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Get to know the Amazon and help us establish a food forest in Ucayali, Peru

  • Favourited 764 times
  • Last activity: 27 Jul 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 3 weeks



  • Description


    We are Sadí, Jacqi and Sami, a family from Perú and Germany. After several years of traveling, helping out and learning in many beautiful projects & communities, we have settled down in the rainforest of Perú and are now happy to be able to receive volunteers ourselves :)
    About three years ago, we bought this piece of land which includes about 16 hectares, in the region of Ucayali
    The area has suffered a lot from deforestation by the coca leaf production and now, the soil is very depleted due to the intense use of chemicals and the forests need support (cutting vines preventing trees from growing etc) to be able to recover strongly and healthily.
    Our dream for this place is to plant beautiful food forests, including local and foreign varieties and also plants for medicinal use.
    We use natural, regenerative methods like permaculture syntropic agriculture etc, but also common sense, so that we can eat mainly from what grows here.
    Many things in the jungle work differently than elsewhere and we always keep on learning!
    We have lots of chicken, ducks, Guinea pigs and rabbits.
    Recently, we have been planting different varieties of bambú, which we will also use for natural building and food source in the future.
    We are really just at the beginning of our project, so it can be very interesting for you to witness this process if you are curious. This also means that many things are still in progress and evolution and not as organized as we might wish.
    Eventually, we dream of being a small sustainable community of a few families and private conservation area, which you are very welcome to join if you have a similar vision and like this place and project 🌱😊
    20 months ago, our first baby was born so the rhythm of our life has changed quite a bit, the little girl is bringing a lot of joy to our lives and slowed things down a little with Jacqi now being mostly active around the house :)
    Please, only send us a message if you are willing to help and support us with all your heart because the life and the work in the jungle can sometimes be challenging if you are not fully engaged in this experience.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Art Projects
    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Farmstay help
    Babysitting and creative play
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
  • UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN goals
    No poverty
    Zero hunger
    Good health and well-being
    Quality education
    Gender equality
    Clean water and sanitation
    Affordable and clean energy
    Decent work and economic growth
    Industries, innovation and infrastructure
    Reduce inequality
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible consumption and production
    Climate action
    Life below water
    Life on land
    Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Partnerships for the goals
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    We enjoy sharing what we have been learning throughout time and by living here on the land like
    * Healthy, wholesome nutrition from the land and local, traditional dishes
    * Knowledge of local ecology, fruits and medicinal plants
    * Regenerative farming methods like permaculture etc.
    * how we plant bananas and other fruit trees
    * basic carpintery
    * working with a machete
    * Kombucha & kimchi making
    * bread making
    * worm composting
    * Reforestation and land management
    * Practicing/Learning Spanish and English with us :)
    * living simply in harmony with nature, local style and sustainable
    * splitting firewood, cooking with fire,
    * animal care

    And much more :)

    If you have any questions or want to learn anything, just ask!

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    If you are interested and willing to give us a hand in the daily works we are doing, you are absolutely welcome here! :)
    It's really important that you are motivated because life and the work here can be pretty challenging and tiring because of the heat, humidity and mosquitos.
    Often, people need some time to get used to the climate.

    We always take a lot of time to explain and introduce people in this place so that you feel at home and understand how everything works, thats why we appreciate when you can stay at least 3 weeks (sometimes we make exceptions of 2) because it can be tiring to always have to explain again and again :)

    Our current projects and daily works include:
    - clearing/ maintenance of (fruit) trees already planted, because the jungle grows quickly
    - planting trees (during rainy season, Nov-Apr)
    - setting up a grey water system for the kitchen sink we Just built
    - establish a garden bed
    -cut some big male palm tree which create too much schade for others to grow
    - finish the house, making bed frames, shelves and organizing and building shelves for the toolshed
    - cooking meals on the fire, chopping wood
    !! daily chores like dishwashing, cleaning the house, collecting food for the rabbits and guinea pigs...!!

    Usually, we like to use the early morning hours before it gets really hot to get things done.
    Work always differs, according to what needs to be done. Some days might be easy& relaxed and other times work might be really physical and tiring because of the heat/humidity. You'll probably sweat a lot here which is great for detoxing the body ;)
    We would love to provide a more liberate working structure according to your passions, skills and curiosity and love people who can work independently. But sometimes we also have situation related priorities that we need to finish first.
    Everything always depends on the dynamics between the volunteers too as well as the motivation of the group in general.
    Living in the same house in community, it's important that we all take care of this space in a responsible and thoughtful way - this is not a hostel ;) -
    One volunteer once said "This is a workaway, not a chill-away", which sums it up quite well. There is a time for both of course.
    We Just want you to be aware that even though we would like it, we have seen that this place is not for everyone and some people do struggle because of
    the climate, mosquitos and as a result also the work.
    If you are interested in getting to know real life on a jungle homestead / farm this is your place! :)
    Open and honest communication is very important for us so we can have a good relationship and make the most of our time together :)
    We really appreciate people who have initiative and can do things by themselves when seeing that something needs to be done. Like this, we can work and life together more efficiently and have motivation as a team 😊

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    German: Fluent
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent
    Portuguese: Fluent
    French: Intermediate

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    We live in a simple, large two story wooden house. There are no walls/rooms because it's always warm/hot in the rainforest.
    We eat at a low table, sitting on the wooden floor.
    We still need to build a lot of furniture like shelves, beds etc.
    You can choose between sleeping in a hammock with mosquito net or a comfortable matress on the floor with mosquito net. We have a couple of mattresses here.
    If you have a tent you can also put it on the wooden floor inside the house.
    During the day we have several hammocks to hang out and relax.
    We live off-grid, and only have a small solar panel which is just enough to charge some phones and some light at night.
    ** we suggest you bring a powerbank and only use your phone when necessary **
    ** If you want internet access it is best if you get a SIM card from Entel (or also Claro, there's signal up the hill) ! **
    If not, you can also use the time here as a kind of rest from technology and city life, just enjoying the beautiful surroundings of the jungle :)
    We have just finished building our clay kitchen with a stove and a small oven where we cook with firewood.
    Sometimes cooking with fire can be challenging and needs some patience.
    Recently, we built a pipe to have running water in the kitchen for cooking and washing the dishes, a big blessing!
    We bathe in the creek closeby. When taking a shower or washing clothes with soap, we throw out the soapy water in a little distance from the river.
    We have a dry compost toilet, or if you prefer you can go into the forest with the shovel 😉
    Basically, we live outside of the comfort zone. Living here is NOT like living in the city ;)
    The creek springs in the forest behind the house and this is where we drink from, very clean and refreshing, cold water.
    We have just been here since a bit less than a year and are still in the process of establishing food forests and gardens.
    So far, we have a good harvest of different types of bananas, Yucca (manioc) , pitucca (taro) , lemons, cocona, and a few pineapples.
    Some of the seasonal fruits we harvest include Pumarosa, Caimito, Mango and Granadilla.

    we have only just begun producing our own food so there's still many things we need to buy in town so we ask for a small optional contribution for the food or you can bring your own food, too if you prefer :)
    Our aim is to provide more and more food from what we grow.
    We usually go to the village once a week to buy fresh vegetables and supplies for the week.
    The food we cook is simple and depends on what we have available.
    In the morning we often have some Kind of porridge with home made bread, eggs/Avocado or other local food and for lunch/dinner rice or pasta legumes, root vegetables, eggs and every now and then we eat a rooster too but of course you don't have to.
    There's always lots of bananas to eat as many as you want 🍌🍌🍌
    This is the jungle, so there's always some mosquitos around. Wearing socks and long sleeves is the best protection, especially at night. After sometime, they usually lose interest and your body gets used to the bites, too, especially if you do not scratch the bites ;)
    It's good to bring some (old), sturdy clothes that are suitable for working in the garden.
    And you definetely need a (head) torch for the night.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    In your free time you can explore the forest, bathe in the creeks,play Volleyball, make art, play games with us, or with Sami, the cats and dogs... It's up to you! :)

    On a day off, Sadí often takes everyone on a walk to explore the jungle.
    There's a lot of different types of monkeys around, especially in the morning and around sunset, as well as armadillos and lots of different varieties of rodents.
    We often see Tucans, hummingbirds and many other birds especially when you go on a slow and quiet walk in the forest you might see more :)

    If you stay more time, we can go explore some nearby rivers and waterfalls like Velo de la Novia or Ducha de Diablo.
    Our land is located in 40 mins
    ** WALKING /TREK (it can be exhausting) ** distance from the village of Huipoca, we do not have road access yet! You need a backpack, it's not recommended to come with a suitcase because the way passes through forest, hills and crosses rivers.
    We usually go to the village once a week to buy food, if you stay longer and get to know the way you can also go there by yourself of course :)
    We are located 15km from a bigger town called Aguaytía.
    We are just inbetween the cities of Tingo María and Pucallpa, three hours by bus each way.

    For anyone who is wondering if it's safe to travel in Peru or in the region where we are, yes it is :)

    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    This host has said they are willing to accept those travelling with a pet.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    3 hours/day, 5 days/week

Host ref number: 866864991216

Feedback (32)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (4.9)

Cultural exchange: (4.9)

Communication: (4.6)

Help to empower local communities through education in Iquitos, Peru
Help with different tasks in our place in the city of Huarez, Peru