Help me with childcare in Guadalajara, Mexico



 Min stay requested: at least 1 month



  • Description


    We come from Montreal, Canada.
    Our language Is french.
    I also speak English and spanish.
    Mathys Is learning both.

    July 2023, we have gone on a VAN road trip across the USA, straight line between Montreal and Guadalajara, Mexico. I am an exchange student ONE YEAR, in Guadalajara, AND I need au pairs for the 15 hours/ week I am in University and Mathys, out of school.

    FREE April 15th - July 6th

    Hi. My name is Ariane and I am a 44 years old single mother of one son. I am a costume designer and an anthropology student. But I have a boyfriend in Montreal and he should visit in January, wich Is why January 2024 Is not available.

    My son, Mathys, 10 y o. in June 2023, is a very cute, lively, enthusiastic, sociable, dancing, signing, funny kid. He is also quite demanding for he is not a child who can entertain himself alone extremely well. I need 15 hours/week help to look after him or help in the house if less hours of babysitting are requested.

    I have never provided food in the last 9.5 years I have had au pairs. But the situation is special, now: I arrived Guadalajara in the very rich Providencia neigbourhood. It was furnished, good location, close to a small park, all convinient shops and it had 2 bedrooms. I was paying a lot. More than I could and was extremely stressed with money. I had an aupair, there. My calender was filed with non-workaway-people from september 2023 to May 2024. But one week of September, all au pairs except the one who was already with us untill 10th of november have let us down. That was fine in the sens that I had time to think about what I would do. I waited to see if new au pairs would contact me. End of september 2023, a friend suggested a non furnished very cheap place in Fresno and some help to furnish it cheap. So I jumped on the ocasion but there is only one bed room. Only one bedroom but I have more money. More to either pay Mathys out-of-school activities instead of having an au pair... or having an au pair who accepts the situation of a way more simple flat and neigbourhood, Mathys and I sleeping in the livingroom. The up side is: well instead of spending on a second bedroom and modern place for you, asking you to pay for your own food, I suggest trying for the first time spending more on food and cooking for you. Also because de place to store the food, in the kitchen, is limited. So having all in double would be very dificult to fit, unless you keep your dry food in your room. And be two cooking at the same time is imposible... PS We eat very little meat. We used to be vegan in Canada but adaptated to the situation. So I cook with much vegetables... greek, italian, mexican, indian, american inspired receipes.

    I need to have a real relationship with the person who comes to live in my house even if we have little in common. I mean I would NOT appreciate someone who stays most of the time in his/her bedroom or be out every evening, not letting us connect together.

    I am very very comunicative, direct, sincere and transparent. Requirments, preferences and expectations are usually more than clear. I have no problem with the multi-hat relationship with au pairs. I am more leader as to the "services" you give me with babysiting Mathys or cleaning the house. I am trying to be equal when bearing the hat of the room-mate and I am very keen to show an open mind and vulnerability when being into the more "friendly" zone. I have always done several activities with the 33 aupairs we have had. I always presented all my friends to them and it has always been deeply human and relatively fun. Many au pairs we kept contact with later on and have visited in their country. I could make schedules way in advance so all can manage the rest of the time and be able to plan ahead. Or not. We can go from week to week. I am flexible when we schedule. Less flexible when arrangements are taken... but I can be comprehensive to a certain extend.

    Questions? Do not hesitate.
    I suggest you add me on Whats app or Messenger to exchange infos and pictures of the neigbourhood, the flat, the parks nearby, etc.

    Neibourhood in Guadajara: Fresno.

    Security: 2 gates with locks. 3-4 neigbours. All super nice, helpfull, friendly and quiet.

    Public Transportations around? Absolutely. 10 min walk and you are at Santa Filomena tren (outdoor subway? Non-electrified tramway? I am not sure how to qualify that but it goes faster than the bus and comes every 5 min.)

    Room: Your own, with a window, a queen size matrice directly on the floor, 2 small bed side tables, shelves and hangers' poles. It has a door. The place is extremely quiet.


  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Language practice
    Babysitting and creative play
    Help around the house
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    benefit and learn a lot. Ask me in private conversation :-)

    Here, you can learn french with us and spanish outside the house.

    I can present you to my friends and invite you to participate in my social or cultural occasions.

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    I look for a helper to babysit. 15 hours. per week.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    French: Fluent
    Spanish: Intermediate

    This host offers a language exchange
    I am not fluent in spanish. I would love to be corrected by a pro. I can teach you french and correct your mistakes to make you improve!

  • Accommodation


    a private room.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    So i have a van and i want to visit Chapala Lake. We could posibly go together.

    I am studiying ethnology and want to visit native communities in Jalisco. Perhaps you want to come.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


Host ref number: 112262488819

Website Safety

Feedback (8)


The image depicts a woman enjoying a meal on a patio, seated at a table with a glass of wine and a plate of food.


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