Beautiful and top ranked hostel welcome help in Valparaíso, Chile

  • Last activity : 16 Feb 2025



 Min stay requested: at least 1 month



  • Description


    Hello everyone!

    We need volunteers who want to come here to support us and have a good time for at least TWO (2) MONTHS.

    Very cheerful atmosphere and art on each wall, we propose you to stay in our beautiful establishment located between Cerro Concepción and Cerro Alegre, in the beautiful city of Valparaíso.

    If they are handled in crafts, painting and / or crafts even better!

    Thats it chiquill@s! Welcome whenever you want!

    Peace on your way.

    Hola a tod@s!

    Necesitamos voluntari@s que quieran venir para acá a apoyarnos y a pasarla bien por al menos UN MES.

    Ambiente muy alegre y arte en cada pared, les proponemos alojar en nuestro hermoso establecimiento ubicado entre Cerro Concepción y Cerro Alegre, en la hermosa ciudad de Valparaíso.

    Si se manejan en artesanía, pintura y/o manualidades aún mejor!

    Eso chiquill@s! Bienvenid@s cuando quieran!

    Paz en su camino.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Art Projects
    Language practice
    DIY and building projects
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    VALPARAÍSO "What nonsense you are, how crazy, crazy port, what a head with hills, disheveled, you have not finished combing your hair, you never had time to dress, life always surprised you, death woke you up, in a shirt, in long boxer shorts with fringes of colors, naked with a name tattooed on the belly ... "


    "Qué disparate eres, qué loco, puerto loco, qué cabeza con cerros, desgreñada, no acabas de peinarte, nunca tuviste tiempo de vestirte, siempre te sorprendió la vida, te despertó la muerte, en camisa, en largos calzoncillos con flecos de colores, desnudo con un nombre tatuado en la barriga..."

  • Help


    The tasks are basic cleaning, making beds and attending check-in and check-out and in ocasions, some paiting and handcrafts. The help is fun and relaxed, but we ask you to commit, we need all the good attitude to get back on the slopes as it should, and you will also have plenty of time to enjoy Valpo since we are in a very touristy area.

    4 to 5 days a week, 4-5 hours a day (we have different shifts but all equals in numbers of hours and work)

    Morning shift 10:00 A.M. to 15:00 P.M.
    Evening/nigh shift: 19:00 P.M to 00:00 A.M.

    Las tareas son de limpieza básica de áreas comunes y baños, hacer camas y atender en los check in y check out. En algunas ocasiones les pediremos ayuda con pintura o proyectos mas artísticos.

    El trabajo es ameno y relajado, pero pedimos que se comprometan, necesitamos toda la buena actitud para brillar, además tendrán tiempo de sobra para disfrutar de Valpo ya que estamos en una zona muy turística.

    Turno de Mañana 10:00 A.M. to 15:00 P.M.
    Turno tarde/noche: 19:00 P.M to 00:00 A.M.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent
    French: Fluent

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    The offer consists of a single bed in shared dormitories with 2 cabins ("Staff" room) and access to all rooms of the hostel. Wi-Fi, kitchen, bathrooms, hot water and common areas. If you hit ping pong even better!

    Breakfast includes: Arepa's Flour, Oatmeal, fruits, te and coffee for breakfast and potatoes, oignons, rice and pasta for lunch.

    La oferta consta de una cama de una plaza en dormitorios compartidos y/o sólo de mujeres, acceso a todas las dependencias del hostal. Wi-Fi, cocina, baños, agua caliente y áreas comunes. Si le pega al ping pong aún mejor!

    Incluimos desayuno para el Staff que consiste de: Harina de Arepa, Avena, Frutas, té y café para el desayuno y papas, cebollas, arroz y fideos para el almuerzo. El Staff de voluntarixs es responsable de ir a comprar los elementos del desayuno, el Hostal lo financia.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    You never get bored in Region V, especially in Valaparaíso. Zapallar and Laguna Verde are some of the most beautiful landscapes there is, only two hours from here. Do you like surfing? You will have the opportunity to meet in Con With many professionals and amateurs who share that love for water sports and for the Sea. Do you want to connect with the forests and breathe fresh air? Go to the Campana National Park, where the famous scientist Charles Darwin personally conducted studies more than 180 years ago, marveling at its bio diversity. Rich fish and delicious seafood awaits you at the Cardonal Market. On the Valpo plane, there is always something to do. Graffiti, music, sea lions, beaches, squares ... in short, a world to discover! And the best ... the reel! Cumbia, electronics, boleros, reggaeton, cueca! whatever they want!

    Nunca te aburres en la V Región, sobre todo en Valaparaíso.

    Zapallar y Laguna verde son de lo mas hermosos paíiajes que hay, sólo a dos horas de acá.

    Te gusta el surf? Tendrás la oportunidad de conocer en Con Con muchos profesionales y aficionados que comparten ese amor por el deporte acuático y por la Mar.

    Quiere conectarse con los bosques y respirar aire puro? Vayan al Parque Nacional de la Campana, donde el famoso científico Charles Darwin efectúo estudios personalmente hace mas de 180 años, quedando maravillado por su bio diversidad.

    Rico pescado y deliciosos mariscos los espera en el Mercado Cardonal. En el plano de Valpo, siempre hay algo que hacer. Graffitis, música, lobos marinos, playas, plazas... en fin, un mundo a descubrir!

    Y lo mejor... el carrete! Cumbia, electrónica, boleros, reggaeton, cueca! lo que quieran! y el ambiente en el hostal no queda atrás.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    Nomades digitales mas que bienvenido! Tenemos un edificio con distintos juegos de luz dependiendo del momento del día, una acústica muy bonita y fibra óptica para una óptima conexión. Además, es un edificio de mas de 130 años en un barrio muy turístico y bueno... que mas decir? VALPO!

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


Host ref number: 245461743931

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Feedback (45)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile:

Cultural exchange:


Help with small DIY tasks and explore the city in Puerto Montt, Chile
Help with gardening and farming in the Pemehue Valley, Chile