
Help cultivate my garden and learn about organic gardening in the tropics of San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

  • Favourited 95 times
  • Last activity : 20 Oct 2024



 Min stay requested: at least a week



  • Description


    *** I can only accommodate one person ***

    the work is outdoors and is quite heavy - includes planting vetiver, planting trees, watering, digging out small stumps, pulling weeds etc. Because the work is heavy and hot - the early start to the day is best to avoid mid day heat

    I also have worm castings which requires feeding them cow manure mostly and also 'harvesting' the castings. There are several mulch piles on the property and the mulch needs to be turned over

    I have been living and gardening in Nicaragua for the past 5 years. And am doing my best to germinate tree seeds to gift to anyone interested in reforestation or generally having more ever green trees for beauty, shade and moisture conservation

    My overall objectives are:
    - harvest as much water as possible - with swales and check dams and create a self sustaining green environment
    - to clear and prepare a newly acquired piece of land adjacent to my property - which will eventually become a forested nature reserve (very small one) - we are focusing on clearing the land, removing small tree stumps, developing a series of swales to harvest water and prevent soil erosion

    the second objective
    - to have a garden (organic) that serves as a community garden but will most likely just be for the 2 guys that work with me and their families. The goal is to positively influence their diet, to offer earning potential by selling what they grow. With better income - and improvement in the quality of life.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Language practice
    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Farmstay help
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    there is a lot to learn about organic gardening in the tropics (it is a constant challenge) and learning about making organic pesticides and organic foliar fertilizers. I do enjoy people who are actually interested in trees and learning about the local flora and fauna

    Opportunities to learn about flora and fauna of Nicaragua which is very diverse.

    Monthly trips made for plant buying

    I am starting a plant nursery for many indigenous trees that are specifically to give away - with the aim of promoting evergreen tree planting

    And overall to inject new ideas and approaches into what we are doing

  • Help



    I have recently acquired a new piece of property, approximately 3 more acres, adjacent to mine. We have dug numerous swales and have put in several check dams. So far this year we have planted more than 120 new trees and we are continuing to remove small stumps, and we are trying to keep ahead of the weeds and wild grasses. We are going to plant some cane grass to be used for bio mass, and we are cultivating as much of the property with various crops now that the rains have started.

    Eventually I would like it to be a ‘nature park’ to be enjoyed by birds and some small wildlife and people who can stroll on the pathways I would like to establish. I already have two people who work with me full time and have found someone to help me to clear the property. A workaway person would participate in this, removing stumps, and weeds and weed grasses. Help with maintenance of swales and check dams. We also have several large mulch piles that need to be turned on a regular basis and we have worm castings.

    The workawayer has a chance to learn about indigenous plants, organic gardening with it’s successes and challenges in this climate.

    There are other projects to do - it is a work in progress!!!

  • Languages spoken

    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Intermediate

  • Accommodation


    There is an enclosed balcony with a day bed (single person) and a ceiling and floor fan and a single day bed. There is a hot water shower. Work laundry must be done by hand – I do have a washing machine for the not-so-dirty clothes! I prefer to operate the machine as it is a bit finnicky. Most of the time is spent outside because there are always things to see including amazing sunsets.

    PLEASE NOTE: Lunch is not included on weekends

    I appreciate help in the kitchen or someone who enjoys cooking as well. Participation in the process is part of the program and includes cleaning up (does not always occur to some people). Although I like vegetarian and vegan food I eat meat/fish and chicken. I am flexible but not always good at accommodating dietary restrictions.

    I have 2 dogs and 1 cat

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    public transport is easily available on the main road - 0.7 miles from my home,

    so far in my workaway experiences the volunteers have stuck close to home when not working - I really encourage them to go out and see what is around town, see a nearby adventure park with a zip line and old growth forest, inexpensive shuttles to the local beaches etc etc

    there are numerous things to do - beaches, surfing, bird watching, hiking, cycling. There is an abundance of things to learn from our experiences.

    My team of two guys from the community are knowledgeable and one of them is especially suited to work with (he loves to chat and share his knowledge, the other one is basically shy! Both are really hard working.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    I can stream but I am not really tech savvy it would be fine if a workawayer wanted to work on line

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 659636481717

Feedback (4)


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Cultural exchange:


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