Gardening, painting, carpentry and tile stove projects in a small village close to Näsåker, Sweden



 Min stay requested: No minimum



  • Description


    Would you like to stay for a while?

    Help needed with a project that involves people who could spend some hours a day on helping me doing things. (But don´t worry - No pianos! No yacuzzis! No tons of brick or books. At this place there are definitely no slave drivers ahead and I´m not gonna ask anyone to start with outdoor carpentry when it´s freezingly cold!).

    "Freedom & Responsibility."

    Some tasks doesn´t requiere any previous experience - other tasks need a more skilled craftsperson. But if you feel that you would like to drop by and help some days we´ll sure something that suits your talents :)

    I can´t do physical work myself but I can provide a nice place to stay and hopefully meet other workawayers as well as locals. So if you would like to spend some days in this part of the world this could be positive for all of us.

    I live in a small village close to Näsåker in beautiful North Sweden.
    Life is changing in many ways and right now I mainly need help with some carpenter work, painting and fixing with the garden. Putting up fences for the dogs, helping me to develop the "Activitytrail" that I´ve got for dogs and their families. Stacking some wood, planning out the ground on bumpy parts to make it accessible with wheelchair or pram.
    And if you dream of creating a piece of garden art - feel welcome!

    My experience of the workaway system is great and I love the idea. I know that many people travel to improve their skills in english (or sometimes swedish!) and I hope that I could be a positive person to talk to.

    If it fits your travel plans, you´re welcome to join for a while.

    What can I offer?

    From spring 2024 the accomodation will be in a bunkhouse located in my garden.
    It´s a furnished place on 12,5 ms and has got basic things for cooking.
    Nothing fancy but it works.

    I provide food and living. We´ll have dinner together and then I fill up the fridge so you can have breakfast when it fits you.

    I´m not a morning person :p

    If you want to share workaway-experience with a friend there´s space for both of you.
    Kids are of course also welcome.<3 )

    About myself: An inspiring and experienced person with a great sense of humour ;) Devoted in environment questions since late seventies. Musician in many genres during large time of my life. Author of 9 books and presently working as a dog psychologist. Live together with a bunch of dogs so if you by chance dislike animals you probably wouldn´t enjoy a stay here.

    I moved to this village 30 years ago and have never regretted this choice.
    Earlier I´ve been travelling a lot, both as a backpacker and a tour guide. If you´re interested in swedish history and local stories I´d be glad to share my knowledges. People also claim that I´m an excellent cooker (who am I to tell?) but if you want to experience typical swedish meatballs you´ve got to eat them for yourself since I´m a vegetarian since mid-eighties.

    I´m a friendly and honest woman who wants to wish likeminded welcome to experience life in my part of the world!

    About being here in summer:

    In summer some projects could be for instance stacking firewood, painting outdoor walls, cleaning windows, digging for plants, creating beautiful environments in the garden and so on.

    PROJECT: Meeting place!
    We´ve already started transforming a part of my "stable" to a place where we can have coffee/tea and nice discussions during the meetings I arrange for dogowners in the vicinity. (In case of rain it´s not too fun spending two hours outdoors.)
    Since I like the thought of recycling, this will be a challenge to get use for my huge collection of "useable parts of wood". If you´re in a creative mood you´ll feel extra welcome and hopefully have some fun during the way!
    On the back side of this stable we´ve earlier had a meetringplace arond the fire - maybe someone would be in the mood to blow life in that sleeping corner of my garden...?
    (It´s a great place for jamsessions and storytelling...)

    PROJECT: Painting.
    Yup. Simple as that. I´ve got some walls that needs paint - a job that doesn´t require any special knowledges.

    PROJECT: Putting up a fence for my dogs.
    The fence and the posts are easy to put up. It would help me a lot since I´ve got a quite big garden but can´t use very much of it since we live close to a road and I don´t want my dogs to get hurt in the traffic.

    PROJECT: Tiny house!
    To get better accomodation for future workawayers my plan for 2024 is to put in a smart wood stove in it and also to improve the tiny house in several ways. If you´ve got previous experiences of converting "small spaces" into "cosy and functional tiny-houses" you might even get inspired of the possibilities here?
    Next to the little house is a "privy" - but you´re of course also welcome to use my bathroom.

    PROJECT: Making wood for next winter. Some trees have fallen and it would be great if I could use them for heating.

    PROJECT: Helping with the garden. (Digging weed, moving soil with a wheelbarrow, creating beautiful "landscapes" in the garden.)

    Well - this was a bit about what´s going on here right now.
    I want to wish you welcome from March-April. Depending on what your plans look like!

    If you google Näsåker you find my village. (By the way, a great place to see the Northern Light during the winter.)
    Feel welcome to explore it!

    Åsa (pronounced like "Rosa with no R")

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    DIY and building projects
    Help around the house
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    The area is wonderful with Nämforsens rock carvings, an impressive scenery, a nature that has inspired lots of artists in various fields.
    Today Näsåker is well known for the Urkult World Music Festival and many people have moved here to enjoy the nice village community year round.

    I´m a bit of "nerd" when it comes to languages so if you want to learn swedish or discuss the roots and meaning of words you´ll probably find a likeminded soul in me ;)

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    I need some help with the garden, painting and a carpenter project during the summer.

    For autumn/winter we can surely find other things to do - but gardening isn´t one of them since it´s cold and snowy in the area.

  • Languages spoken

    English: Fluent
    Swedish: Fluent
    German: Intermediate
    Spanish: Intermediate
    French: Beginner

  • Accommodation


    I provide food and living. If you want to share workaway-experience with a friend there´s space for both of you.

    From spring 2024 the accomodation will be in a bunkhouse located in my garden.
    It´s a furnished place on 12,5 ms and has got basic things for cooking.
    Nothing fancy but it works and for 2024 my plan is to put in a smart wood stove in it and also to improve the tiny house in several ways.
    Next to the little house is a "privy" - but you´re of course also welcome to use my bathroom.

    A dream would be to make a more private "outdoor place" next to the bunkhouse to give our guests a chance to enjoy breakfast outside close to where they live.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    Number one is the nature!

    Enjoy a walk around Nämforsens rock carving area by the river Ångermanälven or use the woodenheated sauna. There´s also a wonderful place called Åkvisslan 4 kms. from my house. There you can have a bath in cavities made my nature after thousands of years when stones have whirled around and created "bathtubes". (It´s a great experience to sit in warm water while the cold river´s rapidly streaming around you!)

    Näsåker is also a place with many cultural workers and a living community with lots of people trying to fulfill a dream to live in harmony with nature and in a more off-grid way than the common citylife.

    And also, if you appreciate your own company and want a creative environment where you could for instance write a novel, do artstuff or compose music, this is great. (I´m a professional writer and former musician so I talk out of experience :) )

    In central Näsåker there are two museums - one about the rock carvings, the other one tells the history of women and earlier cultures where the female power and spirits was way more high valuated than today.
    In the village you can also practise training at what´s considered the worlds most beautifully located outdoor gym overlooking the river Ångermanälven and when this gets to cold you could join the local fightclub and practise capoeira, kickboxing and other sports to reggarythms.
    There are some people meeting in metitation groups and every now and then there are cultural things happening in the village. I´d love to try helping you to find your right environment!

    We live about 4 kms. from central Näsåker and 45 kms. from Sollefteå city.
    Bus from Näsåker - but since it´s a sparsely populated region there are not too many departures...

    I can arrange that you´ll be picked up by the bus but I can´t promise to drive around to different places in the surroundings every day. Often there´s a possibility to get a ride for instance with a neighbour if we put up an ad in the villages Facebookgroup. But there´s very little regular busservice.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    I´ve got wi-fi. I´m completely untechnical myself but anyway it works :) For almost 20 years I ran a meetingplace with lots of people passing by and they´ve all had access to my wi-fi with no problems.

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    Since there are dogs in the surroundings maybe it´s not the best spot for cats. It´s also important to communicate so the dogs don´t run into my own dogs - or the other way around.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


Host ref number: 966513364747

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Help with daily tasks on a little farm and language exchange on Hasslö, Sweden
Family help at our farm house in Tived, Sweden