Help us develop a syntropic food forest while learning about restoration near Ourense, Spain

  • Favourited 68 times
  • Last activity: 22 Jul 2024



 Min stay requested: No minimum



  • Description


    Hello, my name is Eva. I am mother of an adorable 8-years-old boy. I am a woman who is passionate about nature, restoration, music, personal growth and meeting new people. I am also a trainer in agroecology and work transmitting agroecological values ​​to different sectors of the population.

    With my son, we are restoring, thanks to the help of many beautiful people like you, 2 stone houses and beginning the process of creating a Syntropic Food Forest in one of our lands. Our project is to create an edible living space where you can live surrounded by nature, love, personal growth and food.
    We are based at 11 km from the centre of Ourense, in Galicia. The village is small but with a pleasant and generous neighborhood.
    Amoeiro, the closest town, is located 2 km away and has all kind of necessary services as well as transportation to the city.
    The walks through natural environments are almost endless: native forests, waterfalls, rivers, small towns, larger cities, etc.

    Ourense is known for being an area with hot springs, having numerous places for bathing in dreamy natural settings. It is a city that has a very pleasant nightlife. The city is located one hour from the Atlantic Ocean with idyllic beaches, one hour from Santiago de Compostela, less than an hour from the Portuguese border and 2 hours from the Cantabrian Sea.

    Hola, mi nombre es Eva, soy madre de un ser de 7 años adorable. Soy una mujer apasionada por la naturaleza, por la restauración, por la música, por el crecimiento personal y por el conocer gente nueva. Además soy formadora en agroecología, trabajo transmitiendo valores agroecológicos a diferentes sectores de la población.

    Con mi hijo estamos restaurando, gracias a la ayuda de mucha gente linda como vosotr@s, 2 casas de piedra e iniciando el proceso de creación de un bosque sintrópico comestible en una de nuestras fincas. Nuestro proyecto es crear un espacio habitable comestible donde vivir rodeados de naturaleza, de amor, de crecimiento personal y de alimentos.

    Estamos a 11 km del centro de Ourense, en Galicia.
    El pueblo es pequeño pero con una vecinanza agradable y generosa.
    Amoeiro está situado a 2 km y posee todo tipo de servicios necesarios así como transporte a la ciudad.
    Los paseos por entornos naturales son casi infinitos: bosques autóctonos, cascadas, ríos, pueblecitos, ciudades más grandes, etc.

    Ourense es conocida por ser una zona de aguas termales, dispone de numerosos lugares para el baño en entornos naturales de ensueño. Es una ciudad que tiene una vida nocturna muy agradable.
    La ciudad está situada a una hora del océano atlántico con playas idílicas, a una hora de Santiago de Compostela, a menos de una hora de la frontera Portuguesa y a 2 horas del mar cantábrico.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    I consider myself a sociable person, I speak Spanish, French and I have a medium level of English.
    Passionate about agroecology and personal development. I like traveling and meeting new people.
    I am the mother of a 8-years-old boy, I can offer my energy, my time and my experience in this exchange.
    Here you will live an experience of the Galician rural world, you will be able to see first-hand what the restoration of a stone house implies, we can develop the syntropic forest together and finally meet a lot of wonderful people who live in the area.

    Me considero una persona sociable, hablo español, francés y tengo un nivel medio de inglés.
    Apasionada de agroecología y desarrollo personal. Me gustan los viajes y conocer gente nueva.
    Soy mamá de un niño de 8 años, puedo ofrecer en este intercambio mi energía, mi tiempo y mi experiencia.
    Aquí vivirás una experiencia del mundo rural gallego, podrás ver de primera mano lo que implica la restauración de una casa de piedra, podemos desarrollar juntos el bosque sintrópico y en fin conocer a un montón de gente maravillosa que vive en el entorno.

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    The help requested for this volunteer will be: help for various rehabilitation tasks of the house, support in the construction of a syntropic forest, maintenance in the small family garden.
    No specific skills are required, the most important thing is to have the desire and be motivated.
    One thing very important for me is to receive people that don't make unhealthy use of technologies.
    So if you live with your phone in your hand this isn't your place!!!
    Applications from people with love for agroecology and bioconstruction / traditional construction will be valued.

    La ayuda solicitada para este voluntariado será: ayuda para diversas tareas de rehabilitación de la casa, apoyo en la construcción de un bosque sintrópico, mantenimiento en la pequeña huerta familiar.
    No se requieren habilidades específicas, lo más importante es tener ganas y estar motivado.
    Una cosa super importante para mí es el recibir a personas que no hagan un uso enfermizo de las tecnologías.
    ¡¡¡Si te gusta vivir con el movil en la mano, definitívamente este no es tú lugar!!!
    Se valorarán candidaturas de personas con amor hacia la agroecología y la bioconstrucción / construcción tradicional.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    Spanish: Fluent
    French: Fluent
    English: Intermediate

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    I live with my son in a stone house that we are restoring.
    I have a room for you and also there is a big tent like a yourta on the land. You can choose!
    You can use the kitchen, bathroom and shower in the house.
    Vegetarian Food.

    Vivo con mi hijo en una casa de piedra que estamos restaurando.
    Tengo una habitación individual para tí y dispongo de una tienda de campaña tipo yurta en la finca.¡Puedes elegir!
    Se puede hacer uso de la cocina, del baño y de la ducha de la casa.
    Comida vegetariana.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    In your free time you can: enjoy the cultural range that the environment offers, rest, read, take a nap, bathe in the river and in the hot springs, go for a walk, discover the city or surrounding towns... There are many possibilities .
    There is public transportation to the city but it is very limited (2 buses daily)

    En el tiempo libre se puede : disfrutar del abanico cultural que ofrece el entorno, descansar, leer, dormir la siesta, bañarse en el río , en las aguas termales, dar paseos, descubrir la ciudad o pueblos de alrededor... hay muchas posibilidades.
    Hay transporte público hacia la ciudad pero está muy limitado (2 buses diarios)

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    Se considerará en cada caso. It will be considered on every case.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 517939143361

Feedback (5)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (5.0)

Cultural exchange: (5.0)

Communication: (5.0)

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