Make an impact with our non-profit organisation in Malang, East Java

  • Favourited 205 times
  • Last activity: 26 Jul 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 2 weeks



  • Description


    Ohayo, Hola, Bonjour, Ola, Hello, Halo everyone!

    First of all, we really hope every workawayer and other hosts are doing well. We know that these past two years has been hard when COVID-19 global pandemic struck. Some lost their loved ones and other making major adjustments to their daily life activities, us too. It has been amazing previous months we have with workawayers after we start welcoming workawayers again. No we are open for more in the upcoming months! You can find complete information by continue reading below. That's it for now, looking forward to welcome you here!

    We are a not for profit organization run by young people. We are located in and focusing our activities in the city of Malang, East Java province. We started to get along with local community by conducting empowerment program since 2010, we do this because a community need to get along to know themselves, to know their need and we do it all so that the community can be empowered. By joining us, you help community empowerment and also youth empowerment since you will be working in the projects with youth.

    While getting along with local community, we want to invite and involve the international counterpart to later become a global volunteer. We believe, by enabling community participation, the capacity of the community will be optimized. As a global volunteer, you will learn and at the same time create an impact on society by running a community empowerment program. In carrying out community empowerment programs, we have four main focuses as follows:
    1. Improvement of quality of Education
    2. Economic empowerment
    3. Improvement of health and quality of life
    4. Institutional enhancement

    Sometimes a community empowerment program doesn't work because is not appropriate with community needs, so on our organization always use research base if we do community empowerment program.

    Regarding the location of the activity, from the beginning we decided to focus our activities in Malang. The city is similar to a Melting Pot, a place where many young people from various parts of Indonesia gather to study. This is because the city of Malang has an identity as a city of education with more than 30 state and private higher education institutions. Moreover, Malang is known for having unique diversity in its nature, society, history, culture, economics and other aspects that makes it relatively similar to most of the diversity in Indonesia.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Charity Work
    Art Projects
    Language practice
    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN goals
    No poverty
    Zero hunger
    Good health and well-being
    Quality education
    Gender equality
    Clean water and sanitation
    Affordable and clean energy
    Decent work and economic growth
    Industries, innovation and infrastructure
    Reduce inequality
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible consumption and production
    Climate action
    Life below water
    Life on land
    Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Partnerships for the goals
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Indonesia is famous as a country that is rich in culture. This account also applies to the city of Malang. When you become a volunteer or workawayer, you will carry out programs both in urban and rural areas so that you have the opportunity to meet many people from different backgrounds. Our volunteers are generally young people from various regions of Indonesia. They will become your friends or partners while living in Malang. This occasion will certainly add up to your experience in collaborating to perform empowerment programs.

    Malang has a relatively cool temperature for a certain time compared to other cities in Indonesia due to its location which is on the highlands and enclosed by several mountains. If you are into hiking mountains, Mount Semeru or Mount Bromo will be on your top list of places to visit. Mount Semeru is the highest volcano on the island of Java (unfortunately it is still closed due to its raising volcanic activity) while Mount Bromo is one of favorite destinations. In addition, there are still some mountains that can be climbed around the city of Malang. We can help to manage if you want to visit Mount Bromo and other destinations.

    Hiking mountains is not appealing enough? Don’t worry. You can visit scenic beaches such as Tiga Warna beach, Balekambang beach or others, or you can track down to a lot of waterfalls in Malang like Coban Pelangi, Madakaripura waterfall, or Tumpak Sewu Waterfall and many others. You can arrange your own trip in your off day.

    Besides being known for its beautiful nature, Malang city also has a variety of destinations of historical relics such as the Singhasari temple, a heritage of the Singasari kingdom that was built in the 11th century and also old buildings from Dutch colonisation era and many more.

    Apart from above, we usually arrange an after-work activities such as running and doing exercise together in the nearest sports center, going camping, having coffee, go sightseeing in town, going to shopping center, traditional market and many more.

  • Help


    As your workawayer, together with our volunteers, we will conduct community empowerment programs. There are various community empowerment programs that we do for the community including:

    Science and Social Fair and Festival
    We initiate this program because oftentimes children assume that learning science or social science is difficult and not fun. Therefore, through this program, we want to provide a fun and interactive science or social learning experience for children with emphasis on experiential learning . In this program, we use Educational Teaching Aids (ETAs) to facilitate understanding of science and social aspects. What makes this program unique is all of the ETAs that we use are made by our own through recycling of waste products.

    Zerowaste management
    We face a challenge. At the office and neighborhood, waste management is something that could be hard to do. Waste is one of the serious problems at this time in our city, Malang. Zero Waste Management is one of our efforts to support the creation of a minimum waste environment aiming at changing people's behavior in managing waste. In this program, we intervene the habits of people that may increase the amount of waste resulted. The mission runs in daily activities. The work starts from sorting waste based on its type to make it easier for recycle. Finally, the waste will be converted into valuable goods. Children and adults are the targets of this intervention. We need your help to reactivate and maintain the program.

    Kelasuka Bahasa Asing (Foreign Language Class)
    Foreign Language Class is a weekly activity created to assist children in learning foreign languages. We realize that the ability to speak a foreign language, especially English is much needed to open access and network with other people worldwide. You can share your knowledge of English or other foreign languages with the children here. Your presence will help them to learn better.

    Gelar Baca (mobile library)
    We own and manage a community library in the office with a total collection of more than four thousand books. There is no fee imposed to get access to these books. One of our library activity is that we routinely take our collection of children books to school every Tuesday and Thursday. Usually, when we hold other community empowerment activities, we also bring these books, not only books for children but also for adults. We do this in the hope that the wider community can access the books that we take care of.

    DYOC (Design Your Own Class). Here, we encourage everyone to share their knowledge and expertise. You are given opportunity to design your own session based on your interest! From Ecology-sound, Spanish class, digital nomad sharing, to coding class, our Global Volunteers have done it all. Experience the excitement in testing how well you design and deliver the session for our youth volunteers.

    Making A Vlog
    This is the most special part. After running the program with us, you have the opportunity to tell your interesting experiences while in Malang in the form of Vlog or Video Log. If you have never made a Vlog before, this is a good opportunity to learn.

    There are still many more programs or other activities. They might be adjusted to your expectations as a volunteer and we do not require you to be an expert in that field, but we do expect you to have a strong willingness to learn and help contribute to the environment. In addition, it is also possible to tailor the programs to your interest and expertise as long as it is aligned with our goals and values.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    Indonesian: Fluent
    Javanese: Fluent

    This host offers a language exchange
    This host has indicated that they are interested in sharing their own language or learning a new language.
    You can contact them directly for more information.

  • Accommodation


    When you decide to join as a volunteer in our organization, we will help and inform you to prepare every thing you need while staying in Indonesia. After arriving and just before running the program, you will join volunteer orientation session. This is our effort that may help you understand about the program that you will run, some terms that you must catch up to while in Malang or in Indonesia and how you plan to live while in Malang.

    While volunteering in our place, you will live with host families who are local residents around our neighborhood. We do this as an effort to invite the community to participate in this program. Living with the locals gives you firsthand experience of living together Indonesian family.

    When you stay with a host family, you will get a private or shared bedroom, you will be provided daily meals (breakfast and dinner) by your host family. Since there is no rate that you need to pay during your stay, we hope you will contribute to your host families like help them cook, wash the dishes, etc. For lunch in at the office, we will have at least twice, free lunch with volunteers every Friday. The other days you will manage your own lunch. The volunteers will show you which best place to eat around office and might accompany you as well. It will be a great opportunity as well for catching up stories. The radius of the house is around 5km from the office and we hope you can manage this one as well, you can take an online transportation (ride hailing app) which is cheap and affordable. Also we can try to find bicycle as your way of transportation.

    Here is a piece of information about living in Indonesia. Many families in Indonesia do not set up air conditioning in their house and many of them use squat toilet. Normally, in Indonesia, we use water instead of tissue in the toilet. We hope that you can adjust yourself to this condition.

    In terms of food, Malang has a variety of appetizing meal, ranging from our specialties such as Bakso (meatballs), Tahu Campur (Tofu soup mixed with vegetables and meat) and of course the ones you may discover all around Indonesia such as Nasi Goreng (fried rice), satay, rendang and if you like healthy food you can try pecel or Urap-urap which is made from vegetables. Talking about the price, it is relatively cheaper than other cities. It only cost you US$ 2-3 to get a portion of good food.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    Starting on 2019 to today, we have received more than 40 global volunteers from various channels (and not only from Workaway) such as Vietnam, Japan, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey, Denmark and the United States, with different types and duration of programs, generally focusing on education.

    Usually what we do with foreign volunteers during their day off programs is to spend time together such as touring the city, looking for a unique place to eat or going to coffeeshop to have chats. It is not hard to locate cozy coffeeshops in Malang. In addition, volunteers can spend their time with host families. In this occasion, you can take the time to get to know more about your host family. Often host families ask to spend time together with volunteers.

    To get to the city of Malang, many options of public transportation are available. Get here by train, bus, airplane, and all of the terminals are close to our office location. It only takes approximately 15-30 minutes from the train station, bus terminal, or airport to reach the office. As for transportation while in town, you have some selections. Starting from riding public transportation, getting picked up by a motorbike or car through ride-hailing apps such as Grab or Gojek or you can travel with our volunteers.

    If you are a smoker and drinker, please be able to adjust to our rules because our office is a smoke-free and alcohol-free area. The rule also applies when running a community empowerment program outside our office. Furthermore, we live in a Muslim community where drinking alcohol is prohibited. If you come with your spouse or family you will be put in separate host families.

    And If you are interested in learning and making an impact by becoming a volunteer, please inform at least one month before your arrival because we need time to prepare your needs while you stay with us such as a Host family, permission to the local government, and of course the program for you.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    We have sufficient access to the internet and can provide you with one.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, time and types of activities will adjust to the program that we run

Host ref number: 298581624274

Feedback (23)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (5.0)

Cultural exchange: (5.0)

Communication: (4.9)

Social Media Management and Photography of Art Needed, West Bali, Indonesia
Help us with English classes in Bangkalan, Indonesia