Help to finish rooms for our kids in Elhovo, Bulgaria



 Min stay requested: at least a week



  • Description


    What is our priority in
    autumn 2024:

    -finishing building tasks. Very needy plaster making experience.
    Thank you in advance if you are with some experience or you are hard worker or/and learn fast a new skills, you are very wellcome.
    Made wooden floor

    - gather wood for winter

    Thanks a lot reading down our profile before your coming! :)

    We are a hospitable family with 3 small kids living in southeast Bulgaria in a Kin domain named Izvorche (Little Spring). We like working in a team, celebrating together and constantly creating our Space of Love on the land we have off-grid in a hilly area. We are vegetarian but eat mainly vegan food. We are no smokers and try to live healthy and happy simple life close to the nature.
    We are part of community, starting a project for ecovillage 2006 y. From the zero on a deforested field. Some of the aims and causes here are:
    - Planting half of the site with trees creating a forest.

    - Regeneration of deforested and eroded terrains from unreasonable management and their transformation into fruitful forests-gardens using the methods of permaculture and other Earth-sparing knowledge and methods.

    - Reduction of the ecological and carbon footprint of the families living in Family Estates

    - Collection and transplanting of old (non-hybrid) varieties of vegetables and fruit trees

    - Cleaning of the surrounding area from garbage, as well as the surrounding areas, fountains, rivers.

    - Construction of energy efficient (passive) homes.

    - Reduction of consumer practices and their transformation into production of local food products and handicrafts, conscious reduction of household goods to a comfortable minimum. Local food

    - Restoration of old arts and working with natural materials.

    For your information till you get to our site there is 1.5 km dirt road. Also we have an independent electricity and watersystem from solar panels and wells.

    The place we live is close to a small dam, forests and the Turkish border. The closest town is Elhovo where you can go to the local market, you can have some shopping, visit the ethnographic museum, walk through the eco path nearby etc.

    The nearest mountains are Stara Planina mountain, Strandja mountain and Sakar mountain. Black sea is 90 km from us.

    About the animals we grow we have some hans, chikens and bees, horse.

    Part of the family income comes from our home made herbal products like salves and tinctures, food supplements and stuff from the garden.

    What we would like to ask you as parents if you decide to come as a volunteer is to be responsible with the children around (ours and these of our neighbors) in the way of speaking, acting and interacting with them. Just to know that ours are very friendly and sociable so if you are patient enough and like playing with children this would be an advantage and at the end you will definitely have at least two small friends. Also about the food they eat vegetarian and mainly home made food so please ask us what is appropriate before giving them something to eat or drink or you are not sure for something.

    Families with kids we accept. But mostly in a summer for now. Now we build a room for guests, but its need a time to be ready. At now we have a caravan and bungalow that is comfortable for family with maximum 1 kid, because they are very small.
    Also we need to make some agrreements for some balance for a kid and a parent that usually take care for a kid( from our experience people with kids are many times more like tourists, so balance is need to have some justice from our point of view.)
    So nothing personal, but we are very happy to accommodate families with kids to play with ours, but with some balance that we can discuss together before your coming vey clearly.

    About the smoking we prefer no smokers but if you smoke we need to make clear where would be the smoking corner and where to collect the cigarette ends.

    Thank you in advance for your understanding and respect!

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Art Projects
    Language practice
    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Babysitting and creative play
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN goals
    No poverty
    Zero hunger
    Good health and well-being
    Quality education
    Gender equality
    Clean water and sanitation
    Affordable and clean energy
    Decent work and economic growth
    Industries, innovation and infrastructure
    Reduce inequality
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible consumption and production
    Climate action
    Life below water
    Life on land
    Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Partnerships for the goals
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Its depend of time of the year when you will come.
    In general from Alex you can learn how to prepare healthy and tasty veagan and vegeterian food. Life in comunity, permaculture, ram pumps for watter, Building a hause with natural and usual materials, gardening, grafting, can make pottery from local clay, can work with bees, some recycle, yoga and other spiritual practices. Possible to learn more how we make natural salves and other hearbal produkts.
    On 30 -100 km. from us are mountains, sea and old megaliths, that you can enjoy.

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    Dear people! We make our home bigger, because kids. So will be very wellcome help in construction, plumbing, stoves, insulation, plaster, floors, carpentry. In spring we started also a gardens, grafting and maintain a fruit trees.
    Also some smaller projects: decorating of water well, make a new atractions for kids in a yard, starting and maintain a ram pumps on a closer dam, primitive killin for firing a pottery.
    Digging, weeding and mulching of Arizona cypress trees, Digging up and planting figs in containers in the greenhouse and elsewhere , Digging and Planting peas pods spinach, salads in the greenhouse and mandala garden, Clearing and trimming on evergreen trees 7 The children's room: - under painting with natural oils - sand and lime plaster - climbing wall, plinths from the south to pass it with the stones. 10. Planting fruit trees in the empty places along the swales , Construction of a beautiful functional outdoor bathroom, Building a pottery kiln and successfully firing pots, Digging dogwoods from the forest and planting them, Plowing and preparing a place for planting a vineyard.
    So very wellcome people with skills and/or motivation to help in this and other things appear in our life here. Flexible and hardworking people are very wellcome.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    Bulgarian: Fluent
    German: Intermediate
    English: Intermediate
    Russian: Intermediate
    French: Beginner

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    For now we can host you in a caravan or cabin and in a hot season in a tent. When house is ready - room for guests
    We live simple life and please to not expect some luxury. Now we are in a construction process. But we will try to do the best, your stay here be comfortable how we can.
    Off grid living its nice, but think before come here if you are ready, for it because here are some challenges with roads 15 km. far from shops etc.

    WE have place for camping with your campervan or tent
    In hot time of year shower outside, in a winter in a house.
    Vegan or vegeterian food 2 times per day plus some fruits in a day. ( on a site is not appropiate to eat meat, but possible in the near town)
    We are no smokers and ask smokers to do this only outside and be very carefull, because in sumer its a big danger from fire on a site. Even in a summer we will be gratfull if you dont smoke here.
    Two outside compost toilets!

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    On a site we have hamaks on shade and other places you can relax in off time. Cose to us is a small river and dam for swiming.
    Good to know that we dont make for voluntiers any insuarence, so your stay here is on your risk and responsibility. Probably its make sence to travel with your own health insuarence. We use for our family hearbs and healthy life style practices, that we can share with you if you have interest.
    If you have interest there old megaliths, mountains and sea that we can make on site agreement to visit together, or you can visit alone.
    Nearest airport is in Burgas town 100 km., Nearest train station Qmbol municipality town 45 km. Nearest bus station town Elhovo 15km.
    WE have here 2 km. dirt road and crossing the river, so if you dont have your own transport, possible to take you from Elhovo.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    You can do this in a caravan probably. Its depend how much internet you need. We have over 30 gb per month internet and live offgrid so we can share some, but if you need more or very fast internet you need to organaise yourself.

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    Sure. Also water for vans, compost toilet and inside or outside shower. Its more realistic when our dirt road is not muddy. So entering with your own transport depend for now from whether condition for the road.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


Host ref number: 428811811892

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Help a family with homeschooling, cooking and exploring the beautiful wild beaches in Gorica, Bulgaria
Help in my home and with my furry family in the mountains of Bulgaria