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Support me in "living a dream" 45 km from Cologne, Germany



 Min stay requested: at least a week



  • Description


    Here's a little update,
    the festival at the end of May 2024 was wonderful and a complete success thanks to the help of three workawayers and many friends!... Ask us for the link from Anne, a workawayer who made a little film about her time with us. We are also planning a summer camp in August / September where we want to work on various projects together, e.g. sauna construction, swimming pond, gardening, house renovation work and just have a good time together with a lot a of singing and campfire.... We still lack enough sleeping space and are therefore primarily looking for people who come with a camper or can imagine spending the night in a yurt or their own tent... We are also still looking for a couple or a group of people , who can imagine sitting on our farm for three weeks in July ( 6 til 28.07) while we planned our holiday/ maybe also workaway together for three weeks for the first time... With great gratitude for all the great encounters with people that we have already had here through workway. Love and light
    Laura and Andreas

    **** Urgent! After everything that has happened in the last few years, we have decided to celebrate and organize a special festival here on our square... If you spontaneously have time to creatively transform our square into a festival space, Feel free to get in touch! Couples and groups of people are welcome too! We've really had a very challenging and difficult time in recent years and we're really looking forward to a new beginning... Lot's of Love Andreas and Laura ( P.s.: ... We are working on updating our entire profile again shortly, most of the photos are already new)

    ****URGENT : we had on 14 .07 a big flood that destroyed a lot of our lovely home, the first floor was full of water and we relay would be thankfully right now for helping Hands! we worked really hard the last days with a lot of helping hands and could already remove the most of the destroyed interior... Now it' time for a lot of creativity souls to rebuild the kitchen, the dining room etc...
    At this moment we praying voor beautiful souls to let this little paradise rise again... We also need community time, campfire nights, singing, dancing, laughing, yoga,spirit talks... 🙏🙏🙏***

    Sat Nam,
    First I want to say thank you for all the lovely mails I get, it really gives me a lot of power... And I also want to say sorry for all the requests I do not answered right in time... The last years where a big challenge, but now the future of this project is a lot saver... Pity enough few years ago there was a big storm in the early spring last year, and it has damaged the old barn. So the focus is to go on rebuilding the barn and transform it into a spiritual seminaries house with a big workshop on the first floor. The idea behind is to create an open space for everybody how wants to learn and share his knowledge... It's also the first year that I open my land for a community vegetable garden project. So there is relay a lot tot doe this year, and I am looking for hardworking idealist's how can handle our simple way of living and like to let this dream come true... I am sure we will have a great community time together sharing our skills, music, story's around the campfire. So please let me know if you like to help me. I am also especially looking for someone hoe like to stay for a longer period and help my with my three beautiful children, hoe are living part-time with me, take care of the house and help me to organize with volunteers... I can offer you a small space and for sure a live changing experience
    ...about the way of living:
    I try to live a spiritual and more alternative life, including daily meditation and Kundalini yoga. I try to take my food out of the land, and I am also a practicing freegan (including dumpster diving). Furthermore, I live in a very old small Village 50 km south-west of Cologne. Nearly11 years ago I decided to leave the big city life, to start a more natural way of being. My place is a little ancient farm with a very beautiful land containing a little stream, source, fishponds, little forest, vegetable garden... even if it’s still chaotic and messy I love this tiny piece of earth and I feel relay blessed to live here.
    For a few years I have run this place alone, and so I really appreciate helping hands. The jobs are varied and diverse,
    I try to use as much as possible ecological and recycled materials like sheep wool isolation, clay walls, wood frame constructing, stone walls......
    For me as host it’s not simply looking for helping hands, I like to share my house, lifestyle, dreams, knowledge and enjoying the time together. I like to cook together, singing round the campfire and all this hippy stuff. I have already had more than 200 workawayers, helpers and woofers, and my experience shows me that I prefer enthusiast People above 25, who have no problems with breakfast at 8:00, and see themselves as open-minded, spiritual, Rainbow people, colorful, easy going... I personally don't drink alcohol (I work a lot of years as a bartender in Berlin and saw so much beautiful souls changing...) and I don't like the energies of drunken people. So if you need alcohol to feel good, this is maybe not the right place.

    About my self: I am a Master Violin Maker and Music therapist, and I have a full-time job as teacher for historical instrument building at the university Gent Belgium. I have a love for ancient and alternative methods and skills and try to grow my vegetables in a bio-dynamic, permaculture style including the rhythm of the moon. Further, I am busy with different natural and shamanic healing and tantra traditions. I love making music, joining rainbow gatherings, ....
    Living here is very basic (no warm water during the summer for example) depending on the number of helpers it can happen that you have to share a sleeping place with other workawayers
    Workaway for me, is a great opportunity to invite the world to my little place and to help me realize my dream of a more sustainable life. Without all the helping hands, I wouldn’t be able. It’s for me a matter of sharing, and I really like to host people. Let's raise our voice, we have the choice to heal this land and our lives

    Love and light
    Hari Ong Singh

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Art Projects
    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Farmstay help
    Babysitting and creative play
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    there is a beautiful landscape around and also this very old little village is quit nice. Further you will learn a lot about ecological gardening and building and have a nice community time. And of course I can tell you something about musical instrument building and thousand other things...

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    This year I have not planted any vegetables, but there is still lots to doe in the garden. The main focus lies on organizing, structuring, renovating, cleaning and building… I am still busy with rebuild the construction of the old barn house, and we have already done a lot with a lot of helping hands from work away, and I am relay proud and thankful for all what we have realized, but the hole is quiet messie now and this I really want to change so that the energies can flow again... The vision is to transform this old barn into an open spiritual seminar house. Here is a lot of work to doe, mainly with wood and other organic materials... I am also still busy with renovating the 400-year-old Farm house and creating new rooms into there. For the rest there is a lot to doe in the garden there are a few old trailers that I want to transform into tinny houses... The most works a right now are perfect for people how want to build, reorganize, design or renovate in the future their own farm or tiny house in a more alternative way. In the last years I have really learned a lot of skill and I absolutely like to share all of it. My experience with having a lot of helpers here, show me that it is absolutely not imported If you are a woman or men. For me, the most imported is that my description resonate with your heart and that you're seeking for learning in you live.

  • Languages spoken

    German: Fluent
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent
    Dutch: Fluent

  • Accommodation


    In the summer months we often have a lot of helper's here so that is nearly always shared sleeping rooms! and in the summer we have also only cold water!

    - Mongolian Yurt up the hill in the forest

    - Caravan

    - there is also a sleeping room in my instrument building workshop

    - Potentially anywhere in the garden if you have a tent
    It's really a simple and basic way of lifestyle,for example we don't have warm water in the summer month...

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    there is quite a lot nature around including two caves and historical buildings, it's definitely not the right place for party people but nature lovers will love it

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    This host has indicated that they love having digital nomads stay.

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    This host has said they are willing to accept those travelling with a pet.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

Host ref number: 399746897793

Website Safety

Feedback (31)


The image depicts a group of seven men posing for a photo in a backyard, surrounded by gardening tools and a wheelbarrow filled with purple grapes.


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Cultural exchange:


Nurture nature with a young vegan couple in Bad Segeberg, Germany
Become part of our community and discover the joys of country life near Lake Constance, Germany