Become a member of our family and explore our beautiful country in Sistiana, Trieste, Italy

  • Favourited 62 times
  • Last activity: 23 Jul 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 2 weeks



  • Description


    We are a host family all the year, now we are planning for summer and have an avaliable position from now

    We love long experiences, but in summer also short one could be a good ption, since there are a lot odf workawayers travelling, but we also consider shorter options.

    We are looking for a guest the school summer vcation
    We do not give the residency in our house for any reason also the request for citizenship.
    We are a host family from more than 4 years (also other programs), we had a stop from February to July last year because of the lock down. We in hte last yearguested a lady from canada, and we spent summer withspanish young woman autumn with Martha, we had a visit in december from austria (our guest for 3 month in 2020)... in january we have all set to welcome jade, and after her we had trent and tyla again then with school period and both kids busy with activities we had a pause after 8 years, and we are ready to host again for summer

    We We are a family of four people, Pierpaolo (father), Vuokko (mother) Sebastian and Karin.

    I speak fluent English, Pierpaolo can speak and is always learning, Sebastian speaks and understand english too. Karin was born in an intercultural envirioroment. We speak Italian, Slovenian and English, we are all learning German too but now we just know some words!

    Our closest relatives live in the area, Sebastian's grandparents, uncles and cousin, and the one that moved out when are back in town always come to visit us.

    Sebastian is 9 years old, he was born on August 14th 2014. Karin is one, was born in September 2017 she is 6. We like learning from other cultures, we love outdoor life, sea, mountains and walks in the country side. We also enjoy ice-cream, coffee and chocolate. We often to go out for pizza, and ice-cream or some traditional meals. We love animas we have two cats living with us and a bunny.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Language practice
    Animal Care
    Babysitting and creative play
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    We live in a residential area close to Trieste SISTIANA, our house has a big garden with a trampolin, we have a mobile swimming pool for the summer, our huse has a large terrazza.
    Trieste is 20 minutes away, it that is an intercultural city, hosts many science institutions.
    Trieste is the capital of science for 2020
    we are an active family of four, we love nature
    our kids are trilingual, a..Italian, slovene and english
    we are in a central position for exploring Venezia, Slovenia Bled, Lubljana, Croazia, Austria.
    the local train station is less than 5 minutes from our front door, the bus is 10 minutes far.
    when possible we are avaliable to drive the guest to the airport or bigger train station if required.
    we provide a mountain bike for exploring the area
    the seaside is just 15 minutes walking away from home
    25 minutes away there is a nice Italian school (during school year)
    we provide tickets for reaching Trieste by train
    there are two little gyms in the neigbourhood the area is great for jogging
    at home we cook a lot, and bake too, we can cook together.
    with us you could see how a family leaves in this area
    i have been teaching physiology in the university for a couple of years, if you want to learn about that I am always ready to share...
    there are young people leaving in our area, Trieste is a university city, there are many opportunities to met people, italian and from all over the world.

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    Hello, we joined work away in september 2018, and we are hosting our eight guest, till now we had a great time with Franciska (Germany) Sofie (austria), Catherine (USA), Camilla (Denmark), Miu (Japan), Gloria (Slovenia), Martha(Germany) and Aara (USA), at Melanie from Austria, Lea from france, Jess from Uk, and Margot from canada, we we had Merixtell from spain last summer, hannah from germany till december, Tyla from australia, and Trent. Last summer we had with us RObin from ireland.

    . We are a host family from more than 6 years, we hosted young students from all the world in exchange programs, we joined work away because we love to live in an international house, and we would love our kids to be open minded. We need some somebody that would like to join our family, that likes kids, and enjoys family life somebody that would like to feel like a relative for us (till now always happened with success). In our family we both work and need help with the kids and the house
    I, Vuokko, am a pharmacist, I work part time, Pierpaolo is a dentist, he leaves the house at 8:30 am and comes back around 20:00 from Monday to thursday.

    main tasks:
    we are in a summer vacation area, so there is lots of swimming... we would prefer somebody that loves he seaside, and the beach...

    - speak english or the native language with the kids (no Italian with the kids)
    - baby sitting
    - setting the table before meals, mainly breakfast and dinner
    - preparing breakfast, toasting the bread, preparing the coffe, heating the milk, preparing eggs, help kids with butter and marmelade in summer we leave before the kids they have breakfast later with our guest
    -reordering the table after meals
    - taking care of plates and dishes, put all in the dish washer and reset in place once is done
    - reordering the toys
    - reordering summer stuff, towels googles and all the sea equipment
    - reordering kids belonging (clothes), cheking school belongings
    - cooking is not required, is welcomed (if you want to prepare some dish from your country, we are always happy to try new things.
    - capacity to heat already prepared meals ( to give to the kids while baby sitting)
    - NO ironing

    - little vacuum cleaning
    -NO heavy house work (we have a house helper that comes once a week )

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    Italian: Fluent
    Slovenian: Fluent

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    single room, with single bed 2mX1m, with window that looks on the yard, private bathroom with shower. The bathroom has hairdrayer, and towels. Possibility to guest relatives (mother father sister brother), good friends (partner, best friend...)for short periods 2-3 days previous agreement with the family. The room and bathroom are cleaned from the house keeper once a week.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    biking, jogging, swimming, caving, rock climbing, spa, coffee testing, Italian learning, Trieste is the capital of coffe, a university city, perfect location to do trips all over Europe, flixbus stop, train station, airport, direct connection with Venice ... and much more... even in this time there is lots to do, nature is all around us, lots of hicking...

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    we have a single room with wi fii and cable connection, we hosted a girl that was following classes on line and she was happy

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    we live out of town and there is space close to the beach and night summer life

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    yes, cats dogs, turtles...animals that stay outside... no snakes...

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    5 hours a day (max 25 hours/week)

Host ref number: 388973723838

Feedback (9)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (5.0)

Cultural exchange: (5.0)

Communication: (5.0)

Ecology, wildlife and food on the edge of the exciting Garfagnana, Tuscany, Italy
A guy (italian speaker) to help us with our activities in Sicily - Italy