Help us start a farm homestead close to Trondheim, Norway

  • Favourited 31 times
  • Last activity: 12 Jan 2023



 Min stay requested: at least 1 month



  • Description


    IMPORTANT !We are now open for aplicants for 2021! IMPORTANT

    Ready for some challenge and real farm activities? We are looking for someone to be part of our team for spring and summer. It will be an intense periode with lots of cool projects, but we are relying on the volunteers coming here to be thourough, responsible, eager to learn and focused. The projects we have planned for have a lot of "moving parts" and things can go very wrong if not done properly. Ideally we are looking for people that are considering to start their own farm homestead in the future. We can offer on-site experiences into regenerative agriculture practices developed or perfected by Richard Perkins (a pioneer in Sweden). These enterprises will give key insights into how to start up your farm in a profitable manner.

    We will need help with different projects in 2021: Constructing a greenhouse (420 m2), setting up vegetable production, planting fruit trees and berry bushes, care-taking of pastured animals (chickens, egg-layers, pigs, goats, ducks & geese), slaughter/butcher chickens (straight from pasture) on farm's own small-scale facility.

    * * *
    Hello! Great that you’ve found your way to our profile!

    We are a young couple, Dominika and Håkon, freshly started farmers and gluten free-bakery owners, both with a degree in ecology.

    We bought a farm in the valley of Ingdalen, close to Trondheim, in January 2019.

    2021 will bethe farms third year since we took over the farm. Up until now, many of the farm's activities has been about establishing systems, learning, preparing for a more expansive type of operations. This year we will intensify certain aspects of what we've been doing and go into highly productive, regenerative practices of agriculture.

    This season (From early spring until late autumn) will be split into 2 parts:

    1. Preparing vegetable production (From early April until end of may): Main projects are constructing a 420 m2 greenhouse on the field (with open-soil setup), expanding upon the marked garden and seeding/planting for the season. This is a very educational part of the season where one can learn about construction, carpentry, welding, machinery etc. Additionally it teaches you alot about the intricacies of vegetables in regenerative systems, companion planting, crop rotations, water management and more.

    2. Pasture-raised animal productions: This part will be from late May and throughout July. There are 3 main prcoesses of operations. Pasture-raised meat chickens (after 3-4 weeks of age they will be outside the rest of their lives, moving to a new patch every day). Google "Salatin pens" for pictures of how the enterprise will look like. This is quite the enterprise and the plan is to have 1 800 birds, spread out over 3 groups spaced apart by ca. 4 weeks. Care-taking, daily tasks and butchering on the farm (in a small slaughter facility) are included in this. Next animal-activity are pasture-raised layers (egg producers) on a mobile coop that is moved every 2nd day. We tried a "small" version of this in 2020 with 70 birds, and it seemed to have alot of potential. This year we are planning for a mobile coop that can easily room ca. 300 birds, a daily egg collection of 280 eggs/day is expected. Care-taking, moving the mobile, egg collection and record keeping are tasks included. Finally, we have small scale forest-raised pigs. A modest operation compared to the previous two, but important for the future. Care-taking and daily tasks, along with moving the pigs from one part of the property to another are expected activities with this one. Aside from these animals we have ducks, geese, goats, dog and cat that also need care and love.
    Knowledge about machinery and animal care is wanted (but not necessarily a requirement) for the animal-part.

    The farm is our concretized dream of a home, a sustainable and ethical community, from where to contribute to happier and healthier lives and society. We want to make a change and inspire people: to change to way we think, work, grow our food, avoid damaging consequences for the environment and us. We for example barely buy food from the grocery but instead get it donated (out-of-date or a little damaged products from the stores) or pick it from the garden or forest. In general we strive to use those resources we already have in the best possible way - and creativity is free of charge! ;-) We also continuously experiment and learn about sustainable gardening methods and food production.

    Our farm is also a center for education and personal growth meaning that we willingly open our doors to host ecological and educational events and workshops. We believe that knowledge leads to understanding and taking responsibility for one’s actions and environment. The summer 2019 we organized our first weekend festival Farming in harmony with nature with workshops led by professionals focusing on wild plant harvesting and cooking as well as perennials in forest garden. Though we wish to continue with these sort of events in the future; 2021 will not be a suitable year for that. Between corona and a host of other priorities, it is something that will have to wait until 2022 at the earliest.

    We wish to provide a place to live and to work for something meaningful, and therefore we have a changing amount of people living here with us. We are looking forward to meeting you who share the same core values, are ready to throw yourself into a project or two with an open and engaged mind, as responsible as if it was for yourself. No matter your background or expertise, we appreciate seeing you enjoying and driven. We have now hosted around 50 volunteers via different volunteering platforms and enjoyed seeing people from all over the world forming a warm, family-kind-of community working together.

    More about the farm and surroundings: The main building is quite big with several bedrooms and two bathrooms. Our bakery is located in the basement (for the moment). We also have a big barn which has mainly been used for winter-shelter for our animals, storing hay etc. Right now we have 2 pigs, a few ducks, 7 geese and around 40 hens/roosters.

    Our land is about 90 hectares. The landscape around the farm are made up of forests, fields, mountains and hills, many small trails and peaceful roads. There are rivers, lakes, a small waterfall and the Trondheim's fjord nearby. A perfect surrounding for exploring and experience the Nordic nature by hiking, fishing, camping, swimming, horseback riding, spotting deers and moose and watching the sun setting over the fjord… To go a little extreme, it is possible to do scuba diving, nearby there's one of the biggest indoor climbing centers and a new aquapark in Norway.

    The farm is located approximately 1-hour-drive by car or 35-min-drive by ferry from our favorite city Trondheim, so you can easily go for a day trip to the city. Trondheim is charming in many ways with its lively city center (when covid is not raging), culture life and events. There is a river flowing through the middle of the town with old, wooden colorful houses built along the sides, small paved streets with cozy cafés, nice parks and old cathedral.

    Join us by the beautiful Trondheim Fjord to spend the days on the farm and bakery, enjoying the company of charming people and animals!

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Farmstay help
  • UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN goals
    No poverty
    Zero hunger
    Good health and well-being
    Quality education
    Gender equality
    Clean water and sanitation
    Affordable and clean energy
    Decent work and economic growth
    Industries, innovation and infrastructure
    Reduce inequality
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible consumption and production
    Climate action
    Life below water
    Life on land
    Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Partnerships for the goals
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Composting, Ecological farming, Mulching, No-Till Agriculture, Pasture Management, Pastured Poultry, Permaculture, Without chemicals or pesticides,bread making, culinary herbs, fermentation of foods, forestry, gardens, vegetable, greenhouse, medicinal herbs, sell at farmers markets

    We can offer on-site experiences into regenerative agriculture practices developed or perfected by Richard Perkins (a pioneer in Sweden). These enterprises will give key insights into how to start up your farm in a profitable manner.

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    Types of Help:
    Animal Care, Construction projects, Cooking, Egg gathering, Farm Tasks, general, Field crop management, Gardening tasks, general, Harvesting, Landscaping, Maintenance, Planting

    Dominika grew up with a passion for horses and animals, helping on different farms, Håkon seeing farming via his relatives. These experiences have already shaped us and taught us respect and love for nature. Besides that, we both have a background in ecology and environmental science and we have been testing out permacultural methods now for two seasons. We also have an interest in health and nutrition and natural sciences.

    We open our house up for "wwoofing" because we view it as a wonderful opportunity to bond with people from all over the world, sharing our customs and traditions, and providing a unique experience to those that visit us. Our vision for the farm is to make it easier for people to eat healthy and sustainable, while inspiring others to achieve the same. To do this, though, we could always use extra help, and we view WWOOF as a wonderful oportunity where we can trade our location and host of experiences, for the valuable effort provided by volunteers coming here.

    Here are some principles that we value in the house:

    We respect each other and the nature.

    No smoking/drugs/ excessive alcohol is tolerated.

    100% honesty and communication - key to trust and ethics

    We have common meals, when doable.

    It is expected that you work approx 5-6 hours a day in exchange for food and accomodation. Weekend-responsibility are on rotation, depending on how many people are at the farm.

    We try to have a trip once a week to a nice place together, but if we can't participate, we encourage volunteers to go on their own.

  • Languages spoken

    English: Fluent
    Norwegian: Fluent
    Slovak: Fluent

  • Accommodation


    We can offer a room in the attic for 2-3 people travelling together. Common bathrooms and toilets. . We live in the same house and share the common living areas with our volunteers. Certain flexibility is expected as the house is set in three separate living units :)

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    Our land is about 90 hectares. The landscape around the farm is forest, fields, mountains and hills, many small trails and peaceful roads. There're rivers, lakes, a small waterfall and sea nearby. A perfect surroundings for exploring and experience the Nordic nature by hiking, fishing, camping, swimming, spotting deers and moose and watching the sun setting over the fjord… To go a little extreme, it is possible to do scuba diving and nearby there's one of the biggest indoor climbing centers in Norway.

    Orkanger, the nearest bigger town, has an indoor aquapark and a couple of shopping malls.

    The farm is located approximately 1-hour-drive by car or 35-min-drive by ferry from our favorite city Trondheim, so you can easily go for a day trip to the city. Trondheim is charming in many ways with its lively city center, culture life and events. There is a river flowing through the middle of the town with old, wooden colorful houses built along the sides, small paved streets with cozy cafes, nice parks and old cathedral.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    25 hours with 2 days off. However; since we run a farm, we do expect some willingness to help us with basic chores and animal care in the weekends.

Host ref number: 294283625294

Feedback (5)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (5.0)

Cultural exchange: (4.6)

Communication: (5.0)

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