
Help with maintenance at a guesthouse in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, Peru

  • Favourited 162 times
  • Last activity: 26 Jul 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 3 weeks



  • Description


    *UPDATE: From June to September we prioritize volunteers who can stay long-term (at least 3 weeks or more).

    Our guest house on the outskirts of the town of Pisac, in the Sacred Valley of the Incas (Cusco - Peru) provides a safe, clean and welcoming space to live consciously in community, between the energy of the mountains and the tranquility of the countryside.

    We are a family of 3 women (mom and daughters) collectively raising a 3-year-old boy. We decided to move from Lima and return to the land of our ancestors to connect with our roots, nature, and work on caring for ourselves and others.

    More than a guesthouse, we think of ourselves as a house that seeks to resonate with people who are working not only spiritually but also collectively and daily. Because we are in that work and we believe that it is one of the necessary bases to make this world a better place, conscious and present care.

    *ACTUALIZACIÓN: De Junio a Septiembre priorizamos voluntarios que puedan quedarse a largo plazo (al menos 3 semanas o más)

    Nuestra casa de huéspedes a las afueras del pueblo de Pisac, en el Valle Sagrado de los Incas (Cusco - Perú) brinda un espacio seguro, limpio y acogedor para vivir conscientemente en comunidad, entre la energía de las montañas y la tranquilidad del campo.

    Somos una familia de 3 mujeres (mamá e hijas) en crianza colectiva de un nene de 3 años. Decidimos mudarnos de Lima y volver a la tierra de nuestros ancestros para conectar con nuestras raíces, la naturaleza, y trabajar en el cuidado, tanto de nosotras mismas como el de otr@s.

    Más que un hospedaje nos pensamos como una casa que busca resonar con personas que estén trabajando no solo lo espiritual sino también lo colectivo y lo cotidiano. Porque en ese trabajo andamos y creemos que es una de las bases necesarias para hacer de este mundo un lugar mejor, el cuidado consciente y presente.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Art Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Babysitting and creative play
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Pisac is a small, unique and magical town, which brings together a great spiritual and artistic community of people from all over the world. We are 3 minutes by motorcycle taxi or 15 minutes walking from the town, in a privileged area due to its location called "La Rinconada". We decided to open the doors of our house - at the foot of the sacred mountain "Intihuatana" - so that more people can experience the transformative energy of this territory, which connects you with the force of the earth and the Andean values of living in community and harmony with nature. Mama Hummingbird (Clori) speaks Quechua, the native and main language of the Incas. Katia and Erika (daughters) speak Spanish and English. We are very open to exchanging knowledge (language, traditions and other knowledge) and learning about other cultures.
    Pisac es un pueblo pequeño, único y mágico, que reúne una gran comunidad espiritual y artística de personas de todas partes del mundo. Nos encontramos a 3 minutos en mototaxi o 15 minutos caminando del pueblo, en una zona privilegiada por su ubicación llamada "La Rinconada".

    Decidimos abrir las puertas de nuestra casa - a los pies de la montaña sagrada "Intihuatana" - para que más personas puedan vivir la energía transformadora de este territorio, que te conecta con la fuerza de la tierra y los valores andinos de vivir en comunidad y armonía con la naturaleza.

    Mamá Colibrí (Clori) habla español y quechua, lengua nativa y principal de los Incas. Katia y Erika (hijas) hablan español e inglés. Estamos muy abiertas a intercambiar conocimientos (de idioma, tradiciones y otros saberes) y conocer sobre otras culturas. Nos encanta compartir en la cocina!

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    We need attentive and initiative people to take care of the spaces, who help us mainly with cleaning, receiving guests, house maintenance or repairs, gardening, the garden or taking care of our baby. The tasks vary depending on the day, it is important to take turns cooking and to have open communication. We are also open to receiving art projects (such as murals) and bioconstruction.
    Necesitamos personas atentas y con iniciativa para el cuidado de los espacios, que nos ayuden principalmente con la limpieza, recibir huéspedes, mantenimiento o refacciones de casa, jardinería, huerto o el cuidado de nuestro nene. Las tareas varian depende del día, importante el turnarnos para cocinar y que haya una comunicación abierta. También estamos abiertas a recibir proyectos de arte (como murales) y de bioconstrucción.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    Spanish: Fluent
    Quechua: Fluent
    English: Intermediate

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    We offer a private room, with a shared bathroom. Access to all shared spaces and basic home services. We have a fully equipped kitchen, wi-fi, hot water, campfire area and laundry area. You also can use our space - open area or terrace - to hold workshops or some other service, with prior coordination.
    Ofrecemos una habitación privada, con baño compartido. Acceso a todos los espacios compartidos y los servicios básicos de casa. Disponemos de cocina totalmente equipada, wi-fi, agua caliente, área de fogata y zona de lavandería.
    También puedes usar nuestro espacio - área abierta o terraza - para realizar talleres o algún otro servicio, previa coordinación.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    We live surrounded by nature, close to the river and a few minutes from the city viewpoint, where you can walk while enjoying the landscape and tranquility of the forest. The means of transport to use here are motorcycle taxis (tuktuk, for short distances) and buses (van, for long distances). There are linear motorcycle rental options in the town, and at home we have a bicycle that you can use if you need it. In your free time you can take excursions to the nearby towns in the valley that offer a great diversity of attractions such as lagoons, waterfalls, typical foods, among others. Depending on what you like and are interested in doing, we can recommend places to visit. If you prefer to do things without leaving town, there are also other options such as spaces that offer yoga, medicine, jam, among others.
    Vivimos rodeadas de naturaleza, cerca al río y a unos minutos del mirador de la ciudad, donde puedes llegar caminando mientras disfrutas del paisaje y la tranquilidad del bosque. Los medios de transporte a utilizar aquí son mototaxi (tuktuk, para distancias cortas) y colectivos (van, para distancias largas). Hay opciones de alquiler de moto lineal en el pueblo, además en casa contamos con una bicicleta que puedes usar si lo requieres.

    En tu tiempo libre puedes hacer excursiones a los pueblos cercanos del valle que ofrecen una gran diversidad de atractivos como lagunas, cataratas, comidas típicas, entre otros. Depende de lo que te guste e interese hacer te podemos recomendar sitios para visitar. Si prefieres hacer cosas sin salir del pueblo también hay otras opciones como espacios que brindan yoga, medicina, jam, entre otros.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    This host has indicated that they love having digital nomads stay.

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 4 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 541956651465

Feedback (2)



These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (5.0)

Cultural exchange: (5.0)

Communication: (5.0)

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