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House in the city, help in the household, 4-5 days a week. We are a family of 4 and we are looking for a lady to help us with the household and take care of my father. My father does not stay in bed, he needs someone to keep him company and do light housekeeping while we are at work. I am looking for a mature lady, patient, with compassion for the elderly, who speaks Romanian.
Casa la oras, ajutor în gospodărie, 4-5 zile pe săptămână. Suntem o familie de 4 persoane și cautam o doamna care sa ne ajute cu gospodăria și sa aibă grija tatăl meu. Tatăl meu nu sta la pat, are nevoie de cineva sa ii tina companie și sa facă menaj ușor cât timp suntem la serviciu. Caut o doamna matura, răbdătoare, cu compasiune pentru vârstnici, care vorbește limba romana.Types of help and learning opportunities
Elderly Companionship
Help around the house
Cultural exchange and learning opportunities
Volunteers can visit the Arad area, the beach, the Mureș cliff, Cetatea Siriei, Timișoara and other beautiful areas.
Voluntarii pot vizita zona Aradului, ștrandul, faleza Mureșului, Cetatea Siriei, Timișoara și alte zone frumoase.Projects involving children
This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.
Need to provide companionship and support to an octogenarian gentleman, plus help around the house.
E nevoie de a asigura companie și sprijin unui domn octagenar, plus ajutor în gospodărie.Languages spoken
Romanian: Fluent
Private room at home.
Camera privata la casa.What else ...
The house is in the city, there is public transport.
Casa e în oraș, exista transport public.A little more information
Internet access
Limited internet access
We have pets
We are smokers
Can host families
Can host digital nomads
This host has indicated that they love having digital nomads stay.
Space for parking camper vans
This host can provide space for campervans.
How many Workawayers can stay?