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100 %
Last replied
29 Jan 2025
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We are in the heart of Sicily, close to the Tholos della Gurfa. Olive trees, almond trees, and various fruits surround our house, near the organic garden. Our countryside is not far from the village of Alia, and 70 km from Palermo. Antonino and my 12-year-old sons Gabriele and 18-year-old Luca live in our house, from which you can enjoy a suggestive landscape. Donkeys, dogs and cats keep us company. We are starting to plant a forest on our hill: you can participate and you can learn how to prune trees. We often cook fire-fired pizza with organic flour, we produce tomato and fruit preserves, liqueurs, essential oils and particularly fine olive oil: you can participate with your help and in the meantime you learn Italian and we your language.
Siamo nel cuore della Sicilia, vicini alle Tholos della Gurfa.
Ulivi, mandorli, e frutti vari circondano la nostra casa, vicino all'orto biologico.
La nostra campagna è poco distante dal paese di Alia, e a 70 km da Palermo. Nella nostra casa, dalla quale si gode di un paesaggio suggestivo, viviamo io Antonino e mie figli Gabriele di 12 anni e Luca di 18. Asini, cani a gatti ci fanno compagnia.
Stiamo iniziando a piantare un bosco nella nostra collina: puoi partecipare e puoi imparare a potare gli alberi. Cuciniamo spesso la pizza al fuoco con farina biologica, produciamo conserve di pomodoro e frutta, liquori, oli essenziali e olio di oliva particolarmente pregiato: puoi partecipare con il tuo aiuto e nel frattempo impari l'italiano e noi la tua lingua.Types of help and learning opportunities
Charity Work
Art Projects
Language practice
Help with Eco Projects
DIY and building projects
Animal Care
Creating/ Cooking family meals
Help around the house
General Maintenance
UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve
Cultural exchange and learning opportunities
You can get to know a truly special place, immersed in the Sicilian hilly countryside, close to the Tholos della Gurfa, a suggestive archaeological site unique in the world. You will be able to learn Italian, our ways of approaching Mother Earth, Sicilian cuisine, cooking pizza and bread, and living the life of the nearby village. At 70 km Palermo offers the history and culture of a city with strong Arab-Norman influences.
Puoi conoscere un posto veramente speciale, immerso nella campagna collinare siciliana, prossimo alle Tholos della Gurfa, suggestivo impianto archeologico unico al mondo.
Potrai imparare l'italiano, i nostri modi di approccio verso la Madre Terra, la cucina siciliana, cucinare la pizza e il pane, e vivere la vita del vicino paese. A 70 km Palermo offre la storia e la cultura di una città con forti influenze arabe-normanne.Help
We will plant trees, we will have an organic garden, we will prune the fruit trees, we will feed and restore the animal enclosures, and then small maintenance work on the house, including wood for the winter; you will participate in the collection of olives, almonds and various fruits.
Pianteremo alberi, faremo l'orto biologico, poteremo gli alberi da frutto, daremo da mangiare e ripristineremo i recinti degli animali, e poi piccoli lavori di manutenzione della casa, compresa la legna per l'inverno; si parteciperà alla raccolta delle olive, delle mandorle e frutta varia.Languages
Languages spoken
German: Intermediate
English: Intermediate
French: IntermediateThis host offers a language exchange
This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
You can contact them directly for more information.Accommodation
You will have a comfortable room, with an east-facing window from which you can enjoy the sunrise. The bathroom is shared. You can cook and have lunch together. We are not vegetarians, we are not vegans, but we can adapt the menu to the needs of vegans and vegetarians...
Avrai una stanza confortevole, con finestra vista est dalla quale ti puoi godere l'alba. Il bagno è in comune.
Si puo cucinare e pranzare insieme.
Non siamo vegetariani, non siamo vegani, ma possiamo adattare il menu alle esigenze di vegani e vegetariani.....What else ...
We are available to accompany guests to the nearby town from which they can reach Palermo, Agrigento, Cefalù.
Siamo disponibili ad accompagnare gli ospiti al paese vicino dal quale possono raggiungere Palermo,Agrigento, Cefalù.A little more information
Internet access
Limited internet access
We have pets
We are smokers
Can host families
Space for parking camper vans
This host can provide space for campervans.
How many Workawayers can stay?
Feedback (2)
He is also very communicative
and open to new ideas and suggestions so we can always have a delightful conversation.
Highly recommend Nino to… read more
These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.
Accuracy of profile:
Cultural exchange:
He is also very communicative
and open to new ideas and suggestions so we can always have a delightful conversation.
Highly recommend Nino to… read more