Help with bioconstruction and organic gardening in the plainest countryside of LaMancha, Spain

  • Favourited 3 times
  • Last activity : 16 Oct 2024



 Min stay requested: at least a week



  • Description


    Hello, my name is Miguel, I am Architect Tec., Between the years 2010 and 2014 I lived in England and was there where I begun to mature the idea to move into country side. A few months ago, I finally moved to an isolated area surrounded by a lot of countryside and low hills. The rustic farm is located in the land of Don Quixote very close to the city of Albacete, in the plainest of LaMancha. At the moment I am rehabilitating and adapting an old barn with techniques of bio-construction that finally will be my home, good at the moment it is already my home. I have also made an organic garden for self consumption where I have grown tomatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, lettuce, lettuce, celery, basil, parsley, pomegranates, peppers, cucumbers, melons, etc ... I am delighted with my new Life! You want to share the experience for a while and learn from me to walk this way ?? Read on.

    Hola, me llamo Miguel, soy Arquitecto Tec., entre los años 2010 y 2014 viví en Inglaterra y fue allí donde comenzé a madurar la idea de trasladarme a vivir al campo. Hace unos meses, por fín me trasladé a una zona aislada alejada de la civilización, rodeada de mucho campo y monte bajo. La finca rúśtica se encuentra ubicada en la tierra de Don Quijote muy próxima a la ciudad de Albacete, en lo más llano de LaMancha. Actualmente estoy rehabilitando y adecuando un viejo granero con técnicas de bioconstrucción que finalmente será mi hogar, bueno actualmente ya es mi hogar. También he hecho un huerto ecológico para autoconsumo donde he cultivado tomates, zanahorias, cebollas, ajos, acelgas, espinacas, lombardas, lechugas, apio, albahaca, perejil, granadas, pimientos, pepinos, melones, etc...Estoy encantado con mi nueva vida!!Quieres compartir la experiencia por un tiempo y aprender conmigo a andar este camino?? Pues sigue leyendo.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    DIY and building projects
    General Maintenance
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Farmstay help
    Help with Eco Projects
    Help around the house
    Animal Care
    Language practice
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    This society has made us dependent on many things that we do not really need and that are essential. Here we will learn to be a little more self-sufficient and more sustainable for the environment.

    I am learning every day something new if you want to accompany me in this learning for the period of time you choose, come here!

    Esta sociedad nos ha hecho dependientes de muchas cosas que no necesitamos realmente y que son prescindibles. Aquí aprenderemos a ser un poco más autosuficientes y más sostenibles para el medio ambiente.

    Yo estoy aprendiendo cada día algo nuevo si quieres acompañarme en este aprendizaje por el periodo de tiempo que elijas, vente pa acá!!

  • Help


    In the field there is always something to do and many different tasks in which you can collaborate voluntarily, for example: painting with lime, painting with enamel, painting with plastic paint, DIY, cultivating and attending the ecological orchard, learn to do bioconstruction using Natural materials such as wood, stone, clay, make natural soap, make craft beer, collect firewood for the winter, prune the almond trees, etc. Any idea or proposal will be heard.

    En el campo siempre hay algo qué hacer y muy diversas tareas en las que podrás colaborar voluntariamente, como por ejemplo: pintar con cal, pintar con esmalte, pintar con pintura plástica, bricolaje, cultivar y atender el huerto ecológico, aprender a hacer bioconsrucción usando materiales naturales como la madera, la piedra, el barro, hacer jabón natural, hacer cerveza artesana, recolectar leña para el invierno, podar los almendros, etc. Cualquier idea o propuesta será escuchada.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    The lodging is between the walls of that old granary that I am rehabilitating with my own hands. There are several beds and mattresses in a shared space so we will have little privacy when you are here. To fulfill our daily needs we must visit nature ..., there is no toilet. We are working !! ;) I have already installed a shower and running water that comes from an artesian well. At the moment the hot water is coming from the sun in sunny days. No hot water in cloudy days.

    I Along with the accommodation I will provide you with all meals while you are here. My diet is mediterranean, it is quite complete. I tend to make 3 important meals such as breakfast, lunch and dinner. Between meals I eat several fruits. If you are on a special diet, you should let me know in advance to see if I can buy the necessary food, which you usually consume, in the local stores or in case it is not possible to get them to evaluate other alternatives. We will adapt as we get to know each other.

    El alojamiento se encuentra entre las paredes de ese viejo granero que estoy rehabilitando con mis propias manos. Hay varias camas y colchones en un espacio compartido con lo cual tendremos poca privacidad cuando tú estés aquí. Seguimos de obras!! ;) Ya hay WC!!!Y hay una ducha y lavabo con agua corriente que proviene de un pozo artesiano.

    Junto con el alojamiento yo te proveeré de todas las comidas mientras estés aquí. Mi dieta es mediterranea, es bastante completa, como de todo. Acostumbro a hacer 3 comidas importantes como son el desayuno, el almuerzo y la cena. Entre comidas suelo tomar algo de fruta. Si tú haces una dieta especial deberás comunicarmelo con antelación para ver la posibilidad de adquirir los alimentos necesarios, que tú sueles consumir, en las tiendas locales o en caso de que no sea posible conseguirlos valorar otras alternativas. Nos iremos adaptando según nos vayamos conociéndo.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    It is a very quiet and quiet place and at night only the nocturnal animals are heard. Near there are low mountain where different wild animals like rabbits, hares, foxes, wild boars, autillos, owls, kestrels, abutardas, torcaces, ducks, etc., coexist.

    In winter it is quite cold and in the summer a lot of heat, keep it in mind in case you need to bring warm clothes.

    I have some work clothes that you can borrow to develop your volunteering and not spoil yours.

    The nearest town is 4km from the farm, there is another 5km, another 10km and Albacete 17km. I have a bicycle that you can use.

    To come here I will give you the indications so you do not miss if you come with your own vehicle but if you do not travel in your vehicle, I will pick you up at Albacete. The city is very well connected and you will have no problem getting to it.


    Es un lugar muy tranquilo y silencioso y por la noche solo se oyen los animales nocturnos. Cerca hay monte bajo donde coexisten diferentes animales silvestres como conejos, liebres, zorros, jabalies, autillos, buhos, cernicalos, abutardas, torcaces, patos, etc etc.

    En invierno hace bastante frio y en verano mucho calor, tenlo en cuenta por si necesitas traer ropa de abrigo.

    Dispongo de algo de ropa de trabajo que podrás tomar prestada para desarrollar tu voluntariado y así no estropear la tuya.

    La población más cercana está a 4km de la finca, hay otra a 5km, otra a 10km y Albacete a 17km. Tengo una bicicleta que podrás usar.

    Para venir aquí yo te daré las indicaciones para que no te pierdas si vienes con vehículo propio pero si no viajas en tu vehículo, yo iré a recogerte a Albacete. La ciudad está muy bien comunicada y no tendrás ningún problema para llegar a ella.

    No hay electricidad y por consiguiente no hay wifi.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    This host has said they are willing to accept those travelling with a pet.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 663823312379

