Come join me, let's share a chapter of our lives and be part of my adventure in Orgiva, Granada, Spain

  • Favourited 24 times
  • Last activity: 27 May 2023



 Min stay requested: 1 week or less



  • Description


    You found me/we found each other - will our paths cross?

    When paths cross, they do so for a reason, a season, a life-time, so which one will ours be, for though we may not be physically in each other's lives, out of sight is hardly out of mind.

    Strange days these are, I think, like fresh bags of steaming turd, but life goes on ignoring the invisible virus codenamed 19 that's dream affecting all magic weirdos, myself included.

    And so it is that I find myself all over the shop, life plans all shuffled, reshufled, in a state of forever redreaming; never having let go of my dream.

    I am a dreamer (and proud of it) - my fantastic dream, that is my reality, my drive.

    Now, before I give you the low down, the backstory and all that, know that I am a big fan of truth and reality, and in the world of social media (a strange world for which I lack passion, yet which has become my office), I have always strived to do just that - dare to share, the truth, but of course it has its risks, and so there (social media) I share all that I dare, but with you a prospective Workawayer, I share more, for our honest adventure is just that, A VOYAGE INTO THE UNKNOWN - I have no idea what I am doing, because I have never been alive tomorrow, I only have drive, passion, lust, patience, experience, and my own life story that I invite you to be part of for a reason, a season, a lifetime.

    But why should you jump with me?
    Becuase you are curious and emotionally charged to get involved, to learn of another's inspiration/desperation; to taste a little of my truth (an insight into the reality of my life, my mind, my heart, and my soul)

    General Info & back story:
    My name is Pablo, and I am best known as my alter ego, and it is my aim to serve my Mission, live by my Vision and strive for my Dream, making the most of my skills and qualifications to educate and entertain myself and others to learn, to grow, to live, and in the process create lots of pockets of joy through spreading positive energy!

    In brief, my purpose, as my alter ego, is to make people smile, to lead them to think, appreciate each other's unique qualities and challenges, to take control of their lives, and to give them the freedom to feel, think and dream by offering them a vicarious insight into the the truth of my life and lifestyle in its full ugly beauty, through the sharing of words, pictures and videos as I voyage, do things, and meet people - "Be Part of My Adventure!", that's my tagline; my adventure is my life, my life is my lifestyle.

    To give you a little history, my project arose somewhere between inspiration and desperation, when I began to question what it was that I wanted from my life, what made me happy, and what I wanted to achieve with it, and so in 2016, I started sleeping in my car doing star jumps for a living with the sole aim of making others smile and in the process accelerated my progress in mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and financial development and success, a return to the very essence of what was my life before I was adopted from an orphanage in Brazil by an English family and effectively 'given' this life of possessions with instructions on how to express oneself and what one should do with one's skills and qualifications; another one of my taglines - "I've got skills and qualifications, but I'd rather do star jumps"

    To date I am most famous for spreading joy on the streets (dancing on the streets in spandex and flowers in my hair, glitter on my face, with a sign that says free positive energy, offering free chalk, free glitter, with a clearly defined Mission, Vision and Dream) at all times of the day from 8am on a Monday, when some are at their most miserable, to 3am on a Saturday, when others are at their most elated, in various countries telling tales of the truth of my adventurous trials and tribulations on social media in words, videos, pictures, films, tv programs, connections with other artists, radio podcasts, talks, what have you.

    In 2016, It all started with a question:
    Q: "If this were to be the last year of your life, what would you do with it?
    A: "Start living!"

    ...and so I began exploring the human emotion, mine and others. I also challenged myself by stepping out of my comfort zone, daily...

    So, fast forward to 2019 (because I had finally learned that I was a nomad who wore their heart on their sleeve), and I had made my dream my reality for I had begun The World Tour in a bright yellow bus, a kingdom for a bunny with almost all that I ever needed and wanted, myself decked in spandex. glitter, journeying from England through France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, all the way to Norway.

    Not long after, early 2020 the world changed....

    So my truth is that I am today in Spain, living in my newfound dream home with My Loverrr, and children, forever aware that my beloved bus is in storage in Norway, and that right now, I really do think it would be the most perfect moment to find myself back on the streets in the UK as a stepping stone to being back on The World Tour.

    The World Tour:
    I believe this to be the life defining legacy of the project I am working towards; to circumnavigate the globe doing this thing that I have refined, making films, volunteering, learning, growing, evolving, sharing, and brightening lives of those I meet in person, and online giving millions a free experience to take or leave as they please..... but like I said....the events of the last two years have severly derailed me.

    I want your help:

    I want to get back on track, back living life like I used to, I want to get the bus back on the road, myself back on the streets, I want help filming, stories, adventures, and someone with whom I can share life for however long a moment because of a reason for season or a lifetime.

    Let's play!

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Charity Work
    Art Projects
    Language practice
    DIY and building projects
    Babysitting and creative play
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Here you can improve your linguistic skills, primarily in Spanish, but there are many Europeans here with whom you could converse or develop friendships, especially folk who have chosen the non-mainstream existence, the community is one of a kind, and have travelled from other lands seeking the different.

    With me, I offer you an insight into my way of life, my thoughts and dreams, my goals, maybe even an experience of a lifetime to learn of yourself, and above all to make a tangible difference in the lives of others through work and play.

    Learn lots and lots about yourself and others form the art of giving.

    Have a lot of fun and develop your sense of play - no two days with me are every remotely the same! Like I said before, I like to explore the comfort zone, push myself a little, dare to try, and we can have fun experimenting in many ways including simply 'how to make others smile or laugh, or feel deeply'.

    Develop new skills, and improve your dancing!

    Improve your social media and press management skills, plus entrepreneurial skills.

    Improve your English in all forms:
    - If you are a native speaker or and writer, this is an opportunity to refine and use those skills.
    If English is not your native Language, and you wish to improve it, you most likely will. I am an experienced, language-passionate, and qualified English Tutor who is more than happy to help you with your oral fluency and pronunciation. Asides, you will meet many people with many accents too from which you can learn!

    Make friends along the way.

    Lastly, there is something magical about the work that I am doing, about the evolution of the state of heart, soul, body and mind that I am focused on, and the effect of what I am sharing with people that it has a profound effect on them, it's so outrageously crazy beautiful you would think it fantastical, that it weren't real, really happening - but I assure you, it most definitely is, and as a result wonderful things happen, and when the beauty of the humans we encounter surfaces it stirs an emotion within, and for some it's very healing. Laughter is medicine, so is crying, so is dancing, for they both release one's emotions to reveal one's true self.

  • Help


    The list of tasks will be varied, and with a fixed house base in Orgiva, above all I appreciate Workawayers who have initiative who are fine with doing any of the following:
    - Whatever with a can do attitude
    - Film and document the adventure / filming with a mobile phone and taking photos, which later will be shared on Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok (it would be great if you are social media savvy, and able to add hastags, filters, cut vids and such like) using one of the five mobile phones I provide. Frequently my work goes viral, but it needs to be caught on camera (of the six workaways I have hosted, 2 have captured moments to have gone viral to 3million plus views)- people love videos!
    - Contact local enterprises with a view to doing an activity, for example horse-riding, diving, skill-learning of sorts.
    - Contacting local artists to make videos, do cross promotion, volunteer.
    - Help is also required in maintaining a level of organisation so the technology is charged, supplies are maintained and the home/office operates to full effect saving time, energy and money, allowing for more fun and learning.
    - I know I mentioned filming before, but one really important filming task is to make Personalised Video Gifts. These I do daily. These simple videos are video messages of love, often filmed in a scenic or iconic or non-specific location on our travels- a message of love to say 'Happy Birthday', 'Thank you', 'Congratulations' or anything at all, booked online or made for someone we care about, think about, or are reaching out to. Here in Spain I am looking to manage this product that I sell, to market it online, get booking come thropugh, and then head off to the countryside nearby on foot to shoot it, then return to cut them and send them. The idea I have is that by generating an income from making Personalised Video Gifts, I can remain independent, free or relatively free of corporate sponsorship, and therefor truly artyistically free and unbranded (something I feel passionate about)
    - Help in the garden. The house has a spacious, rugged and enclosed garden, and I wish to fill it with more life and colour. We already have a quite a few fruit trees (olive, almond, fig, peach or apricot, grape, mulberry) but wish to have vegetables and flowers, so I am hoping we can do some creative gardening and landscaping!
    - Collecting wood from the local area for day or night fires in and out the house
    - small help with childcare, for example taking a child to a local event or activity/club. Here, ion Orgiva, we are a family of 6 (2 adults, and twop boys aged 9, and 5, and two young ones; a girl aged almost two, and an little boy aged not yet one month old).
    - Your role as a Workawayer is to help me in my enterprise, but helping me you will be helping my family, for one's business is almost always oneself! Also, like I mentioned, I very open to welcoming a workawaqyer with children.
    - attending local events and parties; the neighbourhood is lively!

    In brief, no two days will ever be the same, and we will do whatever needs to be done, do whatever we wcreatively and strategically think we need to do, including meeting people and exploring the local are, essentially making the most of the opportunity. Most likely we will not have a set itinerary but a general direction.

    'Life is nothing but a daring adventure' - Helen Keller.
    - I like this way of thinking...

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    French: Fluent
    Spanish: Intermediate
    Latin: Beginner

    This host offers a language exchange
    I am a passionate and experienced English teacher, if you care to improve your written or spoken English or pronucuiation, it's possible!

  • Accommodation


    Weirdly, due to the present global climate, I have become domesticated, and now find myself living in a house in Orgiva, Spain!

    Home, here in Spain, is a spacious three bedroom house in which live my family and most loved ones (a female partner, and 4 children aged 9,5,1,0 - yes, the youngest is not yet a month old), and in this house you will have your own room, either a small single room or a double room.

    The house itself, is my dream house, and it has a pool, a large outside area, an outside office, a cook's kitchen, a firepit with a ring of stones, plenty of space to grow plants and veg, lots of fruit trees, swings and a see-saw, a hamock, great internet, a rustic feel, and is located in the heart of the countryside where goats roam, yet we are no more than 9 minutes walk from the the town centre, and 250 metres from a cheap and cheerful farmer's bar. By nature, I am a city boy, because I love people and like to never have to get in a car to meet new folk, and as far as location goes this house has the best of both worlds (away from the city, yet in the heart of the city - a nine minute walk).

    Also, the area of Orgiva, is special, rather unlike the average such sized town in Spain:

    I welcome you to do a little research of the area, to form your own opinion, for I am still forming mine, but in my humble opinion I would call this a creative area with its residents composing of what seems like as many non mothertongue Spanish speakers, as other European linguists. It is has a slight 'hippy vibe' to it, with folk who have chosen the alternative lifestyle of living off-grid, having created their own 'coronavirus doesn't exist, and even if it did, I'm gonna live my life my way' bubble, and so it appears that not all wear masks, as is the custom in Spain, plus folk still party here.

    The town itself has three supermarkets, health food shops, tech shops, and all things most need, plus there is a weekly market for fruit and veg, and clothes new and second hand, and bric-a-brac. Temperature wise it is now shirt-less kind of warm (April), though you can still see snow on the mountain top.

    Like I said, the house is a family home, and so there is always the sound of children playing, and of course occcasionally fighting, and always learning, and there is usually music playing.

    My office, where we will do admin, is outside on the roof, so you can tan, and not feel claustrophaubic - the office/desks themselves is shack-like, build out of a bunk bed, using found materials.

    Primarily I am looking for someone to Workaway with me, but I am open to receiving someone keen to help domestically with the family or someone who has children. So, in light that it is a family home, it is welcoming in that respect.

    Foodwise, as a family, we like to share one evening sit-down meal, and you are always invited. You are welcome to cook as and when you please, and use all ingredients you find in the cupboard and fridge/freezer.

    Diet wise, I like to eat well and am unfussy (often vegetarian) ; understanding of all dietary needs, but I must admit that I am partial to red wine, cheese, fish, fresh fruit and veg, and not a big fan of poor quality and unhealthy food. The market is always a great place to shop.

    Wifi is excellent.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    The adventure is to be shared and experienced, and I am always curious and grateful that our paths have crossed, wondering whether it'll be this season, more seasons or alifetime that we shall know each other, converse, cross paths, or remember the time we shared.

    Though I ask you to help me in my Mission, Vision, Dream, you are never my prisoner, and your happiness is my wealth, therfor I want you to switch off from me, from my world, anjd go do your own thing, follow your own heart, and explore yoour own way.

    And yes, of course, if you want to party with me, or wish to onvite me to one you hear of, please do. I am little more than a social butterfly, a lover of ther souls, and an explorer.... like you?

    There is no time like the present - carpe diem!

    Memories are all we take, all we make, and all we leave behind.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    Absolutely. I am a creative who has fingers in pies, and I welcome and appreciate the like-minded.

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    There is plenty of parking out the front of the house for any vehicle. A slim camper could fit in the enclosed driveway, and an extension cord with electricity hook up can be provided if you have a wide vehicle that's parked outside.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 252318965961

Feedback (2)



These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (5.0)

Cultural exchange: (5.0)

Communication: (4.0)