5 Reasons to do a Workaway when you are retired

The one fascinating thing about travel is that our love for it isn’t something we just grow out of! Here at Workaway we’ve met travellers from all walks of life, from this adventurous couple in their 50s who quit their job to Workaway in Mexico, to this inspiring workawayer who swapped his retirement life for a full-time travel gig  – which just proves to us time and time again, that travel and volunteering have no expiry date! Still unsure? Here’s 5 little reasons why you should consider using Workaway when you are living in the ‘golden years’ after you’ve retired.

happy senior traveller exploring the world and posing in front of a cathedral

You’ve worked hard all your life… Now you’re retired?

Let’s be honest, the last 40 odd years have been work, kids, work, kids..are we right? Now it’s time to DO YOU. The kids have left home, work is over and the world has never been so accessible. There’s no time like the present to start ticking off those countries and activities you’ve always said you would visit or do. How about checking out our travel bucket list, and get inspired to tick a few off of yours?

senior travellers in sunglasses relaxing on a boat

You can travel more slowly and fuller

With fewer commitments and more time you can afford to travel more slowly and really take in your surroundings. Gone are the rushed week-long vacations close to your home country; instead you have the opportunity to travel to places further afield. Need some inspiration on where to start? Have a look at these books that will give you all the wanderlust you need to embark on your journey.

I have always wanted to travel, but in my 20’s I was busy starting a family and career and once you embark on that path, it is hard to get off. Not travelling is one thing I had always regretted. When I retired I saw this as a unique opportunity. If I didn’t head off now when would I do it? 

older workawayer as a workaway volunteer helping out with sheep on a farm

You have so many skills to share and make a difference

After all “to be older and wiser you first have to be young and stupid”. You’ve learnt from your mistakes, you know what works, you’ve seen breakups, make ups and everything in between – people trust you. Is it time to go out and help those in need?

We felt we had a lot to offer to potential hosts. Having owned our own houses, we’ve gained a lot of experience renovating and maintaining homes over the years.

senior workawayer slicing pears in homestead with funny dog

Join forces with your kids and make memories for life

Never before has the ‘older’ generation had such ease of accessibility to travel. Flights are taking off every second of the day and you can now get to the other side of the world in a matter of hours. This is an AMAZING opportunity to do something with your kids/ grandkids that you never had the chance to do with your parents. Why not go on a Workaway with the whole family, like this Workaway couple who’s 23-year-old son inherited their wanderlusting streak and joined them on their adventures? Show those kids how it’s done!

father and sun enjoying a drink in the outdoors at eco-building workaway

Your money goes further

Travel is cheap – don’t let anyone tell you otherwise – you’d be so surprised at how inexpensive flights and accommodation are now. If you live in a first world country it is more than likely cheaper to go and live abroad now than it is to pay for a high mortgage, fuel, groceries and everything else that is more expensive in your home country. Could long-term travel and volunteering be an option?

I found out about Workaway through one of my daughter’s friends. I was telling her that I wanted to come for longer but I couldn’t really afford it, and she’s like, “Kim, do this!” And this is where I am, doing a Workaway. It’s my first ever and it’s great! As much as I can’t afford to just be on holiday for two months, I can afford to be on holiday for three weeks, and then do this…

volunteering smiling and hanging out with school children

While volunteering through Workaway is for those from all walks of life, we really feel that with low pensions, high taxes and over-worked employees, retirees should take this opportunity to travel the world and spread their knowledge and love. So, are you ready to join our growing community of mature travellers, and celebrate your retirement as the start of an incredible adventure??

give backmature travellersbucket listretireeseniorlongterm travels

About Alicia

Alicia helps run Workaway mission control in Hong Kong, she's also our marketing whiz and helps with design. She has backpacked, travelled and volunteered extensively in many different parts of the w... show more...

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