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Join our community and share your creativity and manual skills while being in contact with nature in Rapallo, Italy

  • Favourited 48 times
  • Last activity : 10 Sep 2024



 Min stay requested: 1 week or less



  • Description


    We are a social promotion association that promotes various activities in contact with nature for both children and adults. The kindergarten and school project in the woods has been active for many years now. In summer itinerant summer camps for children and teenagers. We collaborate with various professional figures such as teachers of music, yoga, bioenergetics, midwives, psychologists, pedagogues, proposing training days, seminars, courses, moments of listening and reflections. We are in the hills of Rapallo surrounded by trees.

    Un'associazione di promozione sociale che promuove svariate attività a contatto con la natura sia per bambini che per adulti. Attivo ormai da tanti anni il progetto di asilo e scuola nel bosco.
    In estate campus estivi itineranti per bambini e ragazzi. Collaboriamo con diverse figure professionali quali insegnanti di musica, yoga, bioenergetica, ostetriche, psicologhe, pedagogiste, proponendo giornate formative, seminari, corsi, momenti di ascolto e riflessioni. Siamo nelle colline di Rapallo circondati da alberi.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Babysitting and creative play
    General Maintenance
  • UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN goals
    No poverty
    Zero hunger
    Good health and well-being
    Quality education
    Gender equality
    Clean water and sanitation
    Affordable and clean energy
    Decent work and economic growth
    Industries, innovation and infrastructure
    Reduce inequality
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible consumption and production
    Climate action
    Life below water
    Life on land
    Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Partnerships for the goals
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    In return we can certainly offer an experience in a place surrounded by welcoming people with great listening skills and mutual exchange of skills. Opportunity to visit many places around us very beautiful and known in every part of the world, such as Le 5 Terre, S.Margherita and Portofino. Taste typical products. In case of foreigners, learn the Italian language.

    In cambio possiamo sicuramente offrire un'esperienza in un luogo circondato da persone accoglienti con grandi capacità di ascolto e scambio reciproco di competenze.
    Possibilità di visitare molti luoghi attorno a noi molto belli e conosciuti in ogni parte del mondo, quali Le 5 Terre, S.Margherita e Portofino.
    Assaporare prodotti tipici.
    In caso di stranieri, imparare la lingua italiana.

  • Help


    We would very much like to find people who bring their positive energy with any personal, expressive, artistic skills or whatever they are and who can help us make this place even more welcoming and magical. Manual skills in carpentry, repair and construction of fences. Ability to manage and care for a vegetable garden. Capacity and care of animals. Gardening skills. Creative, artistic, manual skills to be offered to both children and adults.

    Ci piacerebbe molto trovare persone che portino la loro energia positiva con eventuali capacità personali, espressive, artistiche o qualunque esse sia e che possano aiutarci a rendere questo luogo ancora più accogliente e magico.
    Capacità manuali di falegnameria, riparazione e costruzione recinti.
    Capacità nella gestione e cura di un orto.
    Capacità e cura degli animali.
    Capacità di giardinaggio.
    Capacità creative, artistiche, manuali da proporre sia a bambini che adulti.

  • Languages spoken

    Italian: Fluent
    English: Intermediate

  • Accommodation


    We have several possibilities that vary mainly according to the hot / cold season. Warm season Wooden cottage with a small kitchen corner outside equipped with a fridge, induction hob, barbecue. Very large tepee tent (10 pax) Always outside bathroom and hot shower. Cold season Shorter times Room with bathroom in hostel in S.Margherita Ligure. Guests will have the necessary food available with the possibility of cooking it independently from us both in summer and winter.

    Abbiamo diverse possibilità che variano soprattutto in base alla stagione calda/fredda.
    Stagione calda
    Casetta in legno con all'esterno piccolo angolo cucina dotato di frigorifero, piastra ad induzione, barbecue.
    Tenda tepee molto grande (10 pax)
    Sempre all'esterno bagno e doccia calda.
    Stagione fredda
    Tempi più brevi
    Camera con bagno in ostello a S.Margherita Ligure

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    We are in the hills but we are served by public transport. All reachable in a short time. There are many places to visit around us. For an evening and a more youthful and worldly life you can reach Genoa by train.

    Siamo in collina ma siamo serviti da mezzi pubblici. Tutto raggiungibile in tempi brevi.
    Ci sono molti luoghi da visitare intorno a noi.
    Per una serata e una vita più giovane e mondana si può raggiungere Genova con il treno.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 561859525383



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