Non profit community project rebuilding and taking care of our property in Galicia, Spain

  • Favourited 25 times
  • Last activity: 9 Nov 2023



 Min stay requested: at least a week



  • Description



    We are a non-profit association that bases its work on ecological, anti-racist and feminist principles. Therefore, our objectives are:

    - To revitalise the rural area where we live in, as well as encourage the participation and community development around us.
    - Rebuilding two galician traditional houses and the property around: recovery of the architechtural heritage, maintenance and use of the property, conservation of the cultural heritage and the natural environment.
    - To create a completely sustainable rural environment.
    - To create a free and accessible educational space through non-formal and informal education.
    - To create a temporary shelter for women with minors in their care and at risk of social exclusion.
    - Encourage intergenerational meeting spaces.

    The year 2020, in spite of the difficulties we all experienced, was very positive for the Association: we managed to get the transfer of the two houses that we are currently rebuilding. The association was born from this transfer.

    In order to achieve our aims, our plan of activities will focus on the following:
    - Reconstruction and rehabilitation of the houses and architechtural heritage around.
    - Implementation of accessibility measures, aiming the inclusion of all people in the project.
    - Ecological agriculture and bio-construction.
    - Cultural and recreational activities, in their different forms and manifestations, for the recovery and conservation of the historical, ethnographic and cultural heritage as well as for the environmental protection of the surroundings.
    - Courses and workshops.
    - Educational activities, leading in the long-term to the creation of a farm school.
    - Activities focused on young people and the elderly, both recreational and educational.
    - Design and implementation of a project for the achievement of economic independence of the women users of the shelter house previously prepared for this purpose.

    At the moment, we are in phase 1 of these activities, which is necessary to achieve all the others: the reconstruction and recovery of the houses where the activities of the Association will take place.

    We have come a long way, but there is still a long way to go. We would like to count on the help of people with values and visions similar to ours. We seek to enrich ourselves culturally and socially, to exchange ideas, to help and be helped.

    Somos una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que fundamenta su labor en principios ecologistas, antirracistas y feministas. Partiendo de esta base, nuestros objetivos son:

    - Dinamizar el medio rural, así como la participación y el desarrollo comunitario de la zona.
    - Recuperación de dos casas y su finca correspondiente: recuperación de patrimonio, mantenimiento y aprovechamiento de la finca, conservación del patrimonio cultural y del medio natural.
    - Crear un entorno rural completamente sostenible.
    - Crear un espacio educativo libre y accesible a través de la Educación No Formal e Informal.
    - Crear un espacio de acogida temporal para mujeres con menores a su cargo y en riesgo de exclusión social.
    - Fomentar espacios de encuentro intergeneracionales.

    El año 2020, a pesar de las dificultades que todos vivimos, fue muy positivo para la Asociación: conseguimos que se nos cedieran las dos casas que estamos reconstruyendo actualmente. De esta cesión nace la asociación.

    Para el cumplimiento de estos fines, nuestro plan de actividades se centrará en las siguientes:
    - Reconstrucción y  rehabilitación del patrimonio.
    - Implantación de medidas de accesibilidad dirigidas a todas las personas.
    - Agricultura ecológica y bioconstrucción.
    - La realización de actividades culturales y recreativas, en sus diferentes formas y manifestaciones, para la recuperación y conservación del patrimonio histórico, etnográfico y cultural así como para la protección medioambiental del entorno.
    - Cursos y talleres.
    - Actividades de tipo educativo, orientadas a la creación de una granja escuela.
    - Actividades dirigidas a la juventud y la tercera edad, ya sean lúdicas o educativas.
    - Diseño e implementación de un proyecto para la consecución de la independencia económica de las mujeres usuarias de la casa de acogida previamente acondicionada para tal efecto.

    En el momento actual, nos encontramos en la fase 1 de estas actividades, necesaria para albergar a todas las demás: la reconstrucción y recuperación de las casas y la finca que albergan las actividades de la Asociación. Hemos hecho camino, pero queda mucho por andar, y nos gustaría contar con la ayuda de personas con valores y visiones semejantes a los nuestros. Buscamos enriquecernos cultural y socialmente, intercambiar ideas, ayudar y ser ayudados.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    We offer the opportunity for workawayers to live in the heart of Galicia, get to know our values, ways of living, traditions and gastronomy around us, and also learn a lot about an innovative project, full of young people, heart and love. The main experience will focus on the life in the countryside, rebuilding and building in tight contact to nature and eco-friendly values.

  • Help


    We are looking for workawayers who are ready to stay between 1 and 2 weeks. We are aware that the experience of stayingat the house will improve as we work around it, specially on the electrical installation and water supply. Right now, we are only able to host workawayers with their own van or mobile home (or real adventurers!), since we can offer a shelter but not electricity or current water (there is a creek nearby, tho).

    If you are willing to stay and help us longer, we always can arrange it for you to stay with some of us for some days. It is all about talking, sharing expectations and plans, and finding the way to accomodate everyone´s needs!

    We mainly need help with the reconstruction of the main house. As you can see in the pictures, there is where we are focusing our energy right now. People with bio construction experience and good craftmanship will be very welcome!
    We are planning to clear up and rebuild several areas of the property, which is huge, and we periodically need to clear the bushes and moan all around it.

    Therefore people with good physical condition, ready to work with their hands, carry, pull and grab all kind of building materials will have priority. Overall we are happy to welcome anyone who shares our values, loves to be in the nature, is active and proactive and is interested in getting to know our project, the people involved and the area in their free time.

    But we are also looking to develop all the other projects and objectives described above, so if you have experience, knowledge or contacts in the fields of bio construction, permaculture, social and cultural innovation and exchange, inter-generational exchange, community development, art, culture, music....everyone and every help is welcome!

  • Languages spoken

    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent
    Galician: Fluent
    Portuguese: Fluent

  • Accommodation


    Right now, during the warmer days of summer, we can offer an accomodation inside the main house, where we are focusing our re-building works (as you can see in the pictures). We are still working on the electricity and water supply, so we mainly prefer volunteers and workawayers who are travelling with their own vans/ cars/ACs.
    But we do offer an accomodation inside the main house.

    About food and other needs the helpers may have, we will arrange meals and any other services (transport, other kind of accomodation) in a one to one interview before your arrival. In general, we offer 3 meals a day the days our workawayers will be working at the project.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    To get to the property, the easiest way is to arrive to Silleda, Bandeira or Ponte Ulla, which are the main villages nearby. From there, we can give you a ride.
    To get around from the property, there is a line bus which travels between Santiago and Lalín/Ourense every hour or 2 hours, which stops not far away from us.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    We are camper friendly! We have plenty of space in the property around the houses to park the van or mobile home. We cannot offer electricity or current water to hook to the mobile homes tho.

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    We usually have our dogs running free and wild around the property. All pets are welcome, as long as they can get along with highly playful dogs ;)

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    15 hours a week, distribuited as the workawayers wish

Host ref number: 314894814951

Feedback (1)
