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100 %
Last replied
5 Feb 2025
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We are musicians first and foremost, but also wild herb connoisseurs, and Giorgio is also a fisherman and a painter; Our lifestyle is quite irregular, we are sometimes on the road, then at home for several days... we need help above all outside, digging out brambels, building, repairing, making hay... we got a big garden but not so much knowhow/knowledge in this... It is important to us that guests can organize themselves and use only organic products (soaps, etc.); We are primarily vegetarian plus fish and organic.
Wir sind in erster Linie Musiker, aber auch Wildkräuterkenner, und Giorgio ist auch Fischer und Maler; unser Lebensstil ist eher unregelmässig, wir sind öfter unterwegs, dann wieder mehrere Tage zu Hause... wir brauchen Hilfe in den Aussenbereichen - Brombeeren ausgraben, bauen, reparieren, Wiesen mähen/rechen... und im Garten (in diesem Bereich haben wir nicht so viel Wissen...) Es ist uns wichtig, dass die Gäste sich auch selbständig organisieren können, dass nur biologische Produkte (Seifen ecc... ) verwendet werden; wir essen v.a. vegetarisch + Fisch und biologisch.
Siamo innanzitutto musicisti, ma anche conoscitori di erbe selvatiche, e Giorgio è anche pescatore e pittore; il nostro stile di vita è piuttosto irregolare, siamo spesso in giro, poi a casa per diversi giorni... abbiamo bisogno di aiuto negli spazi esterni - estirpare rovi e ginestre, costruire, riparare, falciare/rastrellare i prati... e in giardino (in questo settore non abbiamo molte conoscenze...) Per noi è importante che gli ospiti possano organizzarsi, che vengano utilizzati solo prodotti biologici (saponi, ecc.); Mangiamo principalmente vegetariano + pesce e biologico.Types of help and learning opportunities
Help with Eco Projects
DIY and building projects
Creating/ Cooking family meals
Help around the house
General Maintenance
Cultural exchange and learning opportunities
We are musicians (folk; spec. from Ticino, World, improvisation, playing different instruments), know about wild plants; giorgio is also a fisherman (nets) and painter: We speak italien, german, spanish, english (Claudia) and french (Giorgio). In all that we are open to have cultural exchange.
Wir sind Musiker (Folk - v.a. tessiner, world/Improvisation...; spielen verschiedene Instrumente), haben Wildkräuter-kenntnisse; Giorgio fischt und malt auch. Wir sprechen italienisch, deutsch, spanisch, englisch (Claudia) und französisch (Giorgio). In all diesen Bereichen sind wir offen für kulturellen Austausch.
Siamo musicisti (popolare - spec. ticinese, World/improvisazione); suoniamo diversi strumenti; conoscenza delle erbe spontanee, Giorgio pesca (reti) e pittura anche. Parliamo italiano, tedesco, spagnolo, inglese (Claudia) e francese (Giorgio). Siamo aperti a scambi culturali in tutti questi ambiti.Projects involving children
This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.
Help in garden/meadows/forest-wood; repairing and building walls...; whoever wants might help in the fishing with nets. Would be nice for us to learn about organic gardening/permaculture... collaboration in housework/cooking ;
Hilfe im Garten, Wiesen, Wald (Holz machen), Wege reparieren; Mauern ausbessern und andere Bauprojekte - bei Interesse auch beim Fischen helfen. Für uns wäre es schön, mehr über biologisch-organisches Gärtnern/Permakultur zu erfahren. Mitarbeit bei Hausarbeiten/Kochen.
Aiuto negli orti/prati/boschi (fare legna), riparare muri e alti progetti di costruzione/riattazione - anche, per chi è interessato, aiuto nella pesca con reti. Per noi sarebbe bello acquistare conoscenze in permacultura/ coltura organica. Collaborazione in cucina.Languages
Languages spoken
German: Fluent
Italian: Fluent
English: Intermediate
Spanish: Intermediate
French: IntermediateThis host offers a language exchange
Just sharing the language a workawayer is interested to exchange. We could be interested to learn portuguese and getting better in spanish...Accommodation
Various options: one room with one bed (1-2 Persons) o a large bed in open space inside the house; otherwise there are also more “primitive” variants, but more privacy, but not so suitable in the colder periods... Electricity only by solar power - so sometimes limited; also internet a little bit weak.
Verschiedenen Möglichkeiten: ein Zimmer mit Bett (1-2 Personen) oder grosses Bett in open space im Haus ; sonst auch "primitivere" Varianten, dafür mehr privacy, aber nicht so geignet in den kälteren Zeiten... Elektrizität nur durch Sonnenenergie, deshalb manchmal beschränkt; auch Internet eher schwach.
Diverse opzioni: una stanza separata con un letto (1-2 persone) o un letto grande in open space in casa; altrimenti varianti un po' più primitivi - in compenso con più privacy, ma non tanto adatti nei periodi freschi/ freddi. Elettricità solo con impianto solare, quindi a volte limitata; anche Internet piuttosto debole.What else ...
We live secluded in the forest, with a large meadow, about 300m footpath to the nearest road and about 3km to the next bus-stop, at approx. 850m altitude in southern Ticino. . Opportunities especially for hiking, exploring the area, being in nature... We are so far new as hosts, but have often hosted "random" guests. We have a quite irregular lifestyle but can probably come and pick you up from (bring to) the next village (7km) and -perhaps- arrange it to go together and visit other parts of the Ticino/Tessin.
Wir wohnen abgeschieden im Wald, mit grosser Wiese, ca. 300m von der nächsten Strasse und ca. 3km bis zu ö.V., auf ca 850m Höhe im südlichen Tessin. Möglichkeiten v.a. zum Wandern, Gegend erkundigen, in der Natur sein... bisher neu als hosts, haben aber schon öfter "zugefallene" Gäste beherbergt. Wir haben einen eher unregelmässigen Lebensstil, sind öfter nicht zu Hause, können euch aber meist abholen/bringen vom/zum nächsten Dorf (7 km) und vielleicht auch mal einen gemeinsamen Ausflug im Tessin unternehmen.
Abitiamo a 850msl; 300m sentiero fino alla strada, ca.3km dalla ultima fermata del bus, in mezzo al bosco in una grande radura. Possibilità sopratutto per fare escursioni a piedi, esplorare i dintorni, stare nella natura... siamo nuovi come hosts, ma abbiamo già avuto diversi ospiti "casuali" . Anche se conduciamo a volte una vita piuttosto irregolare possiamo probabilmente prendere/portarvi d/al prossimo paesino (ca 7km) e trovare forse anche il tempo per una gita insieme per conoscere il Ticino.A little more information
Internet access
Limited internet access
We have pets
We are smokers
Can host families
Can possibly accept pets
... any pet, if easy, well educated, friendly...
How many Workawayers can stay?
Feedback (2)
Da wir ganz spontan in der Schweiz einen Stop eingelegt haben, war unser Aufenthalt nur ein paar Tage (viel zu kurz) Diese haben wir mit ganz viel Spaß, Humor, tollen Erfahrungen, tiefgründigen Gesprächen, Natur, Kultur, Bäume… read more
These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.
Accuracy of profile:
Cultural exchange:
Da wir ganz spontan in der Schweiz einen Stop eingelegt haben, war unser Aufenthalt nur ein paar Tage (viel zu kurz) Diese haben wir mit ganz viel Spaß, Humor, tollen Erfahrungen, tiefgründigen Gesprächen, Natur, Kultur, Bäume… read more