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25 Jan 2025
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(EN) We are a married couple aged 58 and 60 who have a lovely holiday home 10 km outside Tromsø.
We are social and happy people and often have adult children, grandchildren and friends visiting. We have clear and structured tasks that should have been done, at the same time we live by the philosophy "the road is created as we go". We have 2 cats and our property is 7 acres. We are happy to be outside and have many different and exciting projects underway. In the last 5 years, we have expanded and restored our old cabin, which was built in 1938. The cabin is 10 meters from the sea's edge. There is still a lot of work to be done, both outside and inside. In the last year, a bad back with the "Mrs" in the house, as well as a bad knee with the "Lord" in the house, have given us limitations and challenges. We hope some nice people would like to come and live with us and help us.
We are in a good mood and it is important for us to smile and laugh, every day!
We are very sosial people, at the same time we also need some time for ourself.
(NO) Vi er et ektepar på 58 og 60 år som har en nydelig fritidsbolig 10 km utenfor Tromsø. P
Vi er sosiale og glade mennesker og har ofte voksne barn, barnebarn og venner på besøk.
Vi har klare og strukturerte gjøremål som burde vært gjort, samtidig lever vi etter filosofien "veien blir til mens vi går".
Vi har 2 katter og eiendommen vår er på 7 mål. Vi er glade i å være ute og har mange forskjellige og spennende prosjekter på gang.
Vi har de 5 siste årene bygget ut og restaurert vår gamle hytte som ble bygget i 1938. Hytta ligger 10 meter fra havkanten. Det er fortsatt mye arbeid som gjenstår, både ute og inne.
Det siste året har en dårlig rygg hos "Fruen" i huset, samt et dårlig kne hos "Herren" i huset gitt oss begrensninger og utfordringer.
Vi håper noen trivelige mennesker har lyst å komme å bo hos oss og hjelpe oss.
Vi har godt humør og det er viktig for oss å smile og le, hver dag!
Vi er veldig sosiale mennesker som også trenger litt tid for oss selv.Types of help and learning opportunities
Charity Work
Art Projects
Language practice
DIY and building projects
Animal Care
Creating/ Cooking family meals
Help around the house
General Maintenance
UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve
Cultural exchange and learning opportunities
(EN) We live in a slightly special way, close to the sea and in the middle of nature with forests and mountains as our nearest neighbours. We feel very grateful and talk almost daily about how lucky we are to live here. We would like to share this place and good experiences with others who also value "the little joys in life". Weather permitting, it is possible to experience The Northern/ Aurora Light from mid of august until mid of april.
(NO) Vi lever på en litt spesiell måte, nært havet og midt i naturen med skog og fjell som nærmeste nabo. Vi føler oss veldig takknemlig og snakker nesten daglig om hvor heldige vi er som lever akkurat her. Vi vil gjerne dele dette stedet og gode opplevelser med andre som også verdsetter "de små gleder i livet".
Vist været tillater det er det mulig å oppleve The Nothern Light/ Aurora fra midten av august til midten av april.Projects involving children
This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.
The status in mid-September is 2023 that the floor is fully insulated and a new cork floor is in place. Thanks to the immeasurably good help of 2 workwayers who have done a fantastic job.
From May 2025, we welcome the help of garden-loving people.
When the snow disappears there is a lot of gardening to be done and it is always just as exciting to see which flowers and other plants coming up.
Furthermore, throughout the summer, we would like to have painted a little here and there.
We have taken care of parts of the old wooden floor. The planks are fully 3 cm thick and we want to grind the planks to reuse them elsewhere. We want to make a cool kitchen bench out of them. Creative souls would have been a perfect fit.
We have 1 bedrooms that is not finished yet. There, materials are needed both in the ceiling, on the walls and a new floor. Here, too, we want something creative and hope to be able to use parts of the old wooden floor in some places.
Outdoors, we have many exciting projects underway. We have a fire pit on the shore that needs some upgrading in the form of moving some stones. Behind the cabin there is a forest where we want some trees felled, sawn and split. A small bridge need some love and care and also different kind of maintenance on the property needs to be done.
In june we'll put potatoes in the soil and in september they needs to be taken up.
There are many different work tasks here and the weather will decide whether we work inside or outside.
Inside, some painting work remains and the walls and ceiling need a thorough wash.
Otherwise, we have several art projects underway, e.g. woodworking with roots, drilling holes in stones to be assembled into something we don't quite know what will be right yet.
Regarding working hours, we are flexible in relation to what time of day we start working.
Preferably, we want 2 workaways at the same time, couples will therefore be prioritized. Carpentry knowledge is an advantage.
Status i midten av september 2023 er at gulvet er ferdig isolert og nytt kork-gulv er på plass. Takket være umåtelig god hjelp av 2 workwayere som har gjort en fantastisk jobb.
Fra mai 2025 tar vi gjerne imot hjelp av hageglade mennesker. Når sneen forsvinner er det mye hagearbeid som skal gjøres og det er alltid like spennende å se hvilke blomster og andre vekster som titter frem.
Videre utover sommeren skulle vi gjerne fått malt litt både her og der.
Vi har tatt vare på deler av det gamle tregulvet. Plankene er hele 3 cm tykke og vi ønsker å slipe plankene for å gjenbruke de andre steder. Bl.a. ønsker vi å lage en kul kjøkkenbenk av de. Kreative sjeler hadde passet perfekt.
Vi har 1 soverom som ikke er ferdig. Der trenges det materialer både i taket, på veggene og nytt gulv. Også her ønsker vi noe kreativt og håper å kunne bruke deler av det gamle tre-gulvet enkelte steder.
Utendørs har vi mange spennende prosjekter på gang. Vi har en bålgruve i fjæra som trenger litt oppgradering i form av flytting av noen steiner.
Bak hytta er det en skog hvor vi gjerne skulle fått felt noen trær, sagd opp og kløyvd.
En liten bru over en bekk trenger stell og pleie.
I juni måned skal også poteten settes i jorda og i september skal poteten opp.
Her er mange forskjellige forskjellige arbeids- oppgaver og været vil bestemme om vi jobber inne eller ute.
Innendørs gjenstår noe malearbeid samt at vegger og tak trenger en grundig vask.
Ellers har vi flere kunstprosjekter på gang, bl.a. trearbeid med røtter, borre hull i steiner som skal settes sammen til noe vi ikke helt vet hva blir riktig enda.
Angående arbeidstid er vi fleksible i forhold til når på dagen vi starter å jobbe.
Fortrinnsvis ønsker vi 2 workawayere samtidig, par vil derfor bli prioritert. Snekker- kunnskaper er en fordel.Languages
Languages spoken
Norwegian: Fluent
English: IntermediateThis host offers a language exchange
This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
You can contact them directly for more information.Accommodation
We have a large and beautiful caravan with 4 available sleeping places which is parked about 15 meters from the cabin. Workwayers will dispose of the caravan as living room and bedroom. There is a fridge in the caravan and a kettle. In the fridge there will be bread, cold cuts, juice etc. Breakfast and lunch can therefore be made in the caravan.
We have a challenge in the caravan, part of the heating system is frozen and broken so unfortunately there is no hot water in the caravan. We have a small shower and toilet in the cabin with a separate entrance that can be used by workawayers.
Regarding cooking, we want hot food to be prepared inside the cabin. It is nice to eat 1 hot meal together, 3-4 times a week. We can happily cook together or take turns cooking. It would have been fun to eat food/dishes from other cultures/countries as well as serve local dishes according to the North Norwegian tradition.
Otherwise, we have an outdoor bathtub which is wonderful to take a hot bath in, with a view of the sea and mountains.
There are internett in the caravan.
Vi har en stor og flott campingvogn med 4 tilgjengelige soveplasser som står parkert ca 15 meter fra hytta. Workwayers vil disponere campingvognen som oppholdsrom og soverom. Det er kjøleskap i campingvognen og vannkoker. I kjøleskapet vil det være brød, pålegg, juice etc. Frokost og lunsj kan dermed lages i campingvognen.
Vi har en utfordring i campingvognen, en del av varmeanlegget er frosset og ødelagt så det er dessverre ikke varmtvann i campingvognen. Vi har en liten dusj og toalett i hytta med egen inngang som kan benyttes av workawayere.
Ang. matlaging så ønsker vi at varm mat lages inne i hytta. Det er hyggelig å spise 1 varmt måltid sammen, 3-4 ganger i uken. Vi kan gjerne lage mat sammen eller rullere på matlaging. Hadde vært morsomt å spise mat/retter fra andre kulturer/land samt servere lokale retter etter nordnorsk tradisjon.
Ellers har vi et utebadekar som er fantastisk å ta seg et varmt bad i, med utsikt mot hav og fjell.
Det er internett- tilgang i campingvognen.What else ...
(EN) The city of Tromsø has countless sights and plenty of exciting things to offer. Bus connection from here to the center of Tromsø every day except Sundays. We are happy to take our new friends on a sightseeing/city tour one of the days. Beautiful hiking terrain in the neighborhood. There are several farms nearby and if we are lucky, our new friends will both see and experience goats, cows, sheep, rabbits, pigs, horses and chickens.
(NO) Tromsø by har utallige severdigheter og masse spennende å by på. Bussforbindelse herfra til Tromsø sentrum hver dag utenom søndager. Vi tar gjerne våre nye venner med på sightseeing/ bytur en av dagene. Nydelig turterreng i nabolaget vårt. Det er flere bondegårder i nærheten og er vi heldige så vil våre nye venner både se og oppleve geit, kyr, sauer, kaniner, griser, hester og høns.A little more information
Internet access
Limited internet access
We have pets
We are smokers
Can host families
Space for parking camper vans
(EN) 1 parking space available / (NO) 1 parkeringsplass til disposisjon
How many Workawayers can stay?
Feedback (11)
They both adapted quickly! One must look for a long time for more helpful, strong, kind, caring, easy-going,… read more
They both adapted quickly! One must look for a long time for more helpful, strong, kind, caring, easy-going,… read more
I am extremely grateful and feel blessed to have had the chance to work at Tone & Erling place with my boyfriend. We weren't arrived yet that I already knew our stay here was going to be too short (2 weeks).
They welcolmed us so nicely, I will always… read more
Our first meeting was quite special. Since I was ill, we chose to meet you with a mask, mostly as a joke. This led to laughter and smiles from the first moment.
You are such a harmonious and friendly couple we are incredibly happy to have met and a new and good friendship was created during the time we spent together.
We… read more
When we arrived at your place, we were welcomed in such a special way that we all ended up laughing out loud.
What a wonderful way to start our time together. :-)
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay with you. It was so nice to have our own space in the caravan, giving both you and us our privacy.
You've created a magical place… read more
These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.
Accuracy of profile:
Cultural exchange:
They both adapted quickly! One must look for a long time for more helpful, strong, kind, caring, easy-going,… read more
They both adapted quickly! One must look for a long time for more helpful, strong, kind, caring, easy-going,… read more
I am extremely grateful and feel blessed to have had the chance to work at Tone & Erling place with my boyfriend. We weren't arrived yet that I already knew our stay here was going to be too short (2 weeks).
They welcolmed us so nicely, I will always… read more
Our first meeting was quite special. Since I was ill, we chose to meet you with a mask, mostly as a joke. This led to laughter and smiles from the first moment.
You are such a harmonious and friendly couple we are incredibly happy to have met and a new and good friendship was created during the time we spent together.
We… read more
When we arrived at your place, we were welcomed in such a special way that we all ended up laughing out loud.
What a wonderful way to start our time together. :-)
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay with you. It was so nice to have our own space in the caravan, giving both you and us our privacy.
You've created a magical place… read more
Adam is a very pleasant, sociable, kind, helpful, hard-working, wise, humorous, strong person with a big, warm and nice smile.
No matter what task he was asked to do, he did it perfectly! He learns quickly and with great eagerness to learn new things.
We received incredibly… read more
What a wonderful and harmonious couple!
After only few minutes we realized that we would make a good team together. During these weeks, a warm and good friendship also was built.
Michaela & Rowan have a great work ethic, are hard-working, conscientious, precise, 100% reliable,… read more
They were both very accommodating with the work offered, they really made an effort to ensure we were happy doing the work they had. There was a good mix of indoor & outdoor work, with our main work… read more
I spent about 2.5 months with them. During this time I helped to insulate the floor of her house and do some work on the facade. It was a wonderful togetherness. They looked after me extremely well and gave me countless… read more
Impressive and creatively made!
Robin is a wonderful young man with so many good qualities, which actually is a bit difficult to describe.
Felt like having a new son around us.
He is skilled, careful, kind, helpful, creative, funny and reliable.… read more
Lucky us who have once again had the feeling of having a lovely son in the house.
With the same sense of humor there were many good laughs, many, every single day and many times a day. There were also more deep conversations… read more
Marielle is a tough, pleasant and hardworking young lady. It really was a pleasure to get to know her and we have received a lot of invaluable help. Despite a lot of rain while she was here, she carried out all the work tasks with great joy. Our large garden was looked after so… read more
And I really had an incredibly good time: from the first minute I felt welcome in such a nice, friendly and lovely atmosphere.
It was always nice to work together, eat together or just spend time together. I really felt welcomed into their family.
The work was also very… read more
Vi fikk gjort langt mer enn forventet de 2 ukene de var hos oss. Samarbeidet fungerte optimalt og det ble mye fliring og utveksling av… read more
We… read more
Felix is a wounderfull person and we quick felt like we had known him for a long time.
The good feeling of having a new family- member we got right away.
He’s a hard and polite worker and knows a lot about many things. Also an easy learning and very… read more