Gardening, DIY building and eco projects in a lovely little house in São João das Lampas, Portugal

  • Favourited 80 times
  • Last activity: 2 Jun 2024



 Min stay requested: 1 month or more



  • Description


    Hello People :)
    me and my girlfriend just bought a property of 2600m2 with a lovely little house of 70m2. It is located at the edge of Sintra, 10 minutes drive away from Ericiera and located at the valley that leads to the beach São Julião. It is 2 kilometers away from the coast, surrounded by nature at the edge of a little village. Even though the place is very remote, you can reach everything within a short drive (3 minutes to the closest lavandaria, 5 min to the next minimercado, 10 minutes to the beach of São Julião and Foz do Lizandro, 15 minutes to Magoito Beach, Aldi, Intermarche, Lidl, etc. 15 minutes drive).

    The property has an abundance of different food trees and there are ripe fruits all year around (avocados, oranges, tangerins, lemons, mangos, anonas, pomegranate, etc.). Also, we are currently starting to raise beds after the permaculture principles for veggies and more.

    My girlfriend (Mareike) and me (Karim) are from Germany, we have been living in Portugal for 2 years now. We want the place to become a sanctuary for ourselfes and for people who share our relaxed and conscious lifestyle.

    We are looking for people that want to life at the house and for exchange help us with the listed tasks to improve the place. We are also open to scenarios where we will pay for extra hours or special skills you possess.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    We are curious to meet new people and to share different opinions and perspective on how to approach life. We have been living with people all around the world and love to meet new people. Will are looking forward to learn more about different cultures and ways of living.
    We do not life ourselfes at the house yet, but close-by. That means we will be around on a regular basis for gardening and all other sort of tasks around the house. We want to host 2 parties in the house, but we are open for different scenarios (for example if you are a family).
    To sum it up: you will enjoy privacy but we are also very eager to meeting you and to spending time with you :)

  • Help


    - Fence building
    - Insulation
    - carpentry
    - building of wooden eco-structures (Yoga Studio, Pergula)
    - Painting
    - Basic Pluming
    - Gardening following the permaculture principles

    Nothing is a must have - we are just listing tasks that we might need help with. We are also open for other kind of help around different areas we might not have in mind yet :)

    Disclaimer: Work that needs to be done by professional tradespeople will be done by them and we will pay for it, only do what you feel comfortable with.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    German: Fluent
    English: Fluent
    Portuguese: Intermediate

    This host offers a language exchange
    I am currently learning Portuguese (Portugal) and can offer to teach German or English.

  • Accommodation


    The house has two rooms, a huge wintergarden, a kitchen and and a bathroom. The house is currently still off-grid. You will at least have a room for yourself. There is basic electricity through solar panels (lights, charging of phones, etc) and we are planing to get a generator early next year.
    Water supply is through water from the well. There is a water tank on top of the house that can be filled up through a pump with well water to be distributed in the house. Hot water is currently only available manually (heating on the gas stove and then filling it into the shower-bucket)
    The kitchen is fully equiped (gas stove) and there is a little solar power fridge in a van that is located on the property that you can use. Also, there is a salamda to keep you warm during winter times. We will supply you with drinking water.
    To sum it up: there is everything you need, but life is basic. If you feel like this is something that suits you and your current stand in life, please feel free to reach out and help us to make this place better.

    We have an abundance of fruit trees on the property with ripe fruits all year around. Furthermore, we have already started to plant vegetables and will plant more that we will share with you.
    You will have full-time access to the well-equiped kitchen and can prepare food whenever you wish. We will not provide you with meals. However, we would love to cook together from time to time.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    There is public transport near by. However, we strongly recommend you to have a car to get around the area. In your time off, you can enjoy nature just in front of your doorsteps, go surfing, hiking and much more.

    If you are going to use your car for helping us out with certain tasks, we will pay for the petrol being used.

    If you contact us please specify with which tasks you could help and the experience you have!

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    Yes :)

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    3 hours a day, maximum 5 days a week - additional payment is possible for extra hours

Host ref number: 297517731473


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