
Help with cleaning and general maintenance in my home in Tigre near the river, Argentina

  • Favourited 85 times
  • Last activity : 18 Oct 2024



 Min stay requested: 1 week or less



  • Description


    We have a small complex of apartments and a weekend house as a family. I manage and maintain them.
    we live in Tigre near the river, a quiet place and very touristy especially on weekends. Here you can improve your Argentine Spanish language and enjoy living in an apartment with shared room very close to all access in the city.
    Some times we need help in our parcel in delta.

    Tenemos en familia un pequeño complejo de departamentos y una casa de fin de semana. Con mi familia los mantenemos.
    vivimos en tigre cerca del río, un lugar tranquilo y muy turistico sobre todo los fines de semana. Aqui puedes mejorar tu idioma español argentino y disfrutar de vivir en un departamento con habitacion compartida muy cerca de todos acceso en la ciudad. Ademas ocacionalmente necesitamos ayuda en jardineria en la parcela del delta en las islas de tigre.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    DIY and building projects
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    They can share meals with different members of the family, get a place to rest and improve the Argentine Spanish language.
    You can use our kayaks to do kayaking in the delta.

    Pueden compartir comidas con diferentes miembros de la familia, obtener un lugar para descansar y mejorar el idioma español argentino. Puedes utilizar nuestros kayaks para hacer kayaking en el delta.

  • Help


    Specifically help is requested in maintenance / painting / gardening / plumbing / carpentry / masonry, pool cleaning, cooking.
    Helping to paint the aparments
    Helping to clean the swimmingpool
    Helping in the house; cleaning and cooking
    Helping outside with the garden.
    Fixing what need to be fix


    Especificamente se solicita ayuda en mantenimiento/ pintura/ jardineria / plomeria / carpinteria/ albañileria, limpieza de picina., cocinar.

    Ayudando a pintar los apartamentos.
    Ayudando a limpiar la piscina.
    Ayudando en la casa; limpiando y cocinando
    Ayudando al exterior con el jardín.
    Arreglando lo que necesita ser arreglado

  • Languages spoken

    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent

  • Accommodation


    Hi, volunteers.
    We have an apartment in the central part of Tigre, 50 meters from the river and 150 meters from the train that takes you to Buenos Aires. You will share the apartment with me and you can sleep in the guest room. We also offer you your own bed, blankets, towels, pillows and sheets. You can use the bathroom, kitchen, refrigerator in the house. There is also wifi that you can use.
    The food (breakfast and lunch) is provided in the lodging, the workawayers are expected to collaborate in the preparation .

    these are the house rules:
    - clean up after yourself, keep the bathroom clean
    -collaborate in the maintenance of common places, sweep, mop, wash dishes, take out the trash after 8pm, help with food preparation
    - do not bring anyone to my house who is not my guest
    - avoid annoying noises after midgnight
    - you can smoke (outside)
    - no "bad smells", personal care and cleanliness is very important/ keep your room in order
    -please let me know when you come home late or if you don't go back to sleep home at night
    -add this keyword in your request to know that you accept the house rules nuez pecan
    Hola voluntarios.
    Tenemos un departamento en la parte céntrica de tigre a 50 metros del rio y 150 metros del tren que te lleva a buenos aires. Compartiras el departamento con migo y puedes dormir en la habitación de huéspedes. Ademas te ofrecemos tu propia cama, mantas, toallas, almohadas y sabanas. Puede utilizar el baño, cocina, heladera de la casa. También hay wifi que puede utilizar.
    Se proveera el desayuno y almuerzo; esperamos que colabores a preparar la misma.

    estas son las reglas de la casa:
    - limpia lo que ensucias, mantén el baño limpio
    -colaborar en el mantenimiento de lugares comunes, barrer, trapear, lavar platos, sacar la basura después de las 8pm, ayudar con la preparación de alimentos
    - no traigas a mi casa a nadie que no sea mi invitado
    - evitar ruidos molestos después de medianoche
    - puedes fumar (afuera)
    - sin "malos olores", el cuidado personal y la limpieza son muy importantes/mantén tu habitación en orden
    -por favor avísame cuando llegues tarde a casa o si no vuelves a dormir a casa por la noche
    -agrega esta palabra clave en tu solicitud para saber que aceptas las reglas de la casa nuez pecan

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    El alojamiento esta a 150 metros de las estacion de trenes de tigre. Y a una hora de tren de buenos aires. Tambien frente a la casa tienes varias lineas de colectivos. Y esmos siutuados a 200 metros de la estacion fluvial para ir a las islas del delta.

    The accommodation is 150 meters from the tiger train station. And one hour by train from buenos aires. Also in front of the house you have several bus lines. And we are located 200 meters from the fluvial station to go to the islands of the delta.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 626937731191

Feedback (15)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile:

Cultural exchange:


Help with gardening and caring for the animals on a self-sufficient farm in General Pinto, Argentina
Help us to practice our English in Alicia, Cordoba, Argentina