, zwischen Gartenmauer- Treppenkonstruktionen, Anlegen von Gärten und von Kulturen und der Entwicklung von kleinen Ökoprojekten, die Primarmaterialien in weiterverarbeitende Produkte verwandelt, bis hin zur Vermarktung, unter Einbezug von Einheimischen, die wir langsam suchen und in ein Netzwerk integrieren wollen.
Wir brauchen interessierte, aktive und unkomplizierte lustige Menschen, egal welchen Alters, die wirkliche Lust am Arbeiten, an kreativen Ideen und Austausch haben. Innovative Beitráge sind immer herzlich willkommen.
Gleichzeitig erwarten wir Verantwortung mit den sozio-kulturellen Regeln und Sicherheitsvorkehrungen in Kolumbien, das heisst, dass wir darum bitten, unsere Orientierungen zu Verhaltensvorkehrungen zu befolgen. Ebenso unser häuslichen Gewohnheiten, die zu beobachen und zu integrieren sind.Languages spoken
German: Fluent
English: Fluent
Spanish: FluentAccommodation
Room and board at my house, in a typical very nice farmer house in the region. The house is situated on a plot near to where you will work (15 minutes walk). The distance to Bogotá is not far, with only 35 minutes in bus to the city.
Kost und Logis bei mir zuhause, in einem typischen netten Bauernhaus der Region. Das Haus liegt auf einem Grundstück in der Nähe des Arbeitsplatzes (15 Minuten Fussweg). Die Anbindung an Bogotá ist sehr gut, mit nur 35 Minuten in Bus zur Weggehzone von Bogotá.What else ...
We are quite independent here and apreciate family atmosphere where we all help together at home.
Also, for our project you need the desire to learn about nature, about what means a conscious lifestil and bring your own skills into. We have the spirit of exchange and respectfull living together.
It is not the place to have cheap meals and sitting around.
So please, only contact us, when you wish to be part of this.
Smoking and any other drug consume is not possible at our house.A little more information
Internet access
Limited internet access
We have pets
We are smokers
Can host families
Can host digital nomads
Our internet is quite stable but if you need a lot of speed it may get some dificulties sometimes because of the electricity. We are in the rural zone near Bogotá and the electricity can lose some power. Not so often, but it happens.
How many Workawayers can stay?
More than two
Feedback (77)
¡Nuestra primera experiencia con Workaway no podría haber sido mejor! Rita nos recibió en sus maravillosos jardines con simpatía, serenidad, disponibilidad y una amabilidad sincera.
Pasamos un tiempo realmente agradable: el trabajo era totalmente manejable tanto física como mentalmente, y variaba cada día según las necesidades… read more
Working in the garden was enjoyable and… read more
Concerning the work,… read more
These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.
Accuracy of profile:
Cultural exchange:
¡Nuestra primera experiencia con Workaway no podría haber sido mejor! Rita nos recibió en sus maravillosos jardines con simpatía, serenidad, disponibilidad y una amabilidad sincera.
Pasamos un tiempo realmente agradable: el trabajo era totalmente manejable tanto física como mentalmente, y variaba cada día según las necesidades… read more
Working in the garden was enjoyable and… read more
Concerning the work,… read more
A sunny boy, super responsable and independent, he helped out with really heavy tasks at our project. Repairing fences, the construction of a terrace where he had to carry heavy stuff, cleaning up the gardens, he made a huge difference to our project. We can say: "before and after Ronny".
Also his… read more
Always in good mood and highly proactive, she did a lot of gardening work in our project, and she did a really great job. She knows what to do, helped out in the house, in the kitchen, with the dogs, really all the things you may need a hand, she is there. High responsable and independent, she… read more
She is open minded, easy going, always in good mood, completely independent and always helpfull with whatever it may be needed.
Alba sadly stayed only twoo weeks. She helped in a lot of garden works, making a great job fixing fences, brushing the dogs, weeding and helping out at a sunday workshop.
We… read more
With the both, it is like being with a nice family -… read more
The tasks isnt overly demanding, i would say a certain level of fitness is needed but there are so many different tasks and rita is open to you… read more
They… read more
Estuvimos ayudando en el mantenimiento de sus jardines y aportando nuestra semillita creativa con el techo de grullas.
El trabajo es sencillo, Rita da mucha libertad para desarrollar aquello en lo que te sientas cómodo/a y después de la mañana de trabajo… read more
Rita is an incredibly kind and generous host. She offers workawayers accommodation in her own home and treats you like family. We always had breakfast together and Rita cooks tasty lunch for all volunteers. Rita also is open… read more
Also, their cooking skilss are marvellous. We had a lot of fantastic evenings with portugues and spanish dishes… read more
Her finca is located 15 min walk from her house, which is a nice morning walk with amazing views to the mountain. The finca is a unique space, and one could tell she has put a lot of effort and good will into the creation of it. The… read more
Bo worked in the gardens with other workawayers and figured out to build together an art project how had all the challenges you can imagine. Bo is… read more
It was very easy to share the home and home duties with her. At this place, she took care of the gardens, finished and moduled a… read more
Das Workaway bei Rita hat mir extrem gut gefallen und die Zeit hat mich sehr bereichert. Ich blieb spontan fast 4 Wochen: habe mich und seinen Gärten bezaubern lassen, viele interessante Gespräche mit Rita geführt, leckeres & gesundes Essen genossen, liebe Hunde gestreichelt und so viel mehr. Rita ist sehr herzlich, immer gut gelaunt, lacht… read more
They both worked completely independent, leading and helping other volunteers. Dominique… read more
Jan and I stayed for almost three months and had enough time to enjoy the best homemade food and company (of Rita and her sweet dogs) in the mountains close to Bogotá.
The sunny days there (the magical garden project) were incredible! Starting with cleaning… read more
They helped building some rustical stone and bottle walls for a outdoor kitchen project and they did it… read more
Rita es una mujer de buen humor y receptiva que desde antes de nuestra llegada se mantuvo en buen contacto con nosotros para orientarnos. Tuvimos la oportunidad de pasar 3 semanas en su casa y trabajar en los jardines terapéuticos .
Construimos paredes de piedra y botellas para una futura cocina en el proyecto y quedamos encantados con todos… read more
He helped with gardening, little ecological wallconstructions… read more
Her house is located in the mountains close to Bogota, which is a perfect location for people who want to calm down a little bit during the week and want to explore the city or the surroundings during the weekend. The garden where the volunteers are working, is a really magical… read more
They began to construct stone and bottle walls for a outdoor kitchen and they did a fine job. Declan also created a nice video clip about our project… read more
Our work was in the gardens,… read more
All the work activities at our project were new for her and challenging. She put her best into and assumed the challenges. She is higly independent and organize her own activities beside the volunteer space, what is refreshing.
We… read more
During her stay she was very dedicated to garden maintenance and literally transformed our gardens and pathways into beautifull outside aereas. Also, she helped in a little event. It is easy, to explain her new stuff… read more
The project is about a 15-minute uphill walk from the house, which for sedentary people like me can be a… read more
She is highly independent and self organized. Her spanish improved a… read more
She is very intelligent, open minded, learns quickly, observes what to do and copy inmediatly. Her responsable way of working and being, with a lot creative initiatives makes her a marvelous person you always want to have around.
In our project she resolved a lot of… read more
Her independent style is refreshing. It is not like a workawayer with her but like a respectful collegue.
In our project she made a lot of… read more
Each week was better than the last. The Louis we know at… read more
I learned a lot about nature, working, cooking, living in community. There are so much good vibes in this house I want to come back before coming back to my country. The other people (volunteers and friends) were very friendly so we shared really good moments… read more
Kitty helped us to organize our gardens, teached us about plants and gave us ideas to new landscaping designs. The… read more
Every… read more
The enjoyed each day with her.
She created some path stones in our project, with artistic mosaics and they took out so great, we all love them.
Also she teached us to make our own natural soaps.
The time with here was a real exchange in between professionals who knows their business.
We recomend her for all… read more
You are encouraged to do what you like to!
It's a quiet place in the middle of nature. You feel good there.
I recomend without any doubt :-)
We had so much fun. In our project they designed the landscape around two little lakes, created a playground for kids and did all these of their own, completely self responsable, with own ideas, iniciatives and visionaries.
They are really interested in learning about other cultures and costums, observe the… read more
He spent more than a month with us and helped us to redesign and rebuilt some forest stairs who are a little bit tricky to reorganice, and that, in a… read more
She is highly independent, absolut responsable. What she begins she will finish and she like to do things really good.
We apreciate her so much and loved the good conversations because Ima es genuine and honestly interested. She is one of the volunteers who most knows to observe and… read more
Really hard working, open minded, funny, honest, completely responsable and independent, and always organizing something. With her on board you do not need to be worry of anything. She see things before you realize them, repairs, resolves, and makes activities and products better… read more
There is only one expression for this irish couple. "They are the best".
They are hard workes with a lot of iniciative and creativity, choose their work and it is always fantastic what they do. Highly responsable, independent, perfectionists, fast, nice, polite,… read more
He is open for new ingredients in life, cultural exchange and language improvement. During the week we spent with him, most of the time he showed good mood and humour, so we had a lot of fun.
He cooks very well, so you can share… read more
Honest, quite responsables, easy going and usually in a good mood.
They helped in the project making fences for compost, to build some stairs for a path through the forest and had some own and good ideas for creating a new path.
Both have a great talent to live in between dirt and to… read more
The work here was very open-ended, allowing for volunteers to undertake whichever task they desire. At first we found this to be a bit too… read more
Highly responsable, independent, organiced and always in a really good mood and laughing we apreciate having her around.
Blaque cleaned up a… read more
For her young age, she is totaly responsable, really hard working (she chose really hard works in our project and she realised them perfectly so we got astonished), always in a good mood, very funny and completely independent.
You only need to give her some orientations at the… read more
I spend 6 weeks with Rita and had an amazing time! She is an open-minded person, lovely, always ready to help you and knows a lot of things.
There is really a family feeling, also with the other workaways, which is so nice.
I felt very welcomed by everyone!
And I learned so much!
cleaning up the… read more
Rita… read more
rita has a beautiful place over there and cool projects that people can take and work on it
The amazing dogs made May stay even better and they are really friendly and so fun to have around
Rita really take care of you as a family member and spending time… read more
She is an artist. With her colors and… read more
She is very organized, clean, fantastic… read more
Las comidas son… read more
In our project she cleaned up the flower and vegetable gardens. She has a "green hand" so it was surprisingly how the flowers and seeds she plant began to grow in a record time, and that having a really bad rainy season.
Her mother came too, so we had… read more
A really hard worker, easy going, always in a good mood with a fine intelligent humour, independent, responsable, honest, open minded and with a wisdom you never expect in such a young person. He speaks danish, german, english and spanish, so it is really easy to have really good and funny… read more
First off, the people working there are just amazing. Rita, la jefa, is a person who just keeps giving and giving. Anyone should really consider doing workaway here just to meet her.
Maria is kind, interesting, and can cook you a hell of a meal!
Lastly, there is… read more
You can have deep conversations or just small talk and having fun with her, Diana is flexible, super educated, sensible and with sense for what is… read more
It is amazing what she can do when she propose herself to do it. Her vegan cooking is full of surprises. She organices her life, Always in a good mood, she knows, how to combine clothes even in… read more
She works really really hard, this for shure because we had some hard working days and nights and she made it, all the time with a good and funny mood, a lot of… read more
I spent almost a month with Rita, her 5 dogs, Maria, and Gilberto. The garden where I was working with other 3 volunteers, is a stunning place with different goals as nobil as realistic. It's also a place full of good vibes and positive energy, brought by nature and… read more
She is quite independent and looks for her own what she wants to do after working time.
She cooked us once a mexican-norwegen food… read more
I stayed with her for two weeks and it couldn't been a better place to start my Colombian travels. Rita is a wonderful host. So inspiring, funny and loving. She's full of good stories and her knowledge is… read more
They build the floor of a… read more
This is a fascinating place with a… read more
I had a separate room and bathroom which were super comfortable. I was even lucky to find some clothes since I didn't bring much. The kitchen was well equiped… read more
Also the start of my colombia-trip and i couldn't imagine a better start!!!!
Rita is a lovely and interesting woman and during my stay of 3 weeks we developed a friendship. We laughed a lot and also had very deep… read more
Also a really hard worker he finished on his own the roof of a wooden terraze and impressed our workers because of his fast work to dick a canal. He is active, full of ideas and initiative, independent, super responsable and honest, always helping in… read more
I had an incredible week with Rita (and 2 other volunteers) in her lovely home with her 5 dogs set in the mountains near Bogota. Rita is a great host, full of knowlesge and wisdom, and a damn-fine cook! The food here is of 5-star restaurant quality (Thanks Rita! ;) ). The project is also amazing… read more
She is a nice and intelligent person. We estimated her very much so we feel really sorry that she could not connect herself with her… read more
project is truly incredible and inspiring. Unfortunately, due to
weather constraints we were barely able to work at the project, which was
disappointing to me. Another couple was also staying at Rita's when I was
there, but they kept to themselves more and I wished that I… read more
I don´t know but i have tears in my eyes when i think about Rita and her project ( i know i didnt express my emotions a lot Ritaaa but i feel it), because they are both so powerful and strong. You can learn so much from… read more
Tenemos muchos buenos recuerdos.
Su comida, su personalidad fuerte, generosa, inteligente y amable.
Una persona abierta para conocernos, comer nuestra comida y la amabilidad de mostrar su espacio.
Su finca es increíblemente hermosa, así como su casa, y como eres Rita.
Estamos encantados de haber… read more
Por la mañana un gran desayuno y luego a trabajar! un hermoso lugar, hay mucho para hacer de acuerdo a gustos y habilidades.
Nos encantó trabajar con otros workawayers y aprender de Edilberto y de Rita y poder ver los cambios en gracias al aporte de todos los que estuvimos… read more
Both are very independent, nice… read more
Working with the project was great as well. I learned how to make stairs with recycled wine bottles while working with locals and practices… read more
Then you should seriously consider coming to Ritas and working on her inspiring project!
She is a woman with an incredible vision, management skills, assertiveness which you can see combined in every part of her project (as well as the rest of her work and life) and on top of all there is her seemingly… read more
Hope they will come back some day. Our place is… read more
They must come… read more