Creativity is the best form of rebellion, join in our everyday life in Ribérac, France

  • Favourited 37 times
  • Last activity: 14 May 2024



 Min stay requested: No minimum



  • Description


    Once, a wise individual remarked, 'Life repeats itself mindlessly – unless you become mindful, it will go on repeating like a wheel.'

    It's evident from this adage that an open mind is requisite to understanding us fully. Indeed, the mind, akin to a parachute, finds its efficacy only when open!

    It's imperative to note that should you harbor any forms of homophobia, religious intolerance, racism, or preconceived notions about life, dreams, and love, you would regrettably find yourself the exception to our joyous ethos, and thus, unwelcome here. We wish you a pleasant journey ahead but we ask you kindly refrain from contacting us.


    We pride ourselves on offering an unparalleled environment, one where people flourish and thrive, exploring and evolving while immersing yourself in your chosen target language. Communication mastery is integral to this journey, as it not only enhances personal growth but also fosters a sense of belonging and contribution to a greater cause.

    In our midst, the quality of spoken English reaches exceptional heights, reminiscent of the eloquence found in tales like Mary Poppins and Peter Pan. Moreover, we are honored to count among our circle an esteemed English professor whose linguistic prowess captivates all fortunate enough to encounter it. His fluency in French, reminiscent of the grandeur of Louis XIV, adds an extra layer of delight to our lives.

    Language, sharing, and communication represent just a few of the many passions that continue to drive us forward.

    As for myself, Barry, I am a Leo with Scorpio ascendant, my passion for life burns brightly, matched only by my fervor for languages. Over the past 22 years, I have dedicated myself to assisting successful individuals and celebrities during times of crisis, channeling my efforts toward finding solutions and catalyzing lasting change. This desire to expand and perpetuate positive impact remains at the core of our daily endeavors.

    In the midst of these modern days, I find myself jesting that my jewels grace the outside world more frequently than I do. It's a curious observation, isn't it? A testament to the shifting tides of life, where some elements evolve while others remain steadfastly rooted.

    Yet, amidst this ebb and flow, one unwavering belief holds firm within me: the unwritten potential that resides within each individual is boundless, often far surpassing the limitations they perceive in themselves. It's a notion I hold dear, one that fuels my passion for guiding others toward their own untapped greatness.

    Imagine, if you will, a revelation—a moment of clarity where you unearth the latent brilliance within yourself that I discern so vividly. It's a transformative realization, one that empowers you to forge a new path, to wield your potential as a catalyst for profound change.

    For when we dare to embrace the depths of your our capability, you embark upon a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. And in doing so, you not only transform your own existence but also ripple outwards, leaving an indelible mark upon the world around you.

    ..Chez nous, on croit fermement en le potentiel illimité des individus, souvent bien au-delà de ce qu'ils s'imaginent eux-mêmes. Inspirés par les enseignements de grandes philosophies, nous sommes convaincus que la révélation du potentiel qui réside en toi t'octroiera un pouvoir transcendant. C'est alors que tu seras investi d'une force inébranlable pour tracer une nouvelle voie, opérant un changement profond dans ta propre vie et dans le monde qui t'entoure.

    Chaque être porte en lui une flamme intérieure, une énergie créatrice prête à illuminer le chemin de l'existence. Je crois en la capacité de l'individu à se libérer des contraintes de la société et à suivre le chemin de sa propre vérité. En découvrant les trésors enfouis au plus profond de ton être, tu ouvres les portes vers un univers de possibilités infinies.

    Libéré des chaînes de la conformité et des dogmes sociaux, tu deviens le maître de ton destin, le capitaine de ton propre navire naviguant sur les flots tumultueux de la vie. Chaque décision, chaque action, devient une pièce essentielle du vaste puzzle de ton existence, façonnant le paysage de ton parcours avec une précision exquise.

    Ainsi, je t'encourage à embrasser cette essence authentique, à écouter la symphonie de ton être intérieur et à danser au rythme de ta propre mélodie. Car c'est dans cet état de plénitude et d'authenticité que se trouve le pouvoir de transformation, celui qui transcende les frontières de l'individu pour illuminer le monde de sa lumière éclatante.

    ..In ognuno di noi risiede un potenziale illimitato, spesso molto oltre ciò che siamo portati a credere. Ispirati dalle grandi filosofie del passato, crediamo fermamente che la scoperta del tuo vero potenziale possa conferirti un potere trascendente. È allora che sarai investito di una forza inarrestabile per tracciare un nuovo percorso, operando un profondo cambiamento nella tua vita e nel mondo che ti circonda.

    Ogni individuo è portatore di una fiamma interiore, di un'energia creativa pronta a illuminare il cammino dell'esistenza. Crediamo nella capacità dell'individuo di liberarsi dalle catene della società e di seguire il sentiero della propria verità. Scoprendo i tesori nascosti nel profondo del tuo essere, aprirai le porte verso un universo di possibilità infinite. Liberato dai vincoli della conformità e dei dogmi sociali, diventerai il padrone del tuo destino, il capitano della tua nave che solca le onde impetuose della vita. Ogni decisione, ogni azione, diventa un tassello indispensabile del vasto puzzle della tua esistenza, plasmando il paesaggio del tuo percorso con una precisione squisita.

    Ti incoraggiamo dunque ad abbracciare questa autentica essenza, ad ascoltare la sinfonia del tuo essere interiore e a danzare al ritmo della tua personale melodia. Perché è in questo stato di pienezza e autenticità che risiede il potere della trasformazione, quel potere che trascende i confini dell'individuo per illuminare il mondo della sua luce abbagliante.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Art Projects
    Language practice
    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Here, we very much hold a profound belief that growth transcends mere acquisition; it encompasses the art of unlearning and deprogramming as much as it involves embracing new knowledge and skills. This ethos permeates every aspect of our lives, from the meditative flow of yoga and the nurturing touch we give to our gardens to the deep dive into the realms of language learning. Language acquisition is prioritized, with a focus on achieving unparalleled proficiency and mastery in English and other languages, recognizing the power of communication in connecting and transforming our world. Each activity we undertake is infused with mindfulness and intentionality, presenting a journey that, while challenging, is straightforward and immensely fulfilling. You are welcome to join us on this remarkable adventure, where each person is empowered to make a meaningful impact and embody the change they wish to see.

    Au sein de notre cercle, nous cultivons avec ferveur l'idée que l'épanouissement personnel transcende la simple accumulation de connaissances ; il s'agit plutôt d'une quête élaborée d'éveil, marquée par l'art subtil de se défaire des anciennes croyances tout autant que par l'adoption de nouvelles aptitudes et sagesses. Cette philosophie raffinée imprègne délicatement chaque facette de notre existence, depuis la quiétude méditative du jour jusqu'à la tendresse avec laquelle nous caressons la terre de nos jardins, sans oublier notre plongée assidue dans l'univers riche de l'apprentissage linguistique. ( La maîtrise des langues, notamment l'anglais et d'autres langages du monde, est érigée en priorité absolue, témoignant d'une aspiration à exceller sans pareil, conscient de l'inestimable pouvoir de la communication dans l'art de tisser des liens et de façonner notre réalité.)

    Chacune de nos entreprises est empreinte d'une attention et d'une détermination conscientes, esquissant un parcours certes exigeant, mais d'une limpidité et d'une richesse de vie sans égal. Nous vous convions à prendre part à cette aventure exceptionnelle, un voyage où chaque individu se voit offrir la noble opportunité de marquer son empreinte et d'incarner le changement qu'il désire ardemment observer.

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    We warmly embrace all forms of assistance in this ever-evolving and vibrant journey, which is deeply rooted in communal spirit and brilliance. For us, part of this journey entails sharing responsibilities.

    In addition to the daily tasks and general upkeep, our sanctuary is home to adorable little dogs, abundant trees, and sprawling gardens.

    Our property in France faced total devastation during an unexpected ice storm, leading to a significant decrease in our response rate as we focused on rebuilding from the ground up. While substantial progress has been made, there's still much to be done, particularly outdoors. This involves clearing and enhancing the land, addressing fallen trees, and transforming our space into a communal hub where we can continue to effect positive change.

    We welcome assistance in various areas, from painting and gardening to light construction, cleaning, maintenance, and meal preparation. Any contribution made with joy and kindness is greatly valued and will undoubtedly benefit our shared vision.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    French: Fluent
    Italian: Fluent
    Spanish: Intermediate

    This host offers a language exchange
    I am happy to speak in French, English, Italian and Spanish.

  • Accommodation


    You will have a very comfortable double room, there is also a few living rooms, a television room and a barn and outbuildings, for storage. There are a few Bathrooms. There are washing and drying facilities too,

    Internet is unlimited and television and radio are available in various languages.

    French and English, Italian and Spanish are generally spoken during meal times, which tend to be communal, inclusive and European.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    While our affiliations span across England and America, our current base is nestled in the picturesque South West of France, a region renowned not only for its acclaimed landmarks but for the ineffable beauty that lies beyond the well-trodden path. South West France, celebrated for its majestic Lascaux caves, the enchanting Marqueyssac gardens, the medieval allure of Sarlat, and the historic grandeur of Chateau Castelnaud and the prehistoric caves in the Vezere Valley, offers much to the discerning traveler.

    Yet, it is often the experiences found away from these celebrated 'hot-spots' that etch the most enduring memories—the tranquil scenery, the serene moments spent sipping coffee in a quaint café, or the joy of a simple picnic by a babbling stream.

    This region's beauty rivals that of the Cotswolds in England or Tuscany in Italy, capturing the heart with its quietude, breathtaking landscapes, and the irresistible invitation to linger indefinitely in its embrace.

    Among its other famed attractions are the awe-inspiring gouffre de Padirac caves and the adventurous canoeing experiences along the Dordogne. Key towns and villages like Bergerac, Brantome, Excideuil, La Roque-Gageac, Le Bugue, Riberac, and Rocamadour punctuate the landscape, each adding its unique flavor to the region's rich tapestry.

    The Dordogne Valley, tracing the river's journey from east to west and passing through Bergerac and numerous other charming villages, symbolizes the heart of this region. However, the true essence of the department extends beyond the riverbanks, inviting explorers to venture into the less frequented north and south, where tranquility and beauty reside, hidden from the casual observer.

    For us, home transcends a physical locale; it embodies a journey of unlearning, an unburdening of preconceptions, and an embrace of the world in its purest form. In this corner of France, we find not just a place to stay, but a space to grow, reflect, and discover the simplicity and depth of life anew.


    Also, for you language lovers, there is no strong dialect spoken here, so it will help to keep your English pure.

    Lastly, If you like French language and culture, you will be spoiled, the quality of the language provided in the house is second to none, as we are passionate about language, life and growth in general, and we understand how learning can be a, at times, challenging passion, whilst we do not profess to speaking all the Latin Languages, (yet ), but we do understand them so you will feel comfortable and welcome here, as there are no barriers that may otherwise get in the way with progress.

    We have additional interests in America and around Europe and over the UK, so help with these projects, and greater travel, may also be possible.

    Dans cet écrin de vie, le bonheur se dessine à chaque tournant, offrant des moments privilégiés propices à une croissance personnelle et un épanouissement sans pareil. Ici, le français se mêle à l'anglais en une symphonie élégante, invitant à une immersion dans une harmonie linguistique où le progrès se fait avec une aisance déconcertante, presque sans que l'on s'en aperçoive. Nous vous convions à vous laisser séduire par cette expérience unique, où, après seulement quelques heures d'échange et de partage, votre esprit s'éveillera à des perspectives inédites, et votre parole fleurira avec la fraîcheur et la vivacité d'un printemps renaissant, prête à captiver le monde par sa beauté et sa perspicacité.

    Par ailleurs, la productivité et l'excellence atteintes ici, dans l'art délicat de l'apprentissage des langues, demeurent sans équivalent, comme en témoignent les échos enthousiastes de ceux qui ont emprunté ce chemin avant vous. Nous vous invitons à découvrir leurs témoignages, reflets de notre engagement à cultiver l'excellence et à façonner les esprits à la mesure des attentes les plus exigeantes.

    E una voce poco fa... Italiano è una parte emotiva della storia della mia vita, profondamente radicata in un capitolo meraviglioso, tanto ricco quanto edificante. Mentre preferiamo il colloquiale italiano nelle nostre interazioni quotidiane, accogliamo con entusiasmo l'opportunità di migliorare le nostre competenze linguistiche. Quindi, se parli fluentemente questa bellissima lingua, non vediamo l'ora di connetterci con te

    Realmente echo de menos hablar español. Aunque nunca he dominado completamente el idioma, estoy seguro de que, con un poco de práctica conversacional, podría ser tan fluido como los otros idiomas que se hablan aquí. Si hablas español, es posible que estés interesado en mejorar tu inglés con facilidad. ¡Puedo ayudarte con eso gracias a un método único que tengo! ¡Te deseo un día maravilloso y espero poder hablar contigo pronto!

    Many thanks for reading our profile, we look forward to hearing from you..

    Nous vous remercions chaleureusement d'avoir pris le temps de consulter notre profil. Dans l'attente de vos nouvelles avec impatience.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    Fibre internet is at the propery.

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    It depends on the pet, we can discuss when you we speak.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    5 (a few hours per day.. but not constant.. spread out. :))

Host ref number: 462764921989

Feedback (9)

