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9 Sep 2024
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Hi !
It is now several years since we started hosting with Workaway, at the beginnings it happened just because of curiousity, to follow it was a real help. Because we are aging, and health as well is not so good as before :(
We PRESUME that more or less things will work this way:
- second half of September:
general clearing of the terrain, to make easier to walk in it (we already started this)
- October:
collecting white grapes to make white wine and, immediately after, red ones for red wine.
- November:
presumably, collecting olives in the hope to make again some oil, and possibly harvesting pistachios and avocados as well.
- to follow:
time to start pruning, and cleaning the terrain.
Of all these tasks, pruning the vineyard is probably the most intellectually interesting, because one has to think well before pruning any plant, there's nothing of mechanical in this.
Anyway, with so much terrain around, there's ALWAYS something to do.
About the physical effort involved, please have in mind that this is a small terrain, where we (if lucky) produce about 500 liters of wine and 150 kgs of olives, certainly not huge quantities !
========= DESCRIPTION:
We host quite freely, without making differences in race, nationality, colour of the skin, religion, habits, political opinions, age and whatever, BUT:
There are many reasons for such a choice, but too long to explain here. Main is, anyway, that many tasks requires to be at least in 3.
2 - WE DO NOT HOST VEG-something - we are speaking of the diet.
Here we explain, it's simplier. Pal is highly anemic since birth, and intolerant to 90% of raw vegetables, to many even when cooked, as well as to a quantity of fruits (fructose...). A veg- diet would simply kill him.
This would imply to cook completely different meals every day. We once did, it was a very complicated and unsatisfactory experience, that we wish not to repeat.
3 - Also, please, no dogs, no cats, no children. They would not be SAFE here.
So, if you are in the conditions 1 or 2 or 3, please do not post requests, they would be all refused.
== JUNE 2017 !!! Read this !
We completed a new bathroom into the house, and since now we can as well host in it, we mean at the 1st floor, if preferred. There's a modern bathroom, and a double bed that, if wishing, can be split to obtain two single ones. The 1st floor is a rather wide environment - about 100 square meters - so there's plenty of space. It is connected by a closed staircase with a door to the ground floor, where we live, so intimacy is granted. We tried to add photos but without success, we can send them privately if wished.
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My husband and I (both N. Italians, from Modena, the city of Ferrari) bought this house on the slopes of Etna, with a view on the the Ionian Sea and Etna summit.
The small house of dawns, we could call it - sunbreakings are usually awesome.
The house is surrounded by 2,5 acres (10.000 square meters) of own terrain in part dedicated to vineyard and orchard, with a shadowed caravan in the middle of the garden.
The location is surrounded by green (we are fond of Botany and there are more than 2000 types of different plants) and has a great tranquility .
In the past - in pre-Workaway times, we mean - we have hosted here people from all corners of the world - being always being pleased with our hospitality.
We prefer relatively long stays - not less than 15 days a month being better.
We in general have no breakfast (of course you can prepare it for yourself, we provide all the necessary), have lunch at 12 and dinner at 19. We often wake up at 5 and at 21 we're already zombies - we want to sleep.
Of course we don't expect you awakening before dawn, but please consider that we're not at all creatures of the night.
We don't provide alcoholics in general, soft drinks, desserts, junk food - please assume to be on your own for these.
Last but not least, we don't commit at all our guests. You'll be free on your own to decide your working hours, and your working days, on a gentlemen's agreement basis.
We'll explain you what there's to do, but will never oblige you to do it from 8 to 12... free, if you wish, to do from 15 to 19 - or in the night, if being a vampire.
Or not to do at all, and working longer next day.
Or working full-time an entire week, and taking the next totally free to move around.
Only exception, when starting to collect grapes and olives.
ALL tasks that we propose are NOT dangerous. We'll never put in your hands a grinder or a chainsaw, neither will ask you to go on a roof or climb a tree.
This is a private house, NOT a farm, we absolutely do not sell what we produce, so we ourselves are not committed to reach a "result" whatever.
We love to see coming here couples, staying, working and eating with us, with the hope to let them go away as new good friends, and just good memories of us, ok ? :)
Having own mean of transport will help you MUCH if wishing to wander around. You may consider to rent one: a small car - off peak touristic season - can cost less than 100 euros per week. Public transports are scarce (and almolst unexisting on weekends), somewhat unreliable and often not reaching at all interesting places to visit.
We modify often our profile, because experience after experience we better understand what WAs wish. And we noticed that many desire to acquire also new skills.
From this point of view, Dada can "teach" much on education - she works with marginal childs. As well as, she can teach how to prepare excellent lasagne or tortellini starting just from flour...
Pal has competences in Natural History - in special way in Invertebrate Zoology (was a professional malacologist), Paleontology and Botany. And can teach as well as to prepare a caponata, or sarde a beccafico etc. Or how to prune grapes... what else ? Boh...
Notice to birdwatchers - we're preparing a list of the birds that can observed in/from our garden, 40+ species so far.
=====================================================Types of help and learning opportunities
Help around the house
General Maintenance
UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve
Cultural exchange and learning opportunities
Well, if having already some interest in flowers, fruits & co., , this is Heaven. Left aside the innumerable plants of the garden, we've seeds of thousands of species, that we share freely. Also learning some Italian recipes may sound appealing.
If not having at all interest in these things, probably this is not the right place.Projects involving children
This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.
Need help in specific seasons for harvesting grapes and olives - pruning and weeding - small house help. Please understand that, when harvesting, the task, once started, must be finished without interruption, otherwise the collected fruits decay. Grapes requires two separate "sessions", each one of 1 day of relatively hard work. Olives requires from 2 to 4 continuative days of light help.
in particolari stagioni chiediamo aiuto per la raccolta di uva e olive - potatura e diserbo -
piccoli lavori di muraturaLanguages
Languages spoken
English: Fluent
French: Intermediate
Spanish: BeginnerThis host offers a language exchange
This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
You can contact them directly for more information.Accommodation
Within the house, 1st floor or in the caravan outside. This somewhat depends on circumstances.
meals with owners
the property is 1.3 km from the village so it is useful a mean of transport; owners can just guarantee the collecting from and leaving to the nearest railway station (Giarre-Riposto). In working days, since 6 to 19, there's a bus connecting more or less every hour Sant'Alfio to Giarre and Riposto. From Giarre RS there are frequent trains to Messina, Taormina, Acireale, Catania and Siracusa.What else ...
highly touristic area full of interesting places
Etna, the sea, Taormina, Acitrezza, Aci Castello, Gole Alcantara in the immediate vicinity. Messina and Siracusa in two hours of train. Western and Southern Sicily are too far from here (the island is more or less as big as Belgium, but with poor connections, some train lines are exceedingly slow)
zona altamente turistica ricca di luoghi interessanti
Etna, mare, Taormina, Acitrezza, Acicastello, Gole Alcantara nelle immediate vicinanzeA little more information
Internet access
Limited internet access
We have pets
We are smokers
Can host families
Space for parking camper vans
This host can provide space for campervans.
How many Workawayers can stay?
Feedback (28)
These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.
Accuracy of profile:
Cultural exchange:
Il primo era lungo e dettagliatissimo.
Al momento del copy/paste, ho trovato previsioni del tempo...
Il secondo più conciso. Svanito al momento di inviarlo.
Provo col terzo, ancora più conciso !
Sono due ragazzi MERAVIGLIOSI, che illumineranno le… read more
We really enjoyed ourselves.
We stayed two and a half months with Pal in Sicily on his beautiful land just at the foot of Mount Etna. The views are stunning! We stayed in an adorable caravan on his land, that was cosy and comfortable and gave us our own space which we really… read more
Most of the hosting was in Sicily, and I (Pal) was mostly caring it, only around the eve period my wife could join us here.
They work hard, are fast to understand instructions and then proceed entirely on their own until a task is finished. They did A LOT of work, maybe I forget… read more
They have sunny and cheerful personalities, and there were no problems at all in communication.
When they moved, they left everything in perfect conditions, as well as quite clean.
We warmly… read more
We soon overcome the standard "do ut des" connection between host and guest, and our feelings were of mutual trust, respect, and friendship. I am always… read more
Planning our trip there we changed our dates in advance and Pal was very understanding even if he had to host four people for our first night as there were two other workawayers that left the day after we arrived.
At first it took a while getting to… read more
Sont deux âmes gentils et attentes, vraiment une bonne compagnie.
Ils ont travaillé beaucoup, faisant en 10 minutes quel que je fais en une heure, et généralement mieux que moi...
Extrêmement participatives, sont au même discrets, jamais invasives, et fort indépendantes.
Je recommande… read more
Since the very beginning they showed up to be an active and hard-working couple, not scared by some tasks that were extremely dull and boring. Communication as well was very good, and I should say that we liked each other.
Much later,… read more
In spite of her very young age, she was perfectly capable to govern her days, choosing when to work and when not, she's not at all a girl to which to say - work from 8 to 12… read more
So, i thought was necesssary, before posting a feedback, to hear also my wife's impressions.
Well, they are quite… read more
For us it was easy to arrive. Pal makes sure 110% that you arrive safe and helps you with all the questions about reaching the place. Also, the most interesting was that from the early beginning before getting to the project, he already recommended us places… read more
Both proved to be hard workers and, once briefly instructed on the task to do - pruning olive trees, then oranges, lemons etc. - they worked very well, sometimes being obliged to do this in quite... acrobatic conditions, because a few trees are growing in a quite inclined… read more
Pal is awesome host. He is easygoing person and it's interesting to talk with him. He is also a great cook. Working hours is quite flexible, we negotiated to work more at the beginning and then we had a week off and rented a car to explore Sicily better. Pal helped us a lot with car renting. It would be… read more
They were supposed to help me on building a shelter for the caravan, in the end they alone did all the work.
This was because, shortly after their arrival, when making firewood, I amputated my right thumb - since this moment on, I became much more a load than an help, given that every… read more
Pal is an excellent guide for your visit to Sicily and will advise (very very well) on places that would be good to visit and things not to miss.… read more
After a very initial misunderstanding - my fault, not theirs - they worked very well, making… read more
We were always treated frendly and taken care of, with special, special highlights on the meals!!! Surprises kept coming on our table every evening and Pal shared with us all… read more
Then, in a few instances, we had outstanding ones. Hosting people that, during their stay, give you just a single moment of regret - when they leave. Persons that you hope to see… read more
They did A LOT of work.
Passing from tasks as the work in the vineyard - a gentle one, but certainly boring - to much more muscular ones, as it was… read more
It was a very beautiful experience on all aspects:
- Pal and Angela are VERY proficient cookers, they like furthermore to impress their guests cooking everyday the best recipes of Italian food.
- We worked mainly on the grapes but also some… read more
We spent most… read more
And they have as well an incredible capability in art. We shall never forget them, because they painted so well the main door of our home, it's a pity that we can't… read more
Nach kurzer Einweisung ließ uns Pal freie Hand und… read more
They heartily understood this, took in their hands the various things to do, and any task they… read more
Pal is an encyclopaedia and would make you laugh, Angela has a lovely optimistic character.
Libby was hospital bound for a duration of the stay, Pal's support was out of this world.
The vineyard work and the volcano were awesome.
In spite of having had quite a bad luck, with many days of heavy rains, and bad health, they found the way to have always a good disposition of spirit, and helped us in countless ways.
They harvested grapes under so negative circumstances that I can define them only as heroic.
When they left,… read more
We stayed in our Motorhome in his vineyard for a lovely sunny week with great views of the sea and Mount Etna.
Scrivo al singolare, perchè sono stato quasi solo io (Pal) a essere qui, Dada è passata solo per pochi giorni.
Nonostante il clima (sia pur siciliano) fosse talora inclemente, e le loro professioni abituali siano intellettuali, hanno lavorato *veramente* duro, facendo sforzi a noi… read more
Pal you were a great host, friendly and always accommodating. We had plenty of time to go exploring and we even had a very helpful lift here and there as the… read more
Yuljan [ihih Julian, you mistaked once again writing my name, this is just a revenge... :)] and Manja, in spite of their young age, are two EXCELLENT workers.
When you commit them for a task, you've not the need to explain what… read more
The place is at the same time remote enough, to get away from the rat race and hustle of a city but still near enough to the next village that one can reach… read more