Our new farm happiness in Wendland, Germany



 Min stay requested: at least 2 weeks



  • Description


    Offer on our little farm happiness ❤️🍀🍄
    Where: Wendland, 29456 Hitzacker

    Dear friends, we are a family of 6 with many animal roommates, including currently 3 horses, a few sheep, two small pigs, chickens, our young dog Elmo, Fiete, our cuddly cat and thousands of bees in colonies.
    We live on a little farm with a little forrest and fields in Hitzacker, near the river Elbe.
    Due to our decision to stay in Germany, we sold our farm and are moving to another farm to be closer to the children's dream school.
    This farm is about 3 hectares in size and also has a small beautiful forest and a few meadows nearby.

    Fences have to be built there, stables have to be repaired and built. Beds should be replanted and the grove reforested. Of course, wood is also made and existing resources are used.
    The house will be completely ecologically renovated this and next year; we are working with wood and clay. The paint should be removed from old doors and the wood should be oiled.

    Since I am mostly alone on the farm with children and animals, I am also happy to receive support with everyday tasks, such as cooking or looking after the animals.
    Next year we will be growing and planting all kinds of vegetables and fruit ourselves again, but we currently have an organic food coop with us for basic supplies.

    I would like to make a few tiles and would also like to do it together with you. Of course you also have the option of making a nice cup or something else.

    The new pottery and beekeeper's workshop will also be built, and there will of course be time to go on a leisurely or challenging ride or to explore the beautiful community of Elbtalaue.
    Bicycles are of course available to you.

    All of our animals enjoy affection and love. And we would love your help and ideas and of course great conversations!

    Angebot auf unserem kleinen Bauernhofglück ❤️🍀🍄
    Wo: Wendland, 29456 Hitzacker

    Ihr Lieben, wir sind eine 6-köpfige Familie ( 2 Erwachsene und 4 Kinder zwischen 2 und 11) mit vielen tierischen Mitbewohnern, darunter derzeit 3 Pferde, einige Schafe, zwei kleine Schweine, Hühner, unsere junger Hund Elmo, Fiete, unser kuscheliger Kater und tausende Bienen in Völkern.
    Wir leben seit dem Winter auf einem kleinen Hof bei Hitzacker an der Elbe.
    In diesem Jahr stehen viele Veränderungen an, durch unsere Entscheidung in Deutschland zu bleiben, haben wir unseren Hof verkauft und zogen auf diesen Hof um näher an unserer Wunschschule der Kinder zu sein.
    Dieser Hof ist etwa 3 ha groß und hat auch einen kleinen schönen Wald und ein paar Wiesen in der Nähe.

    Dort müssen Zäune gezogen, Ställe repariert und errichtet werden. Beete sollen wieder angelegt und das Wäldchen aufgeforstet werden. Natürlich auch Holz gemacht und vorhandene Ressourcen genutzt werden.
    Das Haus wird in diesem und nächstem Jahr komplett ökologisch saniert, wir arbeiten mit Holz und Lehm. Alte Türen sollen wieder von dem Lack befreit werden und das Holz geölt werden.
    Eine neue Heizung eingebaut, die Elektrik neu installiert und alles ökologisch gedämmt und saniert werden.

    Da ich überwiegend mit Kindern und Tieren alleine auf dem Hof bin, freue ich mich außerdem über Unterstützung bei alltäglichen Arbeiten, wie zum Beispiel Kochen oder der Versorgung der Tiere.
    Im Frühsommer erwarten wir Lämmer, die Lammzeit ist auch immer aufregend und schön.
    Wir werden im kommenden Jahr wieder allerlei Gemüse und Obst selbst anbauen und pflanzen, haben allerdings für die Grundversorgung momentan eine Bio- Foodcoop bei uns.

    Ich möchte gerne schon ein paar Fliesen töpfern und auch gerne mit dir/euch gemeinsam. Ihr habt natürlich auch die Möglichkeit eine schöne Tasse oder etwas anderes zu machen.
    Weitere Projekte sind der Bau einer Sauna und eines Lehmofens draußen.
    Die neue Töpfer- und Imkerwerkstatt wird ebenfalls entstehen, Zeit um einen gemütlichen oder auch anspruchsvollen Ausritt zu machen oder die schöne Gemeinde Elbtalaue zu erkunden ist natürlich gegeben.
    Fahrräder stehen dir natürlich zur Verfügung.

    All unsere Tiere freuen sich über Zuneigung und Liebe. Und wir uns über eure Mithilfe und Ideen und natürlich tolle Gespräche!

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Art Projects
    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Farmstay help
    Babysitting and creative play
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    House sitting
  • Interests


    Self development
    Plant care
    Drawing & painting
    DIY & crafts
    Cooking & food
    Art & design
    Adventure sports
    Yoga / Wellness
    Outdoor activities
  • UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN goals
    No poverty
    Zero hunger
    Good health and well-being
    Quality education
    Gender equality
    Clean water and sanitation
    Affordable and clean energy
    Decent work and economic growth
    Industries, innovation and infrastructure
    Reduce inequality
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible consumption and production
    Climate action
    Life below water
    Life on land
    Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Partnerships for the goals
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    With us you learn primarily through the work itself, the beautiful Wendland is full of colorful and diverse people, Hitzacker is a wonderful place.
    Be warmly welcome!

    Bei uns lernst du primär durch das Arbeiten an sich, das schöne Wendland ist voll mit bunten und vielfältigen Menschen, Hitzacker ein wunderbarer Ort.
    Sei herzlich Willkommen!

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    Usual tasks on our farm: milking of sheep, sheep shearing and milk processing, wool processing, cultivation of a self-care garden, cooking / processing of vegetables and fruits, feeding of animals, collecting and processing of herbs, pottery, sewing, ecological renovation, repairs, beekeeping preparations for the Winter You can expect different projects!
    So, we'll be so happy and full of love, if you can help us.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    German: Fluent
    English: Intermediate

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    You have one or two guest rooms available.

    Du hast ein oder zwei Gästezimmer zur Verfügung.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    There is a train station in Hitzacker, but the Dannenberg or Uelzen train stations are also easily accessible.
    Hitzacker offers the beautiful Elbe, small cafes, an ice cream parlor, a beautiful outdoor swimming pool, an archaeological museum and lots of cultural things.

    In Hitzacker gibt es einen Bahnhof, gut erreichbar ist aber auch der Bahnhof Dannenberg oder Uelzen.
    Hitzacker bietet die schöne Elbe, kleine Cafés, eine Eisdiele, ein schönes Freibad, ein Archäologisches Museum und viel Kulturelles.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    Wir haben Glasfaserinternet.

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    Wenn du einen Camper hast, finden wir bei uns sicher einen Platz dafür.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

Host ref number: 875845452423

Website Safety

Feedback (5)


The image depicts a woman engaged in pottery, with her hands covered in clay, as she works on a potter's wheel in an outdoor setting.
The image features a mosaic wall with a vibrant, multicolored tile pattern, showcasing a mix of blue, green, and brown hues, with a yellow soap dish and a metal staircase in the foreground.
The image depicts a man sitting on a chair in a room with a ladder, a window, and a door, surrounded by construction materials.
The image depicts a person holding two tiles in front of a brick building with a ladder and watering cans, suggesting a renovation or construction project.
The image depicts a group of chickens in a wooded area, with a white watering can and a tree trunk in the foreground. The chickens are brown and white.
The image depicts two young children engaged in play with wooden blocks in a cluttered room, surrounded by toys and books.
The image depicts two black pigs standing in a yard covered in fallen leaves, with a chicken visible in the background. The pigs are positioned in the foreground.
The image depicts a woman interacting with a black sheep in a rural setting, with the woman's face close to the sheep's head.


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile:

Cultural exchange:


Help a family with care for their animals, gardening and renovating on their farm in Rossdorf, Germany
Help with creative projects around the house and garden in Wollomoos, Germany