Help us be self-sufficient and create an oasis for family and our environment in Vila Franca da Serra, Portugal



 Min stay requested: No minimum



  • Description


    We are a young family from Germany: Johanna, 30, master farmer,
    Ferdinand, 28, farmer and our two children Yuri (6) and Luis (2). From January 2024 we will live in Portugal and manage our 30 hectares of land there, of which 3 hectares are olive trees/agroforestry system, 5 hectares of fields and a lot of pastureland.
    From 2024 we wish to produce organic pestos, spreads and more. For this purpose, we grow the vegetables ourselves and process them ourselves. We will plant many trees to build a diverse agroforestry system. At the beginning we only have a few chickens for our own use. Next year we want to build a flock of sheep and produce cheese in the long term.

    Somos uma jovem família da Alemanha: Johanna, 30 anos, mestre agricultora,
    Ferdinand, 28 anos, agricultor e nossos dois filhos Yuri (6) e Luis (2). A partir de Janeiro de 2024 vamos viver em Portugal e aí gerir os nossos 30 hectares de terreno, dos quais 3 hectares são oliveiras/sistema agroflorestal, 5 hectares de campos e muitas pastagens.
    A partir de 2024 produziremos pestos orgânicos, pastas para barrar e muito mais. Para isso, nós mesmos cultivamos os vegetais e os processamos. Plantaremos muitas árvores para construir um sistema agroflorestal diversificado. No próximo ano queremos construir um rebanho de ovelhas e produzir queijo a longo prazo.

    Wir sind eine junge Familie aus Deutschland: Johanna, 30, Landwirtschaftsmeisterin,
    Ferdinand, 28, Landwirt und unsere beiden Kinder Yuri (6) und Luis (2). Ab Januar 2024 leben wir in Portugal und bewirtschaften dort unsere 30 ha Land, davon 3ha Olivenbäume/Agroforstsystem, 5 ha Acker und viel Weidefläche.
    Ab 2024 produzieren wir biologisch hergestellte Pestos, Aufstriche und mehr. Hierfür bauen wir das Gemüse selbst an und verarbeiten es auch selber. Wir werden viele Bäume pflanzen, um ein vielfältiges Agroforstsystem aufzubauen. Im kommenden Jahr wollen wir uns eine Schafherde aufbauen und langfristig Käse herstellen.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Language practice
    Help with Eco Projects
    Babysitting and creative play
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
  • UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN goals
    No poverty
    Zero hunger
    Good health and well-being
    Quality education
    Gender equality
    Clean water and sanitation
    Affordable and clean energy
    Decent work and economic growth
    Industries, innovation and infrastructure
    Reduce inequality
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible consumption and production
    Climate action
    Life below water
    Life on land
    Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Partnerships for the goals
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    In addition to working in agriculture, we want to make our country an oasis for ourselves and our environment. We want to be largely self-sufficient. Baking bread in the wood oven, campfire with music, creating a swimming lake and interacting with the people from the village. All of this gives us a lot of joy and combines work and hobby.
    There are also monthly festivals in the village where you can get to know the regional cuisine, music and mentality of the people in Portugal.

    Neben der Arbeit in der Landwirtschaft wollen wir unser Land zu einer Oase für uns und unsere Umwelt machen. Wir werden uns größtenteils selbstversorgen. Brot backen im Holzofen, Lagerfeuer mit Musik, das Anlegen eines Badesees und das Miteinander mit den Menschen aus dem Dorf. All das bereitet uns viel Freude und vereint Beruf und Hobby.Im Dorf selbst befinden sich zwei Cafés und ein Flussstrand der im Sommer zum Baden einlädt. Zudem finden im Dorf monatlich Feste statt, bei denen die regionalen Küche, sowie Musik und Mentalität der Menschen in Portugal kennengelernt werden können.

    Além de trabalhar na agricultura, queremos fazer do nosso país um oásis para nós e para o meio ambiente. Seremos principalmente autossuficientes. Assar pão no forno a lenha, fazer fogueiras com música, criar um lago para nadar e conviver com as gentes da aldeia. Tudo isso nos dá muita alegria e combina trabalho e hobby.
    Na aldeia também acontecem festivais mensais onde poderá conhecer a gastronomia regional, a música e a mentalidade do povo português.

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    With us, workawayers have the opportunity to experience how a farm is being redeveloped. Here they learn important connections about the cycles of nature and the regional climate conditions, marketing structures and opportunities.
    Workawayers can help us with this
    *Plant trees and bushes
    *Care for and harvest vegetables
    *Prepare and experience village festivals
    *playing with our children
    *Bake bread
    *to do craft work
    And much more...

    Conosco, os workawayers têm a oportunidade de vivenciar como uma fazenda está sendo reconstruída. Aqui eles aprendem conexões importantes sobre os ciclos da natureza e as condições climáticas regionais, estruturas e oportunidades de marketing.
    Workawayers podem nos ajudar com isso
    *Plantar árvores e arbustos
    * Cuidar e colher vegetais
    * Prepare e experimente festivais de aldeia
    *brincando com nossos filhos
    *Assar pão
    *para fazer trabalhos artesanais
    E muito mais...

    workawayer haben bei uns die Möglichkeit zu erleben wie ein landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb sich neu entwickelt. Hierbei lernen sie wichtige Zusammenhänge über die Kreisläufe der Natur und die regionalen Klimabedingungen, vermarktungsstrukturen und Möglichkeiten.
    Workawayer können uns dabei helfen
    *Bäume und Sträucher zu pflanzen
    *Gemüse zu pflegen und zu ernten
    *Dorffeste mit vorzubereiten und zu erleben
    *mit unseren Kindern zu spielen
    *Brot zu backen
    *handwerklich tätig zu werden
    Und vieles mehr...

  • Languages spoken

    German: Fluent
    Portuguese: Fluent
    English: Intermediate

  • Accommodation


    The workawayers have the opportunity to live in a converted bus with a bed, kitchen, wood stove and dining area. Over time a guest house will be built.
    Lunch is eaten together.
    Breakfast and dinner are not always eaten together, but the Workawayers has access to a kitchen and groceries.
    We cook very diversely, sometimes vegan, sometimes vegetarian and occasionally with meat. We produce the majority of our food ourselves.

    Os workawayers têm a oportunidade de morar em um ônibus reformado com cama, cozinha, fogão a lenha e área para refeições. Com o tempo será construída uma pousada.
    O almoço é comido juntos.
    O pequeno almoço e o jantar nem sempre são consumidos juntos, mas o Workawayers tem acesso a cozinha e mantimentos.
    Cozinhamos de forma muito diversificada, às vezes vegana, às vezes vegetariana e ocasionalmente com carne. Nós mesmos produzimos a maior parte de nossos alimentos.

    Die Workawayer haben die Möglichkeit in einem ausgebauten Bus zu wohnen mit Bett, Küche, Holzofen und Essecke. Im Laufe der Zeit wird ein Gästehaus gebaut.
    Frühstück und Abendessen werden nicht immer gemeinsam eingenommen, jedoch steht dem Workawyer eine eigene Küche und Lebensmittel zur Verfügung.
    Wir kochen sehr vielfältig, mal vegan, mal vegetarisch und ab und zu mit Fleisch. Den Großteil unserer Lebensmittel produzieren wir selbst.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    Since we are located directly at the foot of the Serra Estrella mountains, there are numerous opportunities for various wonderful hikes. The highest mountain in Portugal (2000m) is just under an hour away by car. The rocky landscape and breathtaking views, as well as traditional villages, make you want to explore the surrounding area. The nearest small town with supermarkets, schools and doctors is 7km away, the nearest larger towns are 15km away.
    In the village itself there are two cafes, as well as a river beach that is ideal for swimming in summer.
    Next train stationa are Celorico da Beira and Fornos de Algodres, the Flix Bus is leaving from Seia.

    Por estarmos localizados no sopé da Serra Estrella, existem inúmeras oportunidades para diversas caminhadas maravilhosas. A montanha mais alta de Portugal (2000m) fica a pouco menos de uma hora de carro. A paisagem rochosa e as vistas deslumbrantes, bem como as aldeias tradicionais, fazem com que queira explorar a zona envolvente. A pequena cidade mais próxima com supermercados, escolas e médicos fica a 7 km, as cidades maiores mais próximas ficam a 15 km.
    Na própria aldeia existem dois cafés e uma praia fluvial ideal para banhos no verão.
    As próximas estações ferroviárias são Celorico da Beira e Fornos de Algodres, o autocarro Flix sai de Seia.

    Da wir direkt am Fuße des Serra Estrella Gebirges liegen, bieten sich zahlreiche Möglichkeiten für diverse wunderschöne Wanderungen. Der höchste Berg Portugals (2000m) ist nur eine knappe Stunde mit dem Auto entfernt. Die felsige Landschaft und atemberaubende Ausblicke, sowie traditionelle Dörfer machen Lust auf Ausflüge in die Umgebung. Die nächste Kleinstadt mit Supermärkten, Schulen und Ärzten ist 7km entfernt, die nächsten größeren Städte ist 15km entfernt.
    Die nähsten Bahnhöfe sind Celorico da Beira und Fornos de Algodres. Der Flix Bus fährt bis Seia.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

Host ref number: 552535295767

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