
Classic climbing and collaboration in the completion of a mountain refuge in Asturias, North Spain

  • Favourited 591 times
  • Last activity : 22 Oct 2024



 Min stay requested: 1 month or more



  • Description


    The main philosophy of this project, is to help with the project and enjoy the abundant free time, to get to know the area well....The best idea of ​​this project...is to read the 60 comments of the volunteers who have come here in the last 15 years...
    the project. P House.... advances... slowly... but with a heart that beats excitedly, it is a shared heart, since it is a project carried out... by numerous people... sometimes the harmony is greater... or even at some moments we find solutions to more complex problems... building a path in an orchard that is almost a mountain,... the construction of the fountain of joy in the orchard... the climbing room... doing for the first time a new long pitch -bolting- in a classic climb... an authentic multipitch... giving new life to an old door... designing, malintencionados and putting a window in the kitchen roof... without a doubt taking a step like this is feeling like a member of a particular group of people, who build a chimera to endure and feel like a member of a human chain... doing and feeling like a member of a group

    We already have volunteers in the project, we have 2/3 volunteers as standard, you can write to us, call us, we will talk to the volunteers and when we have a space, we will get in touch, we will call you...or a WhatsApp or an email, this is a place where everything is about developing, little by little...have a nice day...happy new year...

    Participating in a project like this has the interest of learning, masonry tasks, carpentry, repairing a road to help as a team, tasks in a garden... learning another language, in a mountain environment... full of life and history.
    There is a lot of free time.
    In less than 100 meters you are in the forest with a beautiful mountain river.

    We are looking for apprentice carpenters... bricklayers..

    This is a project where volunteers participate in bringing life to a beautiful mountain village... which is almost uninhabited in winter. We love that volunteers talk to current and future volunteers on WhatsApp so that they have a precise idea of ​​the project, before coming to it.

    The project is a project in an isolated place in the mountains, with a very important physical component. We prefer that you stay for at least a month, preferably 2 months. People who come back come back...if you want to stay longer...it's possible...the record is held by two people who stayed for more than two years during the pandemic...

    If what you're looking for is peace and relaxation... to write a long book... something like a quiet vacation... I think this... isn't your project.
    You will join a group... that is the plan... This is a group project. Here things are done in chorus, in a group. We do not lock ourselves in our rooms... we do not cook individually... this characteristic is essential... we interact with our companions with our neighbours in the village... we try to live in a community... Spanish style... Mediterranean... We do not come to the village to impose city criteria... It is not... the idea of ​​the project... Here when we meet a neighbour, we talk to him... about the weather... about the animals... we are interested in his life... we listen to him with respect... this is the plan for everyone.

    We are interested in planning for 2024, and next year 2025 >>>2026>>>>>>> we like to organise the arrival of volunteers well in advance, >>>>>>>>> here we do it like this, we do not improvise, >>>>>>> we plan or at least we try... it is about organising ourselves in the face of a great challenge

    We have been here for 15 years. The project... has a number of particularities... one of them is that we have many narrators sharing their journeys... These are all our present and past volunteers (those who have shared the experience).......and of course... in plural, we are... that is, we have people living this project and telling what we do... that is part of the program... people who participate in the project... we have to write what we do... work... climb... cook... tell others... Of course... and after the project you can stay on the WhatsApp page, or not, it depends on the degree of involvement, we need people to join...

    ... talking and telling us stories is something very Mediterranean, very Spanish... for example, we are waiting for a volunteer to describe his stay on Workaway... ... it is one of his... ... his commitments.

    We need volunteers, we are looking for people who are interested in living in an isolated town, without shops, in a mountain environment, accustomed to an independent life. We love climbing, visiting caves and more... The plan is to help 24 hours a week... ahem... 3 days a week and have 4 days for yourself (for sports activities). You have Bikes to move around the area

    This project has been in development for 15 years in a family that has accepted volunteers for 36 years.

    We have a wooden house, we want to live with people who do not smoke (if you smoke you cannot come).

    We do not like dogmatism and we laugh at the fashions of the moment. Our beliefs revolve around traditional, rational and environmentally friendly agriculture. We do not like to be smarter than others, or impose our intuitive and few ideas about agriculture on our neighbors... who have been cultivating the garden all their lives.

    We have animals, chickens, a garden and we are making a forest of fruit trees (we have 63 fruit trees)... In a forest-garden.

    It is important to read the comments of the volunteers, talk to them... and then you will understand the project, what I am writing is my vision... but for you... reader... it is best to talk to previous volunteers... of your age... it is necessary to have a high degree of knowledge of the project, before arriving, to see if it meets your expectations, we are talking about making good use of your time.

    It is not a project for travelers of the immediacy, for travelers of the here and now... this is cooking over a slow fire. This is a project where people are the center, it is not a project to use and throw away... We try to build interpersonal relationships of a certain solidity.

    Many of the travelers/volunteers return... or communicate with us... many of the volunteers... build relationships between them... that will not be erased with time... we love to build community...

    Dear Volunteer,

    A) We only accept people who are able to maintain a very active communication pattern during this selection process, i.e. if you don't answer us within 24 hours... we understand that you are a very busy person... we know that volunteers are trying to communicate with numerous projects and we can answer about 10 volunteers a week in summer...

    B) The next step is to use WhatsApp... to get in touch with other workawais who have been on our project... they are the ones who will explain to you... what this project is and isn't... in a common language... and with a pattern of similarity with your interests...

    C) we hope that you send us a request for a stay via WhatsApp if you don't, we understand that you are... into other interests... and this mutual selection process... yours and ours... if you don't show a fluid communication pattern... it is considered interrupted...

    X) Considering that what I can explain to you about my project is something unimportant, and interesting... for a simple question of age... I am 67 years old and I am I'm sure my mental discourse is light years away from your communication pattern... I recommend that you read each and every one of the comments from the volunteers who have been in this project... and who have been here for a long time and know us well... they really know what it's like to be in the Casa P project

    Good luck, peace and patience... on the interesting path of life... greetings...

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
  • UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN goals
    No poverty
    Zero hunger
    Good health and well-being
    Quality education
    Gender equality
    Clean water and sanitation
    Affordable and clean energy
    Decent work and economic growth
    Industries, innovation and infrastructure
    Reduce inequality
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible consumption and production
    Climate action
    Life below water
    Life on land
    Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Partnerships for the goals
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Being in the project for a month... will make you a character with certain knowledge about DIY... you will learn to solve everyday problems in your repairs... you will be an expert in the use of a battery screwdriver... example.... certain knowledge of gardening... and you will be members of a living community in a Spanish town... and perhaps in the future you will surely use all or part of those skills.....

    The Puertos de Marabio Natural Monument is made up of sinkholes and blind valleys.

    It is a natural space protected by the existence of a peculiar karst complex, formed by sinkholes and blind valleys that give it great hydrogeological interest. It has three large cavities: the Sumidoiro del Fondadal, 156 meters deep, the Vistulaz Cave and the Vegalonga System, which with its 5,900 meters of development represents one of the main underground complexes in the region.

    In the ports we can find grasslands with deer and scrub surface, generally heaths, gorse, holly, Genista occidentalis, hawthorn and blackthorn.

    This Natural Monument is included in the Protected Landscape of Pico Caldoveiro.

    Location in the Area

    The Ports of Marabio are located between the councils of Yernes and Tameza, Teverga and Proaza, and are delimited to the east by the Sierra de Peña Padiella, to the west by the Sierra de la Granda, to the north by Pico Caldoveiro and to the south by the watershed of the River.

  • Help


    We need help building and repairing a cabin in the woods with people to help

    YOU DON'T NEED TO BE AN EXPERT...THIS IS AN EXCHANGE PROCESS...WE CAN TEACH YOU WHAT YOU NEED... But learning is a process that takes time... .. we need calm minds, kind people and helpers with a sense of humor
    if you are a professional perfect weeks if we have to teach the process is slow, and the minimum stay 1 month

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    Spanish: Fluent
    English: Intermediate
    French: Beginner
    Italian: Beginner
    Portuguese: Beginner

    This host offers a language exchange
    WE SPEAK CASTELLANO SPANISH, WE HAVE NO DIFFICULTIES TO SPEAK ENGLISH AT A MEDIUM LEVEL ... WITH GRAMMATICAL ERRORS BUT GOOD COMMUNICATIVE LEVEL. THE FRENCH IS A LITTLE RUSTY, WE ARE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND PORTUGUESE AND ITALIAN The language of communication is English, I am here one weekend a week, the rest the volunteers decide the language of communication. The stay is to practice climbing, to learn to cut a tree, to make a path... to speak but in English, French, Italian or Portuguese, this is not a good destination to learn to speak Spanish

  • Accommodation


    All volunteers have their own room and there is even a small apartment

    Volunteers have "all inclusive" food, transportation visits to the area ...
    Volunteers have a room Comfortable and functional.

    Volunteers have "all inclusive" food, transportation visits to the area ...

    Have private room

    Everything we need to work we have, your clothes, if you have a normal size, but this is never a problem .... we are used to finding solutions.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    we receive numerous requests, to your request for stay we have said yes but we need to have an approximate calendar of the date of your arrival, since we need to answer the e-mails today yes or no.

    A small comment about respect for other ways of living.
    In the town our neighbors are cattle ranchers, with their peculiar way of understanding life and the struggles to survive in the balance of the natural environment.
    The neo-rurals -e
    Among those I find myself very given to preaching that it is the right thing to do and not about how the balance between wildlife and livestock should be.
    I think we should reflect from a respectful point of view. We must not fall into cultural ethnocentrism, walking slowly and listening previously allows us to build another way of thinking but it is a process of years, the countryside is not changed with speeches from the city. I think respect and listening is a good point of view.

    Volunteers are expected to be autonomous, if / the project adapts you will enjoy it, if you don't adapt. Don't suffer, look for another site that suits your philosophy.

    We are interested in receiving people who understand what it means to live autonomously in a rural environment. Sometimes visitors expect to find the same as in a city and that is not the case. It is not necessary to have experience but to be disciplined and autonomous. There is a lot of free time. The help schedule is 24 hours a week, we usually concentrate it on three days so we have more days off ... if you want another distribution there are no problems.

     The cabin no. It is comfortable, HAS ALL KIND OF CLOTHES, WATER BOOTS ... but life in the countryside has some characteristics that need important energy and adaptability from visitors.

    This is not a good option for travelers who believe that this is a hotel ... no, here this is a house where three days a week really works and four is enjoyed .... it is your time ... for what That you decide, THIS IS AN EXCHANGE PROGRAM ... IT IS SOMETHING LIKE A WORKSHOP SCHOOL ... PEOPLE ARE THE IMPORTANT ... THE HONESTY..THE BEING ABLE TO SHARE .... the fundamental ... enjoy of what you live


  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    Digital nomads are accepted, we have an acceptable Internet speed for a remote village, the maximum for the Vodafone company.

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    Large vans do not fit well on such narrow roads. A typical WB van fits well, in the town there is a lot of place to park in front of our house there is a park and a fountain

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    5 hours/day, 5 days/week maximum

Host ref number: 275419384694

Feedback (50)



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Cultural exchange:


Help welcomed in a beautiful off-grid nature reserve in the mountains of Murcia, Spain
Help in a cat shelter in a town next to Barcelona, Spain