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Come exchange experiences, culture and more at Balneario Argentino, Uruguay

  • Favourited 9 times
  • Last activity: 8 Jul 2024



 Min stay requested: No minimum



  • Description


    Hi there. My name is Yeniffer, I am 27 years old, I am from Leo. I live in Balneario Argentino, Canelones, Uruguay; This is located 30 minutes from Piriapolis, 1 hour from Punta del Este (main tourist places in the area) and 1 hour from our capital Montevideo. The truth is that I live in a privileged place 2 blocks from the beach, full of nature, a beautiful and warm environment to connect with nature. I live with my cat (who is called Gaturro) and with my dog (who is called Mike). I have my house already finished (the structure) but it is missing details such as painting, gardening, beauty details, the touch of home. My idea of this Workaway is to be able to receive people to share new experiences, adventure and learn about other cultures, in addition to being able to receive volunteer help. I found out about this application through a friend (also a host), I have shared it with travelers (at their house) and it seemed like a great idea to be able to receive them in my home.

    Hola, buenas.
    Mi nombre es Yeniffer, tengo 27 años, Soy de Leo.
    Vivo en Balneario Argentino, Canelones, Uruguay; esto se encuentra a 30 minutos de Piriapolis, 1 hora de Punta del Este (principales lugares turisticos en la zona) y a 1 hora de nuestra capital Montevideo.
    La verdad vivo en un lugar privilegiado a 2 cuadras de la playa, repleto de naturaleza, ambiente lindo y calido para conectar con la naturaleza.
    Vivo con mi gato (que se llama Gaturro) y con mi perro (que se llama Mike).
    Tengo mi casa ya terminada (la estructura) pero que le faltan detalles como por ejemplo pintura, jardineria, detalles de belleza, el toque de hogar.
    Mi idea de esta Workaway es poder recibir personas para poder compartir experiencias nuevas, aventurar y conocer otras culturas, ademas de poder recibir la ayuda de voluntariado. Conoci esta aplicación por medio de una amiga (anfitriona tambien), he compartido con viajeros (en su casa) y me pareció una idea genial poder recibirlos en mi hogar.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Language practice
    DIY and building projects
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    From my point of view, travelers can feel at home, I want to create a warm place for each person who arrives. I am open to sharing, learning and teaching everything within my reach. You can learn about my work (today) which is the field of barracks and construction, you can also learn and practice our language (Spanish).

    Desde mi punto de vista los viajeros pueden sentirse como en casa, quiero crear un lugar calido para cada persona que llegue.
    Estoy abierta a compartir, aprender y enseñar todo lo que este a mi alcance.
    Pueden aprender al respecto de mi labor (hoy) que es el ambito de barraca y construccion, tambien pueden aprender y practicar nuestro idioma (español).

  • Help


    I have a shed, I would appreciate help tidying up the premises, cleaning the home, I am in the process of building the front of a garden-type house, the idea is to transplant, plant seedlings, I want to build a garden, maintain the exterior of the house (the patio ) and I also ask to maintain order where they are going to stay, in addition to this my aspiration is to know, share, learn languages, cultures and everything that can be shared during the stay.

    Tengo una barraca, agradeceria ayuda en el orden del local, aseo del hogar, estoy en proceso de construir el frente de casa tipo jardin, la idea es transplantar, plantar plantitas, quiero armar una huerta, mantener el exterior de la casa (el patio) y ademas pido mantener el orden donde se van a quedar, ademas de esto mi aspiracion es conocer, compartir, aprender de idiomas, culturas y todo lo que se pueda compartir durante la estadia.

  • Languages spoken

    Spanish: Fluent
    English: Beginner

  • Accommodation


    The volunteer who arrives home will spend their stay in a studio apartment that I have to receive them, which has a bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen. We have Wifi, electric light, heater (for when it's cold) and fan (for when it's hot). The truth is that the house needs paint and some repairs (which would also be part of the activities to be carried out), I would like people who arrive to be able to leave their contribution and details for future travelers. For the stay we have a bed, mattress and bedding. There is a place to pitch a tent, but each traveler should bring their own.

    El voluntario que llegue a casa pasara su estadia en un monoambiente que tengo para recibirlos, el cual cuenta con baño, cuarto, cocina. Contamos con Wifi, Luz electrica, Calentador (para cuando hace frio) y ventilador (para cuando hace calor). La verdad a la casa le falta pintura y algunos arreglos (que tambien formaria parte de las actividades a realizar), me gustaria que las personas que lleguen puedan dejar su aporte y su detalle para proximos viajeros.
    Para la estadia contamos con cama, colchón y ropa de cama.
    Hay lugar para armar carpa, pero cada viajero deberia traer la suya

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    I live 3 blocks from the beach, it is a super quiet, warm place, you can get there by bus "copsa Este" nº 713 to Jaureguiberry, or alternative lines such as COT or east lines that travel to Maldonado. In some cases and depending on where they are (depending on proximity and time) I can pick them up.

    Vivo a 3 cuadras de la playa, es un lugar super tranquilo, calido, se puede llegar a travez del omnibus "copsa Este" nº 713 con destino a Jaureguiberry, o lineas alternativas como COT o lineas este que viajen a Maldonado. En algunos casos y dependiendo de donde se encuentren (depende de cercania y tiempo) puedo pasarlos a buscar.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Máximo 5 horas al día, 5 días a la semana

Host ref number: 878516892341

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