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80 %
Last replied
14 Feb 2025
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68.0 %
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{Spanish below}
We are Joel and Marta and a group of people who come and go (and come back) and together we do this. We couldn't do what we do without the people that has been part of it and in a way keep being part of it! We are very grateful for every person that has brought joy, effort, time and love to all the following.
We run a sailing school on Saboga Island, one of the Pearl Islands in the Pacific coast of Panama. We think we do more than running a sailing school, or at least we try. We share a way of life, a way of understanding things and a way of living more in harmony with nature.
Saboga Island is a non touristy island, very wild and surrounded by nature. We have a small sailing school and we organize groups so that they come to know the island and enjoy nature in a sustainable way, sailing between the different islands, learning different water sports and discovering the beautiful jungle.
It is a small island that can be explored by foot, it has beautiful beaches and a small town with a local community that we work with when groups come to the island (either with food preparation, help with logistics and transportation, as well as other tasks).
Also, together with a Canadian NGO we are trying to do our bit and we are creating a recycling center so that there is less waste that is thrown into the landfill or burned. We do activities with the local community like beach clean-ups and recycling workshops with kids, as well.
We have a dog called Vela and two little cats called Amura & Grillete. We make bread ourselves and eat local food from within the country, avoiding processed food. We are vegetarians and vegans, although we do fish on the island (with line, no nets!), we also eat fish from time to time.
We would like to gradually move towards being as sustainable as possible. Step by step, without pretending.
(Español) Somos Joel y Marta y un grupo de personas que vienen y van (y que vuelven) y llevamos adelante este proyecto. ¡No podríamos hacer lo que hacemos sin las personas que han sido parte de ello y de alguna manera siguen siendo parte de esto! Estamos muy agradecidos por cada persona que ha aportado alegría, esfuerzo, tiempo y amor hacer que este proyecto avance.
Llevamos una escuela de vela en Isla Saboga, una de las Islas Perlas en el Pacífico de Panamá. Nos gusta pensar, creemos e intentamos ser más que una escuela de vela, compartiendo una forma de vida, un estilo de entender las cosas y una forma de vivir más en armonía con la naturaleza.
Isla Saboga es un lugar muy poco turístico, muy salvaje y rodeado de naturaleza. Tenemos una pequeña escuela de vela y organizamos grupos para que vengan a conocer de la isla y a disfrutar de la naturaleza de una forma sostenible, navegando a vela entre las distintas islas, aprendiendo distintos deportes acuáticos y descubriendo la bonita jungla.
Es una isla pequeña que se puede recorrer andando, tiene playas preciosas y un pequeño pueblo con una comunidad local con la que trabajamos cuando vienen grupos a la isla (ya sea con la comida o con ayuda en la logística, así como otras tareas).
Además, junto con una organización canadiense estamos tratando de poner nuestro granito y estamos creando un centro de reciclaje para que haya menos desechos que se tiren al vertedero o que se quemen. Hacemos actividades con la comunidad local como limpiezas de playa y talleres de reciclaje con los niños y niñas.
Tenemos una perrita llamada Vela y dos gatitos, una que se llama Amura y otro Grillete. Hacemos pan nosotros mismos y comemos sin procesados. Somos vegetarianos y veganos, aunque sí pescamos en la isla (con hilo, no con red!), también comemos pescado de vez en cuando.
Nos gustaría poco a poco movernos a ser lo más sostenibles posible. Pasito a pasito, sin pretender.Types of help and learning opportunities
Help with Eco Projects
DIY and building projects
Babysitting and creative play
Creating/ Cooking family meals
Help around the house
General Maintenance
Cultural exchange and learning opportunities
You will experience another way of life, with less comfort, but surrounded by nature. You will live in another reality literally, another culture, another way of understanding things. We ask for people coming to have a minimum level of Spanish. It also can be an opportunity to grow your Spanish level.
You will have access to all material, so if you are a sailor, you'll be able to sail with the boats we have on your free time. As well with the windsurf material. You will also have access to snorkel gear, stand-up paddle and skimboards.
It is also an opportunity to participate in sustainability and recycling projects with the community.
Accommodation and meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are included.
Conocerás otra forma de vida, con menos comodidades, pero rodeado/a de naturaleza. Conocerás otra realidad literalmente, otra cultura, otra forma de entender las cosas.
Tendrás acceso a todo el material, por lo que si eres navegante, podrás navegar con los barcos que tenemos en tu tiempo libre. Lo mismo con el material de windsurf. También tendrá acceso al equipo de snorkel, stand-up paddle y skimboards.
También es una oportunidad para participar en proyectos de sostenibilidad y reciclaje con la comunidad.
El alojamiento y las comidas (desayuno, almuerzo y cena) están incluidos.Help
We are looking for someone who wants to come and live an adventure. Better said: ADVENTURE (like that in capital letters and if we could put bold, we would, hehe). We have several projects in which we need help, but the person who comes must have the following qualities:
- Love team work (very important)
- It's okey living a few months in a tent (with a mattress). We all sleep in tends.
- Like or want to live with other people sharing kitchen space, common spaces, etc.
- Be prepared for anything. Ex: run out of water for a couple of days, something goes wrong, etc.
- A person who adapts to changes, who is flexible
- Being able to manage your personal free time
Keep in mind that we are a team and as far as possible, we all actively participate in what would be routine domestic tasks. Things to do because we live together:
- Preparation of meals / dinner for everyone
- Cleaning the space (we rotate)
- The maintenance of the facilities (hand works, building repairs, boat repairs, painting, etc)
We need your help:
- When a group comes. We need your help with water activities and land activities (+ logistycs). THIS IS WHEN YOUR SAILING SKILLS WILL BE NEEDED! We are looking for SAILORS, WINDSURFERS and WATER SPORTS people!
Buscamos a alguien que quiera venir a vivir una aventura. Mejor dicho: AVENTURA (así en mayúsculas y si pudiéramos poner negrita, lo haríamos, jeje). Tenemos varios proyectos en los que necesitamos ayuda, estamos buscando personas con las siguientes características:
- Que le guste trabajar en equipo (muy importante)
- Que le guste vivir durante unos meses en una tienda de campaña (con colchón). Todos/as dormimos en tiendas.
- Que le guste convivir con otras personas y compartir espacio de cocina, espacios comunes, etc
- Que esté preparado/a para cualquier cosa. Ej: quedarnos sin agua un par de días, que algo se estropee, etc
- Una persona que se adapte a los cambios, que sea flexible
Debes tener presente que vivimos todos juntos y en la medida de lo posible, todos/as participamos activamente de lo que sería las tareas rutinarias. Lista de tareas:
- La preparación de las comidas/cena de todos/as
- La limpieza del espacio. Hacemos un horario rotativo de limpieza y tareas
- El mantenimiento de las instalaciones
Necesitamos tu ayuda:
- Cuando viene un grupo, necesitamos nos ayudes con las actividades de agua, las de tierra (+ logística). Estamos buscando NAVEGANTES, WINDSURFISTAS Y DEPORTISTAS DE AGUA! SI ERES NAVEGANTE O WINDSURFISTA, TE QUEREMOS CONOCER <3Languages spoken
Catalan: Fluent
English: Fluent
Spanish: FluentAccommodation
All the team members sleep in tents. These are tents equipped with a mattress. They are small but comfy. Everyone has an individual tent. They are located in a shady area by the beach.
The showers are outdoors (between palm trees) and the bathrooms are dry (they work without water, but with sand).
The kitchen is communal and we all have lunch and dinner together. This is an important moment, as we share, do teamwork, laugh and plan.
Todos los miembros del equipo duermen en tiendas de campaña. Son tiendas de campaña equipadas con un colchón. Son pequeñas pero cómodas. Cada persona tiene una tienda individual. Están ubicados en una zona sombreada junto a la playa.
Las duchas son al aire libre (entre palmeras) y los baños son secos (funcionan sin agua, pero con arena).
La cocina es comunitaria y almorzamos y cenamos todos juntos. Este es un momento importante, ya que compartimos, hacemos trabajo en equipo, nos reímos y planificamos.What else ...
{ESPAÑOL} Durante el tiempo libre, puedes visitar otras playas de la isla, andas por la jungla, pasear por el pueblo y conocer a la comunidad local, hacer nuevos amigos/as isleños/as, puedes coger material de la escuela y salir en paddle, ir a hacer snorkel, skimboard, etc. No hay comunidad extranjera y la isla es muy pequeña!! Por favor, busca en Google el lugar para que veas las dimensiones.
During your free time, you can visit other beaches on the island, walk through the jungle, walk through the town and meet the local community, make new friends from the island, you can pick up school supplies and go paddle boarding, go to snorkeling, skimboarding, etc. There is no foreign community and the island is very small!! Please Google the place for you to see the dimensions.A little more information
Internet access
Limited internet access
We have pets
We are smokers
Can host families
Can host digital nomads
{English below} Tenemos conexión a internet buena (sobretodo en la época seca: meses de diciembre, enero, febrero, marzo y abril. El resto de meses hay más lluvias y puede que algún día se vaya la luz, pero suelen restaurarla el mismo día) y estaremos encantados de que vengas y colabores con nosotros/as y a la vez puedas seguir con tu proyecto online. {ENGLISH} We have a good internet connection (especially in the dry season: the months of December, January, February, March and April. The rest of the months there are more rains and the power may go out one day, but they usually restore it the same day). We would be delighted that you come and collaborate with us and at the same time you can continue with your project online during the free time.
Can possibly accept pets
{English below} Nosotros tenemos una perrita que se llama Vela, dos gatitos (Amura y Grillete) y cerca de dónde estamos hay varios perros del pueblo y de la isla. Los animales aquí no están obligados a ir con correa. Ten presente que si traes a tu perro o perra debe estar esterilizado. {ENGLIHS} We have a puppy called Vela, two cats (Amura & Grillete) and near where we are there are several other dogs from people in town and from the island. Animals here are not required to be on a leash. Keep in mind that if you bring your dog, it must be sterilized.
How many Workawayers can stay?
More than two
Feedback (9)
On the days there were not campers, we would do repair work around the camp in the mornings and then get to sail, windsurf, paddle board, or snorkel in the afternoons. If there were campers, we would assist with… read more
Right from the start, Marta and Joel made us feel like family; cooking meals together, playing board games in the evening… read more
When it comes to sailing, they know what they are doing very well and they helped us improved… read more
These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.
Accuracy of profile:
Cultural exchange:
On the days there were not campers, we would do repair work around the camp in the mornings and then get to sail, windsurf, paddle board, or snorkel in the afternoons. If there were campers, we would assist with… read more
Right from the start, Marta and Joel made us feel like family; cooking meals together, playing board games in the evening… read more
When it comes to sailing, they know what they are doing very well and they helped us improved… read more
I loved the tasks that… read more
She is a great sailing instructor and a super water sports leader. She lead and organized groups of kids and made all activities she was responsible for fun for everyone. She also helped with land workshops.
She was always… read more
Lennard’s help was great, he has so many resources, ideas and skills when it comes to work, he is good with outdoor work, such as making wooden structures (he loves working outside and doing wood work), and he is also good with delicate jobs, such as sewing (he helped us fixing some tents and… read more
Thomas was with us for one month and helped us with groups of kids and adults. He is a great windsurfer. He helped us with water sports, land workshops, and also in the kitchen (he is a good chef).
He is a very responsible, independent person and he always gave his best in the tasks that were proposed to him.… read more
He was very happy with all the projects that were proposed, he loved working outside. He helped making big holes on the ground which is a really tough work, he build wood benches and tables. He was happy to work with tools and creating… read more
This month and a half with Marta&Joel has been a great experience. They made me feel part of the family and they always cared about me feeling confortable and at home.
Work schedule is the same everyday, so you know exactly when you are expected to be helping and when you are free to relax or explore. Also,… read more
During my stay, more than two months, I helped in the kitchen, giving windsurfing lessons to the children and I did my bit in everything I could. Marta and Joel were very communicative, they always tried… read more
Marta & Joel are truly WONDERFUL people- very thoughtful, considerate and kind (and hilarious too!)
They are accommodating to every individual’s needs and really consider the team in every decision that they make. The island itself is a magical place too and the locals are… read more
We are very grateful for the time we stayed and for what we… read more
They worked so hard in the camping area doing tough work, like cleaning the whole area, setting up bathroom structures and… read more