Englischer Muttersprachler gesucht in der Nähe von Madrid



 Geforderte Mindest-Aufenthaltsdauer:  Keine Vorgaben



  • Beschreibung



    We don´t want to waste your time, so although it doesn´t sounds too polite I´m going to start saying.. Is your goal to travel for free and you aren´t interested in helping and being part of our family?. If it´s so, sorry but this is not what your are looking for. Otherwise keep reading because this can be what you are looking for.

    We are a family of 3 ( Roberto (my husband), Rober (our kid 6 years old) and Patricia(me)). We are both HOSTERS and WORKAWAYERS and after discovered this website we try to know the world through the eyes of locals instead to be hosted in a hotel without knowing anyone. You can look up Patricia&Roberto to have a look to our profile as workawayers and to know something else about us since (this website doesn´t let write links).

    Our house is in a suburb (El Señorio de Illescas) of ILLESCAS, a town close to Madrid and Toledo, just in the middle of the two cities (35km from Madrid and the same distance to Toledo). Illescas is the main city of this area,and with around 25.000 inhabitants it has almost everything someone can need (several supermarkets, pharmacies, gims, sport centers, libraries, book shops, some schools and highschools, elderly house, a lot of bars and shops,gardens,...). It´s very well comunicated with Madrid and Toledo. There are buses (15 minutes walking from our house) with a frecuency of at least 30 minutes to both cities. The trip takes around 20 minutes by car and 30 minutes by bus (it depends on the trafic) to the south of Madrid (Plaza Eliptica) . There are other cities not far away from here like Segovia, Aranjuez, El Escorial, Chinchón, Avila, Salamanca, Valladolid,..... that are very turistic and you could also visit while you are here. We have maps, advices, and a lot of information that we'll be more than glad to share with you.

    Rober comes back from the school around 17.15 pm, so it would be in the afternoon when we would need your help. You'll have free all the mornings to travel, going to class, or whatever you want to do. The normal SCHEDULUE would be from 17.30 to 20.00 in the afternoon, and Saturday and Sunday. You'll have 2 DAYS FREE, but it´s not decided when yet so you and we could talk about that when you are here.
    The maximum hours expected will be 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. Some of those 5 days Rober will not be ready to be with you (sometimes Rober´s grandparents come, or he might go anywhere, or whatever other reason that doesn´t come to my mind in this moment) so we would like that you to help us with the chores or with whatever you think you can help.

    Rober understands a lot of things in English, and after a period in which he only heard that lenguage but didn´t say anything, in the moment in which he felt the necessity to talk to play with English kids he started to talk in that language. After that moment he keeps talking in that language to people that he knows that don´t speak Spanish. Althoug apparently his pronunciation is good it´s not enough time to learn a language, reason why we would like to have a native speaker to practice with him/her. We know that this is the best moment to start learning since the tones are really difficult to learn when you are adult.

    We are looking for someone who wants to teach its own mother tongue to Rober by playing, not just someone who is siting down looking how Rober plays. We would like that that person to read or make up stories, play with him, look up apps in the net to play with him,.....anything that you consider is good for him to learn will be fine. We have a lot of material that you can use, books, puzzles,cards, websites, songs, flash cards,.....and also we can buy whatever you consider is necessary. It´s not a hard activity but you have to like it , othewise maybe this is not going to be very enjoyable for you and it´s not going to work. If you have some experience with children, that would be great, but otherwise what is really important it that you LOVE TEACHING AND PLAYING WITH OUR CHILD. Also it is very important for us that you are NATIVE SPEAKER OR HAVE A PROFICIENCY LEVEL IN ENGLISH.

    We would appreciate someone proactive who understands what living in a family means in terms of cooperation (basic things like laying and clearing the table, tidying up, taking things out of the dishwasher, washing things after dinner or lunch,.....) without us having to tell what to do all the time...

    From the minute you arrive you will be treated as one of the family and we will also look after you as such. We hope you look after our house and our family as if it was yours. As a precaution, we ask a copy of your PASSPORT, I hope you understand and respect this since we are opening our family and house to someone who we would not like have any bad intention.

    If you want to join to us to the plans we do, we´ll be pleased to introduce to our family, friends,... and try you have as much fun as possible.

    You should have your own HEALTH INSURANCE and bring the card with you to cover any unexpected medical care. Here there is a link with the insurance that workaway has considered the best.

    If you think that you could be the person we´re looking for (you like teaching, like babies, are trustworthy, hardworking, has initiative ....') , don´t hesitate to write to us.

    I´ve tryed to let everything clear in our profile, but it may be I forgot something so if you have any doubt don´t hesitate to ask it, since is preferably to let everything clear in advance.

    Thank you for taking the time to read our profile and I hope we´re the family that you´re looking for.

    Please feel free to contact our previous helpers (friends) to ask for a first hand opinion of our facilities and the type of help we ask for.

    "SWAPPING WORKAWAY". If you´re a family similar to us and are interested in knowing one typical Spanish family,our stile of life and our area, you could come to live with us for around one week or the time you consider and we will return the visit later on. It´s very difficult to be workawayer with a kid and for that reason I think that swapping is a good way to do it. We've had this kind of experience in some occasions and all of them had been really interesting.

  • Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Babysitten und Kinderbetreuung
    Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
  • Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten

    I´ll give you a lot of information of cultural places, excursions and events to know people,....We have maps, advices, and a lot of information that we'll be more than glad to share with you.

    I like cooking and I would say that I don't do it bad, so in our house you will be able to learn a lot about the Spanish cousine, and also about the cousine of other places since as I'm always doing cooking courses and trying to learn new good recepies.

    If you are planning to take Spanish lessons I could recommend you several places with Spanish courses, some of them free, that you could do in the morning in Madrid or Toledo. Also I can recomend you bars and places to do lenguage exchange.

    If you want to join to our plans, we will be glad you to do it.

  • Au pair


    Weitere Informationen findest du hier

  • Projekte mit Kindern

    Projekte mit Kindern

    Dieses Projekt schließt möglicherweise den Umgang mit Kindern ein. Mehr Informationen findest du in unseren Verhaltensregeln und Tipps hier.

  • Arbeit


    The main task would be to TEACH ENGLISH TO ROBER THROUGH GAMES, because so he´ll learn the language in a natural way. We have story books, different apps in the tablet, puzzles, flash cards,magnetics games, legos,..... And a lot of things that you'll be able to use to teach him.


    Rober arrives at home at 5.15 and he takes an afternoon snack and after that he'll be your "pupil/friend/small brother". He loves being with the workawayers beause they are for him like grown up friends, so you'll not have any problem in order he pays you attention.

    From around 5.30 pm to 8.00 pm and weekly days, and saturdays and sundays, we would like you to play with him in English. He has a lot of toys and books that you could use to teach him, but it´s important that YOU WANT HIM TO LEARN, I mean that we want you to interact with him and organice games in which both of you can speak in English. He is very dynamic boy, easygoing and eager to play, so be prepared to play a lot.

    FROM 3 TO 5 YEARS OLD IS THE BEST PERIOD TO LEAR A LENGUAGE, and after that the process is going to be harder so we can´t miss the opportunity of teach him a second language. We want to take advantage of this time to get that goal, so please only write to us if you are going to focus on it.

    You´ll NOT BE ALONE WITH HIM IN ANY MOMENT, so don´t worry about that.

    Another thing you should do, would be set the table, clear the table, take things out of the dish washer, in general keep the kitchen, your bedroom and bathroom cleaned. I think that that is normal and I shouldn´t say it, but just in case.

    In conclusion, we´re looking for SOMEONE WHO LOVES TEACHING KIDS, helpful, with personal initiative, responsible, honesty and trustworthy. And I would like to make clear that this is not couchsurfing (don´t misunderstand me, I don´t have any against this website, I use it also to do different activities), I mean that we prefer someone who is looking for knowing people and offering something in exchange, and not someone who is only looking for a place to live while is traveling.

    If you are applying from outside the EU you must have an appropriate visa and health insurance in place.

  • Gesprochene Sprachen

    Englisch: Fließend
    Spanisch: Fließend

  • Unterkunft


    Your bedroom would be a individual room with a queen bed and you'll have your own bathroom close to your bedroom.

    You´ll have wifi.

    On summer we have a small swimmingpool, where around 4 people can fit in.

  • Was noch ...

    Was noch ...

    Our house is in a relax condominium with a tennis court,paddel court, golf course and several roads to ride by bicycle. In the condominium there are shops, bars, pharmacy, hair dresser,.....

    There are buses each 30 minutes to Madrid, and to Toledo. The trip by car takes 20 minutes and by bus around 40 minutes to get to Madrid, and the same to Toledo. The ticket price is around 2.5€. There are also a train but it´s not so good option.
    If you are under 26 years old, there is the option to take a card for a month that costs 20€ and it will let you use all the mains of transport (underground,buses, trains) free that month.

    We have been workawayers for long time, I mean that we´ve been living what you are going to live here, so don't worry because we'll treat you as we would like to be treated.

    A lot of foreigners have been living with us so we can recommend you not only COURSES (Spanish courses, cooking courses,...) but EXCURSIONS,TRIPS, THEATERS, RESTAURANTS, PLACES TO VISIT,.....,we have a lot of interesting information o give you.

    I think that I've been very clear about what we want and what you'll find here, but if you have any question don´t hesitate to ask me.

  • Etwas mehr Information

    Etwas mehr Information

    • Internet Zugang

    • Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang

      Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang

    • Wir besitzen Tiere

    • Wir sind Raucher

    • Familien möglich

  • Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal

    Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal


Gastgeber Ref-Nr.: 111713996678


Feedback (21)

Weitere Bilder

Das Bild zeigt ein großes, verziertes Gebäude mit einem markanten Turm, wahrscheinlich eine Kathedrale oder Kirche, die sich durch einen besonderen architektonischen Stil und ein auffälliges Design auszeichnet. Das Gebäude zeichnet sich durch seine Erhabenheit und Eleganz aus.
Das Bild zeigt einen großen Raum mit einer hohen Decke, einer Reihe von Fenstern und einem dekorativen Geländer, wahrscheinlich einen großen Saal oder Ballsaal. Der Raum ist gut beleuchtet und luftig.
Das Bild zeigt eine Stadtlandschaft mit einem großen Gebäude, wahrscheinlich ein Regierungsgebäude, mit einer markanten Kuppel und einer großen Freifläche, umgeben von Bäumen und einem Gewässer.
Das Bild zeigt eine fünfköpfige Familie, die für ein Foto vor einer Steinmauer posiert, mit einer Stadtlandschaft und blauem Himmel im Hintergrund.
Das Bild zeigt eine fünfköpfige Familie, die für ein Foto an einem Tisch mit Essen in einer Küchenumgebung posiert, während ein kleiner Junge Friedenszeichen macht.
Das Bild zeigt eine fünfköpfige Familie, die an einem Pool posiert. Zwei Erwachsene und drei Kinder, alle ohne Hemd, bis auf ein Kind, das ein schwarzes T-Shirt trägt.
Das Bild zeigt zwei Frauen und ein Kind, die für ein Foto vor einem felsigen Hügel posieren, während im Hintergrund eine Brücke zu sehen ist.
Das Bild zeigt eine dreiköpfige Familie, die für ein Foto vor einem großen Steingebäude mit üppigem grünen Rasen und einem Feldweg posiert.
Das Bild zeigt zwei Männer in orangefarbenen Kapuzenkostümen, die mit einem als Kürbis verkleideten Kind kniend auf einem nächtlichen Gehweg stehen.
Das Bild zeigt drei Personen, die an einem Tisch mit einer weißen Tischdecke mit rosa Erdbeeren sitzen, umgeben von Tellern mit Churros und Tassen mit Tee.
Das Bild zeigt das antike römische Aquädukt, das als Aquädukt von Segovia bekannt ist, und stellt seine beeindruckende Architektur und historische Bedeutung vor, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf dem Design und der Konstruktion liegt.
Das Bild zeigt zwei Frauen, die neben einem Grill stehen, jede hält einen Teller mit Essen in der Hand, und vor ihnen liegt ein Sack Holzkohle auf dem Boden.
Das Bild zeigt eine Frau, die ein Baby im Arm hält. Die Frau trägt ein schwarzes Tanktop und das Baby ist in ein rot-weißes Handtuch gewickelt.
Das Bild zeigt eine Frau und ein Kind in Halloween-Kostümen, wobei die Frau weiß geschminkt ist und das Kind als Kürbis verkleidet ist.


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