Help me with creative construction and explore culture in Schilde, Belgium



 Min stay requested: No minimum



  • Description


    It is no coincidence that you come here. When you feel the connection, it means you are meant to be here and share your being and mirror the soul of that moment, in this place.

    Hi, I'm Britta, your host.
    Welcome to this grounded little paradise! Tred gently and with kindness to all living things and you will be rewarded multi-fold!

    I'm a coach, healer, soundhealer, artist, writer and singer. At the moment, I'm focussed mostly on visual arts, paintings with healing imprints.
    I'm quite sensitive and I want us all to be happy here so I will look for ways to accomodate that, within reason of course.

    I'm an organic flexitarian, mostly vegetarian.
    Raw food often happens as well as detoxing raw juices, mostly during summer.
    Here's an alternative, ecological philosophy and we try to live that way as much as possible.

    This is a private home and a non- profit organisation in one, where high consciousness and some new technologydevices with ancient wisdom about healing and ecological wellness for all life is combined! You receive organic food and nice accomodation in natural environment!


    Art is very important. As is grounded 'spiritual awareness' and inner love.
    yoga happens frequently.
    I have cats.
    We love cats and also bees, not for their honey but for their preservation and we make an effort to work gently and with respect and cooperation with nature. :-)

    But it is quiet here, usually no big groups, you can have individual attention here as well as lots of retreat options.

    There's so much to give, plenty to share and enough space here. If you need some time away, in nature but close to the city (Antwerp), this is a perfect spot. Also Lier is nearby, you could say it's a small version of Bruges ;-). In Belgium all distances are realtively short so Brussels and Bruges, the coast or Holland are all fairly closeby.

    We live in 'De Brechtse heide', the woods, near a village called Sint-Job-in't-Goor, the scenery includes squirrels, birds, horses from the neighbours and so forth and so on. You can have a lot of privacy and quiet time in your own space if you want. We don't need to entertain each-other all the time ;-) but quality sharing is always welcomed.
    Cooking and eating habits are variable, sometimes I'll cook but sometimes I would like that you cook your own meal as I like to do retreat eating-meditations from time to time. You can even eat in your own cabin if you like, there's cuttlery and a fridge.

    There is a busstop nearby, I can also pick you up somewhere close.

    Very important, there's a NO DRUGS policy here, which includes canabis! This has to do with the focus of a wholistic place of this property. Please read more about this below.

    *️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️!!!!! There is room for one woodwizard long-term!
    If your passion is constructing with wood with (he)art and soul, there are delightfull fun little and big projects for you here!!!!! Plus a nice private cabin just for you!
    Keep reading!!!!!*️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    You can find a lot of contemplation opportunity, becoming more and more conscious about yourself, life, ...
    We can do soundhealing or Reiki initiations or some basics in yoga...
    Some information about bees and natural beekeeping. ASK! When you want us to share our skills ask for it.

    About healing and wellness... again, ASK!
    My healing offer is profoundly and based on a lot of experience in awareness but I'm just a person with her own challenges too and I will not force any healing practices, I live and let live.
    When you want a healing, ask me specificly and I will channel what can be beneficial for you and we can agree upon specific healing-sessions if needed.
    My focus is on wellbeing all the time, this includes my environment and the beings in it, I'm very aware of our inner worlds and how we learn from each-other. Without talking about it all the time, you will be "in my prayers" the whole time you are here.

    However this place tends to bring you (and me) into an awareness journey on its own. You might get different insights in your self, this might be confronting from time to time.
    There are a few devices of modern technology, sending out healing electro-magnetic pulses, reminding us of our own potential. My main focus is on inner awareness all the time, so this sets the tone and the atmosphere for the whole area a bit, you can benefit from this, as well as I benefit from what you bring me, we mirror, co-create and learn and finetune. It can be like coming home, a relief and yet at home (within), there is no hiding place anymore from what got stuck or suppressed. I will always do my best in guiding you through the wobbles if you need it, please ask me.
    There is ALWAYS room to share what you feel inside, but you are free in it.

    From this we go back into the world and share the gifts.

    All of my guests (hundreds) were all happy to have been here.

  • Help


    We are finishing off a small kitchen/communal space with lots of windows and recuperated materials. After that, we will tackle the garden where there is room for a hobbithouse and veranda, maybe a sauna and hottub?
    A rejuvenated bathroom with recuperated materials and a shower room for communal use are dreams in the making...
    Love to join in making dreams come true?
    Do you have some experience and the spirit for it?
    Then you are the one!
    Cause now we welcome people who like to work with mainly wood and powertools, (carefull) deconstructions, moving things, cleaning up, replanting bushes and trees, cutting trees and wood ... :-)))

    Schedules and days off will be planned together as soon as you arrive. Not many people here so we can take your wishes in account.

    Various and flexible.
    The work develops organically also, we ask a flexible attitude. The working pace is relaxed and steady. Don't stress!!!!! Do what you can. Joy and gratitude are the best fuels to drive your activity. Use the Force within. ;-)

    Tell me what you can do, I will try to meet your talents, most likely we will find a place for you, as synchronicity usually takes care of these things! ;-)
    But first of all I am looking for a WOOD-WIZARD/CARPENTER, handy-man or woman, someone who is handy with building- experience and who understands the art of it and most of all loooves woodwork, creating with wood. We will need your help and expertise in the renovation work for the gypsywagon, drying sheds for firewood and the finishing off of things ;-) . Our gratitude will be priceless!!! One or maximum two persons for longer time with a trial period of two weeks.
    But also others who like this kind of living and want to contribute with their special talents are welcome from time to time. Various tasks for people who stay short-term, maximum one week.

    *️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️!!!!! There is room for one woodwizard long-term! If you find yourself in our policy and if your passion is constructing with wood with (he)art and soul, there are delightfull fun little and big projects for you here!!!!! Plus a nice private cabin just for you! Let's have a tryal period and if it works, we can prolongue your stay here.
    Keep reading!!!!!*️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️*️️️️️️️

    Applications can be sent from now on!
    Contact me for more info!
    Thank you!


  • Languages spoken

    English: Fluent
    Dutch: Fluent
    French: Intermediate
    German: Beginner

  • Accommodation


    Comfy gardencabin with your own doublebed, a sofabed, a little table with chairs, counter with barchair, fridge and woodstove. You can even have your own cookingfire if you want. There's carpet where we can put matresses or your campinggear on the floor. Next to that is the outside composttoilet. The big kitchen in the house is common space. If need be there are two big tents with two rooms.

    For now the arrangement is: Maximum one couple in the cabin.

    Check first if I don't have guests for the specific accomodation yet. You can also camp in the large garden.
    The small house has got a bathroom, kitchen and livingroom. Sometimes we can spend time together there. Sometimes I like my own space, just for me.
    The living room has got a lovely woodstove that heats the whole house.
    There's plenty of space to camp with your tent and also for one campervan.
    There's internet but ideally NO WIFI! (see below), there's two outside toilets and you can have the use of the bathroom and kitchen in the house.
    The food is mainly organic and vegetarian. Help yourself. Eating arrangements are agreed upon for each volunteering-situation.

    No Wifi, the internet here is with wires.
    One day, I had a former yuppi here and he said to me: "Britta, never get wifi here, keep it like it is!! We, the younger generation are hooked up far too much to internet acces all the time, with our smartphones in our hands, distracted, never coming entirely home, into ourself, this moment, on this place. This is really a good healing opportunity for us here!" So I listened to him. :-) I also believe Wireless radiation is not beneficial for our health... In the village, there are free wifi spots, or you can ask the code when you're in a pub or restaurant. Most of you have G4 anyway, whatever that means :D

    This place is on high frequency levels of awareness.
    It will have an effect on you, even if we don't talk about it, even if I don't give you a specific healing or exercice, it's like a meditation, no words needed.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    This is the countryside, lots of forest and horse pastures, chapels, ponds, hiking and cycling-paths, typical Belgian cottages and villages nearby.
    Antwerp is 25k from here, there is a bus going there every hour, just around the corner. If you are handy in fixing bicycles, you can borrow 1 to 3 of them here. ;-)
    There's a local monastary nearby, you can buy their cheese, one hour walk from here, through the forest.

    I will probably do some cruising with you to nice spots (f.e. Antwerp, Lier, Turnhout, or workspots in the area.

    A few simple rules:

    *️️*️️*️️ NO DRUGS! Yes, this includes NO CANABIS!!
    We live together and my experience is that stoned or drunk energies bring destorted frequencies to the frequencywork we are doing here.
    => => So this is what that means: No hard drugs, no alcohol, no canabis throughout the period of your stay here. This means also not keeping stash on my property or in your belongings. If you go out (even just out of the garden, on the street) and get drunk or stoned, please do not come back for 3 days and after that, realise you might not be at the right place for both of us and make your own conclusions. If you know in advance this might be a problem for you to stay clean during your entire stay here, then do us both a favor and don't apply for this place!
    If you want to go in rehab here, please have honest communication in advance about it and we will see what we can do for you.
    Usually the truth comes out, so there's no use in sneakyness... :-D
    However, having said that, this is no bootcamp, I'm not a babysitter or an authority, I usually feel when something out of balance is happening but I will not confront you all the time, I trust that we are all adults who take our own responsibility and want to respect one another. If the unexpected should happen, then it is better to communicate about it honestly, together we can work it out, you will find that I'm at my best if you are honest and I can support you in any way possible. The most important thing is the bond of trust that needs to grow and stay intact. I'm aware that this is always a journey, also for me!

    *️️*️️*️️ NO DOGS! I have cats who don't like dogs.
    *️️*️️*️️ No smoking in the house or other accomodations. You can smoke outside if you like but why would you if you have the benefit of uplifting fresh insights and air ;-) .
    *️️*️️*️️ No alcohol, why would you if you have a natural relaxing bliss by coming home to yourself? ;-)
    *️️*️️*️️ No loud noises after 10 pm every day, on occasion, no problem.
    *️️*️️*️️ No racism, no sexism, no violence nor putting people down.

    We have a connection with bees, we can visit them;
    Fear of bees can often be taken away by good information, if you really have a fobia for bees, please take your own responsibility.
    Are you allergic to bee-venum? Take care of your own medicine.

    If you leave bees alone, they will leave you alone as well. Please be a responsible owner of your own life!

    Oh yes, I will always react on your request but keep in mind that it might take a while sometimes.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    no dogs, other animals, ask me, we can see...

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


Host ref number: 136297359882

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Enjoy the local culture while staying with our family in Uitkerke, Belgium
Share family life and help us build a shed in Antwerp, Belgium