Become part of a sustainable project in La Palma, Canary Islands

  • Favourited 144 times
  • Last activity : 22 Oct 2024



 Min stay requested: No minimum



  • Description


    Welcome to the nest of our living project.
    Settled in the canarian island of La Palma, our adoption land will be yours if you want to share some time with us.
    Living in a peaceful, quiet and sustainable environment, rounded by powerful nature and an heritage of hardworking generations of people trying to tame the energy of the youngest volcanic island of the archipelago: this is the context of the place we are living in.

    When we (Thomas, Marta and Sylvain) decided to start our project here, we did it with a clear vision that we chose the right place. Then came the time when ideas and concepts we could develop on this place were blossoming in our creative minds. To make those dreams coming true, we need support and help from friends that can keep this creative energy.

    Thomas and Sylvain met in this island few years ago... volunteering through Workaway in the same place...
    Then Sylvain met Marta in this island too, a beautiful love story in between both of them and la Palma...
    Then the idea of living here grew in Sylvain's mind, and Thomas was also visiting the island several times...
    Then almost naturally, the 3 found themselves sharing a piece of land and their daily life!
    And now, a new member of the family is sharing the place : the little Aloís joined Sylvain and Marta in September '21 (right with the last volcano)

    We (Thomas from his side and Marta + Sylvain + Aloís from the other side) are having separate houses and keeping privacy.
    In this first step of co-living experience, we passed from moments of very close and intense times (due to Covid situation) and time of personal projects and distance separation when one or more of us was getting back to Belgium, Spain or France for working or family purposes...

    We only plan our future here with a symbolic pact of maintaining a respectful atmosphere and space for each other's well-being. Our aim is not to respect concrete community rules, but we listen each other and learn from experiences of sharing space and habits.

    In few words, we could define the atmosphere as non-violent, prolific for personal work and creativity, pro-active, in harmony with our land, trying to connect with the place and the people of the island.

    We aim to be as self sufficient as we can in term of energy supplying, food access and non-dependence of hard technology and foreign supplies. We are very aware that the process gonna be long and the transition soft.
    Don't worry, we run with electricity (solar), water and internet. No one of us has an extreme philosophy or behavior in any topic. Talks and debates are always welcomed.

    Eating sane and tasty food is really easy in the island as they have many local markets and growers around the corner. Our diet is mainly vegetarian and we only consume alcohol or any other kind of stimulant occasionally. We would like the people visiting us to share the same diet.

    If you are interested in planing an agriculture plan with us, you're very welcome. Our place is a perfect laboratory for a permaculture project. This is not our priority right now but it's one of our many projects for the future.

    Other projects are, randomly:
    - creating a comunitarian kindergarden runned by parents
    - hosting artistic residence
    - making a base camp for nature expedition
    - running a yoga/massage focused place
    - sharing information and specific knowledge through conference / philo-cafe meeting
    - having musicians, gigs and parties
    - becoming an eco-construction workplace...

    Our mother tongues are Spanish and French but we are also fine in speaking English.

    We are also sharing our space and our time with Gara, a beautiful and lovely dog. She will probably be the first one to welcome you!

    Thanks for reading our profile!

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Babysitting and creative play
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
  • UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN goals
    No poverty
    Zero hunger
    Good health and well-being
    Quality education
    Gender equality
    Clean water and sanitation
    Affordable and clean energy
    Decent work and economic growth
    Industries, innovation and infrastructure
    Reduce inequality
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible consumption and production
    Climate action
    Life below water
    Life on land
    Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Partnerships for the goals
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Mostly the experience of community life in one hand and the experience of building (very concrete experience) in the other hand.
    Waking up in peaceful atmosphere and embracing an island lifestyle rhythm.
    Maybe learning some spanish or french.

  • Help


    First of all, it's important to understand that we have a toddler at home. We are adapting our rhythm to her needs... We'd like people to show flexibility and kid friendly attitude to make it all posible!

    Any help for child care and kitchen help are very welcome and sometimes necessary!!! Alois is now growing up a lot and playing much, very happy to discover the world and always happy to be with people sharing her new learnings and practice them!

    Apart from spemding time with Alois you will have the opportunity of spending time helping outside in building projects or maintaining the farm... More concretely the projects we are working with at the moment:

    - There are still some jobs to be done in Marta and Sylvain´s house, mainly in the outside part as:
    creating a phytodepuration + outdoor shower and toilet place (maybe) + extra room (maybe) + extra roof for parking the motorbike (maybe) ...

    - Also in the rest of the land:
    weeding, watering, pruning trees, chopping wood.... Planting... and plenty of others gardening activities!

    Many other things can be done, we'll just need to make some priorities depending on each one's abilities and interests.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent
    French: Fluent

    This host offers a language exchange
    We are kind in teaching some Spanish as it is important for us to speak the local language.

  • Accommodation


    We have three options for accommodation at the moment:
    - Thomas's house when he is not staying in the island
    - a camper-van having a second life as a guest room (for 1 people or a couple)
    - plenty of room to plant your own tent in the land (maybe in the forest) or your own vehicle (camper?)

    It's important to know that summer are quite warm (25-35 degrees) and winter can be quite humid, so temperature feels lower (so 10 degrees feel really cold if you're not moving much)... For people in a van, it's nice to have a heating system.

    We are using a dry toilet..

    Meals topic: we can share lunches and there's a kitchen available in Thomas's house for workawayers.
    It's also possible to share more meals in case that everybody is fine with the idea and also following the same rhythm and diet.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    As we are quite isolated, it is preferable that helpers without vehicle are very autonomous (there are bus stops 500m away) or having their own vehicle. All commodities are at least 3km away.
    Riding a bicycle is not easy in this steep island but very rewarding! If you have one, you probably know it already.
    If you want to explore the island it's exactly the same story.
    Going down to the beach is very appreciable after or during a working (or not) day.
    Starting from the land there are infinite options to walk (or run) through the forest.
    You will be able to see more stars than ever if you stay during a clear night here. No need to escape to enjoy the silence and the darkness.

    Maybe you can catch up with friends living around to go for a longer excursion. This island can seem very small but it is full of incredible places to discover.
    Having a night out is also a great experience.
    It is better to come to this island prepared for any climatic conditions and equipped to go walking around (good boots as the volcanic rocks are very sharp)
    Nights can be cold and humid but summertime is normally dry.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    There's an acceptable internet connection inside the houses, but not all over the land !

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    More than welcome as said previously

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    A friend for Gara would be great! Of course, it can be better to have a test period before having a long term agreement for helpers coming with a pet

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 979657784216

Feedback (3)


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Accuracy of profile:

Cultural exchange:
