Be a big sister to our girls and enjoy Venetian life, Italy

  • Favourited 264 times
  • Last activity: 29 Jun 2024



 Min stay requested: 1 month or more



  • Description


    *ABSOLUTELY no smokers & girls < 29 years old *

    LONG STAYS: at least 3 months
    Bubbly & active English speaker

    We are a family of 5 all born in different places!
    Mom is originally from Uruguay, dad is Italian.
    Our three girls (Olivia, Camilla and Sofia) go to school from Monday to Friday in beautiful Venice where we live in a house built in 1700 that we had completely remodelled.

    We're looking for someone who's enthusiastic, trustworthy, active, patient, fun and playful to help with the kids, a BIG SISTER for our girls.

    We are a globetrotters family, together with our girls we've visited almost 40 countries and we love to meet new people and cultures, we enjoy sharing travel stories and prefer hosting someone that is eager to EXPLORE the city and visit new places every day. Not the type of experience for a digital nomad or somebody who prefers to stay home on her laptop instead of planning and going out to explore and plan something new to do EVERY day.

    We would love to host persons willing to create meaningful bonds with our family, a friend for life :) Someone that we could visit in the future or send our daughters for a few weeks over.

    Many of our previous workawayers came back to visit us after they've left and we are still in touch with most of them :)

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Language practice
    Babysitting and creative play
    Help around the house
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Venice is an open-air museum and it has been the same for centuries. You will feel like entering a piece of art and you could spend forever exploring the city's labyrinth of narrow passageways, alleys and bridges.
    As a family, living in such a slow-paced city is an amazing experience, and after living abroad (pre-kids) we decided that this is the place where we would like our girls to grow, (together with some travelling, of course!).

    We are pretty easy-going, love cultural exchanges as we lived and studied abroad and have traveled a lot with our girls since they were born. We speak Italian and Spanish at home and would love to improve our girls' English. We love to learn about different places and new cultures.

    If you are interested in learning or improving your Italian we will be glad to help you too! There’s an Italian course running during the Academic year that you could join.

    We would like to welcome someone that appreciates the city and its uniqueness and takes the most out of her stay. We prefer someone that loves to explore around (even alone), an active, positive and outgoing person who takes the most out of this experience and goes sightseeing around instead of staying all day home.
    I am in contact with other families that host girls in Venice too, so you could meet young people to go out and visit around.

    Italy is home to the largest number of UNESCO world heritage sites in the world (55 sites) and of course Venice is one of them. The only city of its type in the world.
    This is a UNIQUE opportunity, specially if you are interested in Art, visiting Museums and Historic Places.

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    Are you a chatty person? Do you love children?
    Are you willing to IMPROVE the girls' knowledge of English thru lots of repetition?
    Do you have any special skills (art, music, sports) and a teaching spirit?

    We are looking for a loving person that likes and enjoys being with children, a bubbly person that TALKS to them trying to ENGAGE them asking questions, making them talk and keeping them entertained.
    Someone who knows how to be silly and goofy at the right time, but serious and firm when needed.

    Our main focus is for our girls to IMPROVE their English.
    Knowledge of Italian is NOT required.

    We would love someone with a "teaching spirit" that is eager to correct their English (EACH time!) and help them REPHRASE.
    Our girls understand and communicate in English fine but they make some errors on spoken English, therefore we are looking for someone that is NOT SHY and is eager to improve their language by helping them :).

    If you have good artistic skills like crochet/KNITTING, drawing, are a swimming instructor, play an instrument (our girls play piano and violin), cross stitch, skip the rope, play tennis, roller blades or have any other talent or skill that you are happy to share and teach our children, THEY WOULD LOVE THAT!

    Love children: this is THE most important thing for us.
    All our previous workaway experiences have been great because the girls we hosted LOVED being around young children and spending time together and they all got attached to them. It's very important that you HAVE EXPERIENCE with kids and are OPEN to a different culture. Someone who knows how to "handle" children, as they are not always easy ;)

    Other important qualities are:
    - honesty
    - a clean and tidy person (herself and with her personal stuff/around the house) who doesn't mind giving a help in the house
    - responsible and well-organised
    - optimistic and joyful
    - active and curious
    - adaptable* (schedule may change on occasions and this shouldn't be a problem to you)
    - EXPERIENCED with kids (8-12 years old)
    - someone who has a "teaching spirit"
    - sb. with lots of patience
    - willing to enjoy the experience and to create a bond with the family
    - someone who WISHES to VISIT and explore

    Quick & basic set up to be done in girls room and play area every morning.

    Afternoon from 3.30/4.00pm usually until 6.30/7 pm, help will mostly be needed by picking up the girls from school, taking them to their sports/music activities or home to play and helping in the evening routine (setting up the table, picking up toys, reading with the girls, etc). One evening per week, if we go out (rarely on weekends). Help after dinner by putting dishes away/clearing up kitchen.

    DURING THE SUMMER: SCHEDULE WILL CHANGE AND HELP WILL MOSTLY NEEDED TO TAKE THE GIRLS TO THE BEACH in the morning (by public boat) or pick them up from their summer camp in the afternoon.

    Weekends are mostly free and you can visit Venice or other beautiful places in Italy or even Europe.

    We prefer someone who likes to live in a family environment and really likes children.
    We would like to share meals together as a family (at least dinners with the girls/mum as dad normally arrives later) and as a family member we appreciate help in the house by keeping it tidy, just as any adult in the house will do.

    It's really important that you have EXPERIENCE with kids and that you are CONFIDENT AND PATIENT with them and enjoy helping them improve their English, get involved with the family and in return we will hope to make you feel welcomed in our home and offer you to live in a unique city as Venice.

    We receive many requests and I ALWAYS reply back :)
    CHECK THE CALENDAR FOR OUR AVAILABILITY (we don't host for 1 week, 2 weeks or short periods)
    Write me if you feel you can really match our family

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent
    Italian: Fluent
    French: Beginner
    Portuguese: Beginner

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    We offer a private small room on the third floor of our house with a bathroom next to your room (girls use it only during bath time or at night). There are 3 bathrooms in the house, so there's never a queue!

    If you've never been to Italy or Europe please take into account that living spaces in Venice are much smaller compared to USA/Canada or Australia. Most of our previous workawayers traveled really light and the space in their room worked fine.

    Part of the cultural exchange involves food. Italian food is amazing and we hope you get to appreciate that and adapt your eating habits at home or while exploring around. There are delicious cafes, restaurants and bars in the area to enjoy many of the traditional dishes.

    At home we eat during mealtimes only and we eat together (when possible) what mum/dad cook (trying to respect tastes and intolerances). If you are home and having dinner at home you’ll be expected to sit at the table with the girls or family and help out before/after.

    If you will or won’t be home for dinner during the weekdays please let us know in advance.
    Weekends are FREE for everyone and there aren’t ‘rules’ regarding eating times as sometimes we eat out/at friends' places, etc.

    We also have a zero food waste philosophy (food is not thrown away and if there’s some leftovers we will eat them at the next meal).
    We eat a variety of foods and we have a meat and plant-based diet. While we eat some meat (max. once/twice a week) we will be happy to accommodate vegetarians, however we won't be able to accommodate vegans, people with lots of allergies, or who are very picky about food and need to cook their own dishes (due to current kitchen organisation and spaces). Mum or dad will cook for everybody, as it’s easier :)

    For breakfast we offer: seasonal fruits, home-made loafs, bread, marmalades, oats, cereal, milk, plain yogurt, coffee, cappuccinos and tea. We prefer not to have bacon & eggs cooked in the morning.

    As we are all working/at school during the week you are free to help yourself for lunch and prepare something QUICK like a sandwich, wrap, salad, pasta, tortellini, etc. Weekends are free for everybody, sometimes we stay home, sometimes we go out with friends. If you are around and we are home, you can have lunch/dinner with us.

    For dinner we usually eat: vegetables cooked in different ways, salads and home-made soups, legumes, cous-cous, pasta, barely, rice (risotto), corn polenta, quiches, potatoes, cheeses, home-made hummus, fish, seafood and meat. We drink tap water and occasionally alcohol (beer or wine). No sodas or artificial juices except on birthdays or other occasions.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    You can visit Venice or any of its islands.
    There's public transport available (by waterbus- transport pass: €100 to activate the Venice transport card + 37€ each month of stay for unlimited transportation around Venice and all of its islands).

    During the summer months (May-Sept) you can relax at the beach in Lido Island on the Adriatic sea which is a few minutes away by boat!
    Moreover, we have a boat to explore the Venetian lagoon and you could join us some time!

    There's a train station where you can take trains to visit any place in Italy (Verona, Florence, Milan, Rome, Naples), or even close countries such as Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Germany.

    Flixbus is another cheap option that will take you to Croatia for 15€ r/t

    We have two important airports (Marco Polo and Treviso Airport) with flights to most destinations in Europe for a weekend getaway (, , etc).

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 777187862325

Feedback (10)



These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (5.0)

Cultural exchange: (5.0)

Communication: (4.9)

Join a welcoming and loving family in San Giuliano, Italy
Join a family of globetrotters and help out with the kids and cooking in Milano, Italy