Experience country life and help with horses on our farm in Quebec, Canada



 Min stay requested: 1 month or more



  • Description


    We are located in the heart of the Eastern Townships (Estrie) in a pleasant area, 1h20 away from the traffic and pollution of Montreal, and 2 hours from the Quebec City region. Our Domain enjoys both a mild climate, rich pastures, a great summer without mosquitoes, an autumn with warm colours and a winter with 'real' snow.

    We provide free accommodation plus wage $$ (Horse experience needed)

    Nous sommes situés au cœur des Cantons de l'Est (Estrie) dans une région agréable à vivre, à 1h20 du trafic et de la pollution de Montréal, et 2 heures de la région de Québec. Le Domaine bénéficie à la fois d'un climat doux, de riches pâtures, d'un bel été sans moustiques, d'un automne avec des couleurs chaleureuses et d'un hiver avec de la «vraie» neige

    Nous fournissons un logement gratuit plus salaire (experience chevaux requis)

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Language practice
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Farmstay help
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
  • UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN goals
    No poverty
    Zero hunger
    Good health and well-being
    Quality education
    Gender equality
    Clean water and sanitation
    Affordable and clean energy
    Decent work and economic growth
    Industries, innovation and infrastructure
    Reduce inequality
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible consumption and production
    Climate action
    Life below water
    Life on land
    Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Partnerships for the goals
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    We receive German, French, english and other culture

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Host offers payment in line with the minimum wage

    Host offers payment in line with the minimum wage

    This host offers accommodation and payment.

  • Help


    We offer free accommodation, no salary, but we provide the equivalent in meals, as well as a salary to allow interns to gain experience and train in the desired field.

    The minimum duration for an internship in our field in Canada is 3 months, although in some cases we can make exceptions.

    Accommodation includes one room at no charge, and we welcome non-smokers only, with no exceptions.

    We have been welcoming interns every year for over 30 years, and several dates are already full.

    The criteria for applying are as follows:

    Be aged 18 and over
    Be a non-smoker (no exceptions)
    Have minimal experience with horses and be passionate about country life
    We are located 7 km from the village, so you must appreciate the solitude
    A private room will be provided for you, including a kitchen, bathroom and access to a washing machine
    Accommodation is reserved for the intern only, with no visitors or pets allowed
    The trainee benefits from one day off per week, except in the event of an unforeseen situation (competition, hay harvest, etc.)
    Alcohol consumption is permitted only on special occasions
    Internet access is available if your cell phone has WiFi (free but limited)

    Daily tasks to accomplish (depending on the season):

    Clean horse stalls in the morning and evening
    Feed horses in the morning and evening
    Supply water to horses in the fields and carry out daily checks
    Handle horses in the stable and in the fields (rotation, etc.)
    Handling newborns and young horses
    Assist during the breeding (mating) period
    Assist during blacksmith and veterinarian visits
    Treating horse injuries or illnesses
    Participate in the production of maple syrup
    Caring for other animals such as cats, ducks, rabbits, chickens and dogs

    For experienced riders:

    Training the horses
    Present horses to customers
    Give lessons if you are trained as a riding instructor or instructor

    Various tasks to accomplish (depending on the season):

    Stable maintenance work (painting, cleaning, etc.)
    Exterior maintenance work (grass mowing, painting, fencing, hay harvesting, etc.)
    Driving an ATV (and possibly a tractor if you have experience)
    Help at the sawmill

    We are also involved in the production of firewood and have a small production of maple syrup.


    We offer free accommodation without salary, but we provide equivalent meal benefits and a salary for gaining experience and training in the desired field.

    A minimum of 3 months is required for an internship in our domain in Canada, although exceptions may be made in certain cases.

    The accommodation includes a complimentary room, and we only accept non-smokers, with no exceptions.

    We have been hosting interns for over 30 years, and several dates are already fully booked.

    The criteria for application are as follows:

    Must be 18 years old or older
    Non-smokers only (no exceptions)
    Minimum experience with horses required and a passion for country life
    We are located 7 km from the village, so you must enjoy solitude
    A private room will be provided, including kitchen, bathroom, and access to a washing machine
    Accommodation is for the intern only, no visitors or pets allowed
    Interns are entitled to one day off per week, except in unforeseen circumstances (e.g., competitions, haymaking, etc.)
    Alcohol consumption is permitted only for special occasions
    Internet access is available if your mobile phone has WiFi (free but limited)

    Daily tasks to be performed (depending on the season):

    Cleaning horse stalls in the morning and evening
    Feeding horses morning and evening
    Providing water to horses in the fields and performing daily checks
    Handling horses in the stable and fields (rotation, etc.)
    Handling newborns and young horses
    Assisting during the breeding season
    Assisting during visits from the farrier and veterinarian
    Treating horse injuries or illnesses
    Participating in maple syrup production
    Taking care of other animals such as cats, ducks, rabbits, chickens, and the dog

    For experienced riders:

    Training horses
    Presenting horses to clients
    Teaching lessons if you are trained as a riding instructor

    Various tasks to be performed (depending on the season):

    Stable maintenance work (painting, cleaning, etc.)
    Outdoor maintenance work (lawn mowing, painting, fencing, hay harvesting, etc.)
    Operating an ATV (and possibly a tractor if experienced)
    Attending at the sawmill

    We are also involved in firewood production and have a small maple syrup production.


    Nous offrons un hébergement gratuit, sans salaire, mais nous fournissons l'équivalent en repas, ainsi qu'un salaire pour permettre aux stagiaires d'acquérir de l'expérience et de se former dans le domaine recherché.

    La durée minimale pour un stage dans notre domaine au Canada est de 3 mois, bien que dans certains cas, nous puissions faire des exceptions.

    Le logement comprend une chambre sans frais, et nous accueillons uniquement des non-fumeurs, sans aucune exception.

    Nous recevons des stagiaires chaque année depuis plus de 30 ans, et plusieurs dates sont déjà complètes.

    Les critères pour postuler sont les suivants :

    Être âgé(e) de 18 ans et plus
    Être non-fumeur (aucune exception)
    Avoir une expérience minimale avec les chevaux et être passionné par la vie à la campagne
    Nous sommes situés à 7 km du village, donc vous devez apprécier la solitude
    Une chambre privée sera mise à votre disposition, comprenant une cuisine, une salle de bain et un accès à une machine à laver
    Le logement est réservé au stagiaire uniquement, sans visiteurs ni animaux autorisés
    Le stagiaire bénéficie d'un jour de congé par semaine, sauf en cas de situation imprévue (concours, récolte de foin, etc.)
    La consommation d'alcool est autorisée uniquement pour des occasions spéciales
    Un accès à Internet est disponible si votre téléphone portable est équipé du WiFi (gratuit mais limité)

    Tâches quotidiennes à accomplir (selon la saison) :

    Nettoyer les boxes des chevaux le matin et le soir
    Nourrir les chevaux le matin et le soir
    Approvisionner en eau les chevaux dans les champs et effectuer des contrôles quotidiens
    Manipuler les chevaux dans l'écurie et aux champs (rotation, etc.)
    Manipuler les nouveaux-nés et les jeunes chevaux
    Assister pendant la période de monte (accouplement)
    Assister lors des visites du forgeron et du vétérinaire
    Soigner les blessures ou maladies des chevaux
    Participer à la production de sirop d'érable
    Prendre soin des autres animaux tels que les chats, les canards, les lapins, les poules et le chien

    Pour les cavaliers expérimentés :

    Entraîner les chevaux
    Présenter les chevaux aux clients
    Donner des cours si vous êtes formé(e) en tant que moniteur ou instructeur d'équitation

    Tâches diverses à accomplir (selon la saison) :

    Travaux d'entretien de l'écurie (peinture, nettoyage, etc.)
    Travaux d'entretien extérieur (tonte de gazon, peinture, clôture, récolte de foin, etc.)
    Conduite d'un VTT (et éventuellement d'un tracteur si vous avez de l'expérience)
    Aide à la scierie

    Nous sommes également impliqués dans la production de bois de chauffage et disposons d'une petite production de sirop d'érable.


    We offer free accommodation without salary, but we provide equivalent meal benefits and a salary for gaining experience and training in the desired field.

    A minimum of 3 months is required for an internship in our domain in Canada, although exceptions may be made in certain cases.

    The accommodation includes a complimentary room, and we only accept non-smokers, with no exceptions.

    We have been hosting interns for over 30 years, and several dates are already fully booked.

    The criteria for application are as follows:

    Must be 18 years old or older
    Non-smokers only (no exceptions)
    Minimum experience with horses required and a passion for country life
    We are located 7 km from the village, so you must enjoy solitude
    A private room will be provided, including kitchen, bathroom, and access to a washing machine
    Accommodation is for the intern only, no visitors or pets allowed
    Interns are entitled to one day off per week, except in unforeseen circumstances (e.g., competitions, haymaking, etc.)
    Alcohol consumption is permitted only for special occasions
    Internet access is available if your mobile phone has WiFi (free but limited)

    Daily tasks to be performed (depending on the season):

    Cleaning horse stalls in the morning and evening
    Feeding horses morning and evening
    Providing water to horses in the fields and performing daily checks
    Handling horses in the stable and fields (rotation, etc.)
    Handling newborns and young horses
    Assisting during the breeding season
    Assisting during visits from the farrier and veterinarian
    Treating horse injuries or illnesses
    Participating in maple syrup production
    Taking care of other animals such as cats, ducks, rabbits, chickens, and the dog

    For experienced riders:

    Training horses
    Presenting horses to clients
    Teaching lessons if you are trained as a riding instructor

    Various tasks to be performed (depending on the season):

    Stable maintenance work (painting, cleaning, etc.)
    Outdoor maintenance work (lawn mowing, painting, fencing, hay harvesting, etc.)
    Operating an ATV (and possibly a tractor if experienced)
    Assisting at the sawmill

    We are also involved in firewood production and have a small maple syrup production.

  • Languages spoken

    German: Fluent
    English: Fluent
    French: Fluent

  • Accommodation


    The accommodation is separate from my residence; you'll have a building with a terrace and kitchen, along with three private bedrooms. Are you familiar with operating a wood stove? :)

    L'hébergement est situé à part de ma résidence, dans un bâtiment comprenant une terrasse et une cuisine, ainsi que trois chambres privées. Savez-vous comment utiliser un poêle à bois ? :)

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    It is your responsibility to be legal in this country, we are not responsible for immigration file

    *️️*️️*️️ No Smoking without any exception *️️*️️*️️

    Il est de votre responsabilité d'être légal au pays, nous ne sommes pas responsables de dossier d’immigration

    *️️*️️*️️ Non Fumeur seulement sans aucune exemption et sur renvoie immédiat *️️*️️*️️

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


Host ref number: 143956629451

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