Help at a comtemporary hostel in Bariloche, Argentina

  • Favourited 97 times
  • Last activity: 23 Jun 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 1 month



  • Description


    [note: please contact the host in Spanish]

    Hello, we are Majo, Axel and Benicio, we will be your hosts if you decide to volunteer at our hostel. We are a young couple, with a 4 year old boy. The volunteer work is in the accommodation with the guests, this does not imply the care of Benicio, do not worry haha

    We are a small hostel located in San Carlos de Bariloche, a few blocks from the Civic Center of the city.
    It is a family hostel, where we like to share different moments with volunteers and guests.
    Know different cultures and learn from them.

    We are looking for volunteers, but not any volunteer!
    For us it is very important that they are travelers, open to dialogue, responsible, creative, decisive and above all things with a good heart.
    Volunteering is more than just the exchange of work for accommodation, we seek to be part of the passage of a traveler through our city, help you to continue traveling with this modality.

    The tasks during work hours here can be varied: Cleaning of rooms and bathrooms, washing of sheets, garden, reception, restoration and maintenance among others.

    We also ask for an essential task of coexistence, which is to maintain the order of their personal things, it is essential that they be careful and orderly people with their things and those of the hostel.

    It is an important requirement that they speak Spanish and English fluently and that they stay with us for at least 3 weeks (we are flexible). The first week is always a trial, if everything goes well you can stay the agreed time.

    If you think you can do all these tasks together, we wait for your message telling us about your trip!


    Hola, somos Majo, Axel y Benicio, seremos tus anfitriones si decides hacer voluntariado en nuestro hostel. Somos una pareja joven, con un niño de 4 años. El trabajo de voluntariado es en el alojamiento con los huéspedes, esto no implica el cuidado de Benicio, no te preocupes jaja.
    Somos un hostel pequeño ubicado en San Carlos de Bariloche, a pocas cuadras del Centro Cívico de la ciudad.
    Es un hostel familiar, donde nos gusta compartir distintos momentos con voluntarios y huéspedes.
    Conocer diferentes culturas y aprender de ellas.

    Estamos en busca de voluntarios, pero no cualquier voluntario!
    Para nosotros es muy importante que sean viajeros, abiertos al dialogo, responsables, creativos, resolutivos y por sobre todas las cosas con un buen corazón.
    El voluntariado es más que solo el intercambio de trabajo por alojamiento, buscamos ser parte del paso de un viajero por nuestra ciudad, ayudarlo a que pueda seguir viajando con esta modalidad.

    Las tareas en horario de trabajo aquí pueden ser variadas: Limpieza de cuartos y baños, lavado de sábanas, jardín, recepción, restauración y mantenimiento entre otras.

    También pedimos una tarea de convivencia esencial, que es mantener el orden de sus cosas personales, es primordial que sean personas cuidadosas y ordenadas con sus cosas y las del hostel.

    Es requisito importante que hablen español e ingles de manera fluida y que permanezcan con nosotros al menos 3/4 semanas (somos flexibles). La primer semana siempre es de prueba, si todo marcha bien puedes quedarte el tiempo pactado.

    Sí crees que puedes realizar todas estas tareas en conjunto, esperamos tu mensaje contándonos de tu viaje!!

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Art Projects
    Language practice
    DIY and building projects
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    We offer a stay in friendly and willing to exchange language and cultural environment. They will naturally feel integrated, the only thing we hope is that they feel like in their own homes.
    We are waiting to hear from you!

    Ofrecemos una estadia en ambiente amigable y dispuesto al intercambio de idiomas y culturas. Van a sentirse integrados naturalmente, lo unico que esperamos es que se sientan como en sus propias casas.
    Estamos esperando saber de ti!

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    The workload is a maximum of 25 hours per week

    Rotating tasks
    *️️ ️Cleaning - 5 days - 5 hours - 2 free
    *️️ ️Maintenance - 3 days - 8 hours - 4 free
    *️️ ️Reception - 4 days - 6 hours - 3 free
    *️️ ️Reception - 3 days - 8 hours - 4 free

    La carga horaria es de 25 horas semanales como máximo

    Tareas rotativas
    *️️️Limpieza - 5 días - 5 horas - 2 libres
    *️️️Mantenimiento - 3 días - 8 horas - 4 libres
    *️️️Recepción - 4 días - 6 horas - 3 libres
    *️Recepción - 3 días - 8 horas - 4 libre

  • Languages spoken

    Spanish: Fluent
    English: Intermediate

  • Accommodation


    In exchange for work we offer, bed in shared room, with more volunteers or guests. Depending on availability every day.
    Breakfast every morning.
    They can make use of the washing machines, having their own soap for it.

    A cambio del trabajo ofrecemos, cama en habitación compartida, con más voluntarios o huéspedes. Dependiendo de la disponibilidad cada día.
    Desayuno todas las mañanas.
    Pueden hacer uso de las lavadoras, teniendo su propio jabón para la misma.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    We offer a stay in a friendly atmosphere and willing to exchange language and cultural environment. They will naturally feel integrated, the only thing we hope is that they feel like in their own homes.
    We are waiting to hear from you!

    Ofrecemos una estadia en ambiente amigable y dispuesto al intercambio de idiomas y culturas. Van a sentirse integrados naturalmente, lo unico que esperamos es que se sientan como en sus propias casas.
    Estamos esperando saber de ti!

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    This host has indicated that they love having digital nomads stay.

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    No tenemos un patio donde puedan quedarse, pero en otras oportunidades han dejado el vehículo en la vereda y de igual manera utilizar nuestras instalaciones.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    25 semanales

Host ref number: 211131141727

Feedback (34)



These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (5.0)

Cultural exchange: (5.0)

Communication: (5.0)

Help with gardening, construction, maintenance and artistic projects at our place surrounded by nature in Río de los Sauces, Argentina
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