Live with a Patagonian family and help us with our family project in Villa Cerro castillo, Chile

  • Favourited 28 times
  • Last activity: 26 Mar 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 3 weeks



  • Description


    Hello, we are Isolde and Luis we are a family that lives 4 kilometers from Villa Cerro Castillo, we work in tourism specifically cabins.
    We also have a small farm and a greenhouse, we have only ten sheep and some chickens, our dogs Cachupin and Lulu are in charge of taking care of them. We live in a place surrounded by native trees such as lenga and we have a stream called "El cacique" special to cool off on hot days. We have the beautiful view of Cerro Castillo.
    We have electricity and drinking water, also with mobilization since we are next to the Carretera Austral, we live in a wonderful place!

    Hola, somos Isolde y Luis somos una familia que vive a 4 kilometros de Villa Cerro Castillo, trabajamos en turismo especificamente cabañas.
    Tambien tenemos una pequeña granja y un invernadero, contamos con solo dies ovejas y algunas gallinas, nuestros perros Cachupin y lulu son los encargados de cuidarlas. Vivimos en un lugar rodeados de arboles nativos como la lenga y contamos con arroyo llamado "El cacique" especial para refrescarte en los dias de calor. Contamos con la hermosa vista al Cerro Castillo.
    Contamos con electricidad y agua potable, tambien con movilizacion ya que estamos a un costado de la Carretera Austral, vivimos en un lugar maravilloso!

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Farmstay help
    General Maintenance
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    We would love to exchange our Patagonian culture with that of our visitors, we want you to know our customs, our language, our family environment and our Patagonian foods, among other interesting things that can happen during your stay, you will also have the cultural exchange of tourists who They come to our cabins as they come from all over the world.

    Nos encantaria intercambiar nuestra cultura patagonica con la de nuestros visitantes, queremos que ustedes conozcan nuestras costumbres, nuestro idioma, nuestro ambiente familiar y nuestras comidas patagonicas, entre otras interesantes que pueden suceder durante tu estadia, ademas contaras con el intercambio cultural de los turistas que llegan a nuestras cabañas, ya que vienen de todo el mundo.

  • Help


    SEASON 2024
    We need help in maintaining the cabins, this refers to cleaning and ordering beds, this is done in the morning and you will always be accompanied.
    Especially this year we need help in our greenhouse for maintenance and care
    Some days the maintenance of the cabins is not carried out since there are no clients, so you can carry out any activity that we need in our farm (clean place where sheep sleep, fix gardens, among other similar) or enjoy your day if you wish.
    TEMPORADA 2024
    Necesitamos ayuda en realizar la mantención de las cabañas, esto se refiere a realizar aseo y ordenar camas, esto se realiza por las mañanas y siempre estarás acompañado.
    Especialmente este año necesitamos ayuda en nuestro invernadero para mantención y cuidado.
    Algunos días no se realiza el mantenimiento de las cabañas ya que no hay clientes, por lo cual puedes realizar cualquier actividad que necesitemos en nuestra granja (limpiar lugar donde duermen las ovejas, arreglar jardines, entre otros similares) o disfrutar de tu día si así lo deseas.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    Spanish: Fluent

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    A place will be provided so that they can cook, as well as a place for bathrooms, showers and the sleeping place will be a small cabin.

    Se entregara lugar para que puedan cocinar, también lugar para baño, duchas y el lugar para dormir será una cabaña pequeña.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    During your free time, you can do different trekking around Villa Cerro Castillo, such as:
    Wall the hands: They are cave paintings that were created by the Tehuelches many years ago.
    Trekking to Cerro Castillo lagoon: This is a full day trek and you can visit the Cerro Castillo lagoon.
    Add that in Villa Cerro Castillo we have several climbing routes, which are fairly affordable and quite close to where we live.

    Durante tu tiempo libre, puedes realizar distintos trekking que hay alrededor de Villa Cerro Castillo, como por ejemplo:
    Paredon las manos: Son pinturas rupestres que fueron creadas por los tehuelches hace muchos años atras.
    Trekking a laguna Cerro castillo: Este es un trekking de un dia completo y puedes visitar la laguna de el Cerro Castillo.
    Agregar que en Villa Cerro castillo contamos con varias rutas de escalada, las cuales tienen un precio bastante accesible y bastantes cercanas de donde vivimos.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Máximo 4-5 horas al día, 5 días a la semana

Host ref number: 178219452237

Feedback (1)


Help on our land and learn about the skills we use in everyday life in Colchagua, Chile
Gardening and natural building at a regeneration project near Cobquecura, Chile