Help around our family tourist venture surrounded by nature, good energy and calmness in Mendoza, Argentina

  • Favourited 274 times
  • Last activity : 22 Oct 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 2 weeks



  • Description


    Hi, we are Graciela (55) and Federico (33), mother and son with good vibes! I, Federico, traveled through some countries as a volunteer so I know the good energy and vibe we travel with.

    Our place is a family tourist venture in the mountains of Cacheuta overlooking the Andes Mountains, a few steps from the Mendoza River, surrounded by nature, good energy and calm. We have 5 domes and 3 cabins built with love and in constant evolution. The complex has many green spaces, a swimming pool, a descent to the river, internet, hammocks and barbecue grills to enjoy a delicious asado. We are very close to the Cacheuta hot springs (15 min by bus), the famous Entre Dos alfajores factory (10 min walking), several stores, restaurants, ice cream, etc. We regularly travel to Mendoza city, so if you need to go down to the city, we can give you a ride. The place is very safe and is guarded 24 hours a day. We do not provide food, but sometimes we do a asado for the team. So send us a message if you would like to join us!


    ola somos Graciela (55) y Federico (33), madre e hijo con buena onda! Yo, Federico, viaje recorriendo algunos paises como voluntario por lo cual se la buena energía y vibra con la que viajamos.

    Nuestra lugar es un emprendimiento turistico familiar en la montaña de Cacheuta con vista a la cordillera de Los Andes, a pocos pasos del rio Mendoza, rodeado de naturaleza, buena energía y calma. Tenemos 5 domos y 3 cabanas construidas con mucho amor y en constante evolución. El complejo cuenta con muchos espacios verdes, una piscina, una bajada al rio, internet, espacios para descansar con hamacas y parrillas para disfrutar de un rico asado. Estamos muy cerca de las termas de cacheuta (15 min en colectivo), de la famosa fabrica de alfajores Entre Dos (10 min caminando), varios almacenes, restaurantes, heladeria, etc. Regularmente, hacemos un trayecto desde la ciudad de Mendoza hasta el complejo, por lo que si necesitan bajar a la ciudad. El lugar es muy seguro y esta vigilado las 24 horas. No brindamos alimentos, pero a veces hacemos un asadito para el equipo. Así qué mandanos un mesaje si te gustaría unirte a nosotros!…

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    DIY and building projects
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    In your free time, there are endless things to do related to nature. In our complex, you will have the possibility to communicate with the visitors. Also, you will have the possibility to learn some simple things about maintenance, construction and more. Of course, also practice your Spanish!
    En su tiempo libre, hay infinitas cosas para hacer relacionado a la naturaleza. En nuestro complejo, vas a tener la posibilidade de comunicarte con los visitantes. También, vas a tener la posibilidad de aprender algunas cosas simples de mantenimiento, construcción y màs. Por supuesto, también practicar tu español!

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    Normally the work would be in the morning from 10h to 15h. Our site is constantly evolving so, help with carpentry, construction, site maintenance would be more than welcome. We are looking for someone to help us with the cleaning of the domes and cabins, some maintenance of the place (gardening, cleaning of grills, keeping the complex clean). Also in customer service (check in, check out). If you have energy and you are up to, there are always things to do.
    We ask for intermediate spanish level to communicate with the guests.
    Normalmente el trabajo sería en la manana de 10h a 15h. Nuestro lugar esta en constante evolución así qué la ayuda en carpienteria, construccion, mantenimiento del lugar y más sera muy bienvenido. Buscamos a alguien que nos ayude con la limpieza de los domos y cabañas, a mantener un poco el lugar (jardinería, limpieza de parrillas, mantener limpio el complejo). Tambien en atencion al cliente (check in, check out). Si tenes energía y ganas, siempre hay cosas para hacer.
    Pedimos un nivel de español intermedio para poder comunicarse con los huespedes.

  • Languages spoken

    Spanish: Fluent
    English: Intermediate

  • Accommodation


    The volunteer will have a private place, bathroom with shower, kitchen, electricity, kitchen utensils, basic internet, that is to say that they will feel very comfortable.
    El voluntario tendria su lugar privado, baño con ducha, cocina, electricidad, utensilios de cocina, internet basico, es decir que se van a sentir muy cómodo.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    We are 100 meters from the main road, so traveling by bus to discover the area or go in the city of Mendoza would not be difficult, also sleep and rest in peace without noise will be easy. Nearby there are activities such as horseback riding, rafting, bungee jumping, paragliding and much more.
    Estamos a 100 metros de la ruta principal, por lo cual viajar en colectivo para descubrir la zona o ir en la ciudad de Mendoza no se dificultaria, igualemente dormir y descanasar en paz sin ruido va a ser fàcil. Cerca del lugar hay actividades como cabalgatas, rafting, puenting, parapente y mucho màs.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    Max one dog

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 715172521254

Feedback (15)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile:

Cultural exchange:


Help in a hostel in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Farm and homestay in La Pampa, Argentina