Expose yourself to organic farming and help with permaculture at our eco village in Undrumsdal, Norway



 Min stay requested: 1 month or more



  • Description


    We encourage couples or friends of two to apply.
    When your application has been processed we will invite you to a WhatsApp/Skype/Zoom or other type of video call.
    We receive an extreme flow of applicants and must cut on the work of responding.
    When you apply please use the below example as a template in the HEADER of your application:

    "Arriving around April 1st. - leaving around September 1st. - Ukrainian and Slovakian couple , age 25 and 24 - permaculture enthusiasts."


    You will receive the minimum wage of 144,90 NOK/hour. We will inform you about the paperwork necessary to fill out that will enable each of you to make up until 69.650 NOK annually without tax-cuts. The details around this will be taken care of during our correspondence after our video-call and application acceptance.

    WHO WE ARE. Previously, for 12 years, we owned and ran a 9-acre organic permaculture farm in Hawaii. We had many woofers and interns during that time, exclusively a life enriching experience. Now our family of three lives in our comfy straw bale house located adjacent to a small-scale organic farm in southern Norway.

    We are involved in farm activities on different levels and are now responsible for a 6.5 hectare piece of land for a Permaculture Project. A lot of energy is channeled here. Our daughter Sophia (1998), studies pedagogy. Sophia and boyfriend John (1994) are managing a Permaculture Project at the University in Oslo. (some work might also be channeled here). My wife Ingunn work as a local doctor (general practitioner). My name is Robin and I work as a social worker with people born both deaf and blind, and I also teach Marshall Rosenbergs communication-model "NVC". We are all enthusiastic and supporting the worldwide movement headed by SriSri Ravi Shankar and the Art of Living. We practice this style of Yoga and hold workshops and monthly Satsings in our home. We have many ongoing projects that you can get involved with. We speak English quite well. We would love to get to know you and practice life enriching communication. We hope to make for a wonderful exchange/experience and that we share meals and project time as much as is joyful for us all. 😊

    A near and beautifully located, small scale organic farm is run by pair of dedicated farmers. Roar and Rakel have been running this place since the 90s and have taken it to a whole new level. There is a workshop venue, a small-scale dairy production and a weekend-only open Café’. A great opportunity to taste homemade pizza, cinnamon rolls and finest quality yoghurt. Furthermore, the farm is open for visitors and hosts for all sorts of gatherings.
    Roar works on the farm all day long and needs help with different tasks. Rakel is a landscape architect and helps with organizing and maintaining the place. Their youngest son Martin (1998) has just finished agriculture and carpentry school and is in the process of taking over the farm. He has just proposed to marry his girlfriend Mathilde (1998) and we soon expect a celebration of love. Martin is the engine behind (CSA) community supported agriculture. He enjoys a crowd of nearby happy vegetable fans that make annual contributions to get their weekly fresh tomatoes and kale +++. Mathilde is amazing in the kitchen and run the Cafe'. As you see there are many happy souls living here to divert your attention with bad jokes after all the chores are done for the day.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Art Projects
    Language practice
    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Farmstay help
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN goals
    No poverty
    Zero hunger
    Good health and well-being
    Quality education
    Gender equality
    Clean water and sanitation
    Affordable and clean energy
    Decent work and economic growth
    Industries, innovation and infrastructure
    Reduce inequality
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible consumption and production
    Climate action
    Life below water
    Life on land
    Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Partnerships for the goals
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    You will live on the farm but will be exposed to a small Eco village in which 11 families enjoy their lives. Our house, being 1 of 4 straw bale buildings, are built to the highest standards. Our knowledge around ecological living could contribute to your learning. In winter, we sometimes have movie night at our house. Neighbours come for popcorn and tea and we take turns in presenting our choice of film. Occasionally we gather for bonfire and music under the stars.
    The area is quite picturesque and has a historical heritage that predates the viking era. Walks in the area will show signs of how people lived as far back as 8000 years ago.
    Driving 10 minutes by car you will find yourself in a buzzing tourist magnet of a costal town. The population of 50 000 people is more than doubled in summer months. Museums, medieval castle site, local markets and all the diversions a town can provide, you will find here.
    We hold permaculture and NVC communication workshops. You can attend when you find a topic that interests you.
    During April-October there will be an opportunity to learn windsurfing, provided that the instructor has time and weather permits. It is nice to have a shift from farm-life once in a while.
    There are cross-country ski-tracks right outside our door.
    Downhill opportunities a few hours away.

  • Host offers payment in line with the minimum wage

    Host offers payment in line with the minimum wage

    This host offers accommodation and payment.

  • Help


    We offer payment for your 6 hours of work 5 days a week. You will live and sleep comfortably and we will feed you well. Products like expensive drinks, sweets, treats, cosmetics and articles of hygiene you will pay for yourself. We request that you bring work-clothes and shoes that fits our climate. Wool all over as the first layer is a good idea to bring with you. We will provide gloves.

    1. THE LAND PROJECT. I am currently involved in the Norwegian Permaculture movement as the national coordinator. I also regularly host workshops and meetings for enthusiasts. The LAND project consists of 5 different permaculture demonstration sites that I hope WorkAway'ers will contribute to. (1) the nut orchard with sheep and horse pasture. (2) the perennial garden, (3) PK- element-placement-site, (4) the forest garden and (5) the mushroom-forest grove) . All gardens are in the start-up phase and we are excited to see them develop.
    LAND stands for L=learning, A=activity, N=network and D=demonstration. The farm gets around 300 visitors each week. My hope is to make a vivid display of Permaculture Ethics and Principles so as to inspire visitors. This involves greenhouse work, propagating plants, sales, planting trees, Permaculture designing, building the farm shop and more. We would like to create an artistic installation as well. All the income from the Land Project will be funneled towards its further development.

    2. THE FARM Your working hours will be equally divided between farm work and the permaculture LAND-project. The farm is a small scale organic Norwegian farm with lots of animals (cows, hens, ducks, rabbits, sheep, horses, peacocks...) and crops to take care of. You will be involved in everyday tasks such as animal and vegetable-attention and as well as taking care of the guests visiting the farm. The farm also has a homemade organic dairy production that you can be involved in and help the business grow. There are sometimes people from all around the world working on the farm. This provides for a great cultural exchange opportunity. What’s more, the farmers take a great care of their guests and workers, most of the food eaten there is grown on farm, so it’s a truly ecological and organic lifestyle to experience here.

    3. PROPAGATING PLANTS. We would like to attract people who have a genuine interest in the propagation of plants. Kloning, grafting and seed-collecting as well as mass production by way of cuttings is something you can learn from us or perhaps teach us.

    4. BEE-KEEPING. Now we have just two hives but would like to double the production this summer. Here you could also teach us your skills and learn from us. We have a separate cabin where we extract our honey that needs painting and repair.

    5. STRAWBALE BUILDING. Our straw-bale house needs some maintenance and additions. The clay plaster on the straw-bale-houses next door needs maintenance as well.

    6. GARDENING. We have several vegetable gardens and greenhouses that need constant attention. This includes sowing, weeding, mulching, harvesting and preserving.

    7. HOUSEHOLD CHORES. Our mostly vegetarian cuisine would love inspiration from other parts of the world. Cleaning the house is also something very welcomed.

    8. WE NEED HELP TO MAINTAIN OUR WEBPAGES. If you have experience with web-design you could develop our web page into something informative and useful.

    9. WINDSURFING SCHOOL. There is another project that’s important for me to keep going. For 5 years I have run my own windsurfing school and would like to make that business grow. (April to October) If you feel inspired to contribute to progress with this, then please speak up. A radio commercial could easily pump up the revenue to a booming business in the summer. Our part of Norway increases the population in summer by 100%.
    However, windsurfing as an activity might be just for leisure. It is nice to take a break from the farm occasionally.
    If you come as a farm helper and want to learn how to windsurf or try Sand-Up-Paddling you have a great opportunity for this.

    10. THE PATHWAY. Our area is of historical significance that predates the Viking era. A pathway that will lead farm visitors to the Permaculture site via educational-stations, is another project in the making. We will apply for a grant that will help us in this pursuit. Ideas and design-suggestions are very welcomed.

    11. THE PONDS. We are creating a multipurpose pond-system to serve both as our drinking water in severe droughts but mostly for watering the yard, aesthetics and swimming.

    You will receive the minimum wage of 144,90 NOK/hour.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    Norwegian bokmål: Fluent
    French: Beginner

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    Enjoy a cabin for 1-2 persons. Joint access to facilities like toilet, shower, kitchen, washer and wifi in the farm's cafe.
    Ingredients for breakfast, lunch, dinner and an evening meal will be provided for and it is great if you come and do the shopping when we do. We have busy lives and you might have to prepare and eat alone occasionally.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    We have a tent you can use.
    Transport to town includes 3 options. You can borrow our bike, nice bicycle paths take you all the way to town. A bus-stop is inconveniently located 1.5 km away from our house. Only 4 trips round trip are provided daily. We frequently go to town so if you want you can ride with us.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    You will have internet access during your stay in our Cafe'.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


Host ref number: 111543814186

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Feedback (9)


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Join us at our beautiful summerhouse in the south of Norway, Kristiansand
Help with self-sustainable vegetable garden in Børselv, Norway