Help teach German in Chiclayo, Peru

  • Favourited 27 times
  • Last activity: 8 Mar 2024



 Min stay requested: 1 month or more



  • Description


    This is a language school in Chiclayo, Peru, which aims to teach young people and young adults German in a modern and interactive way. Our students use our app and come to class once a week or twice a month. We teach in small groups so that the students have a lot of opportunity to speak.
    We are currently teaching in Chiclayo, but we will start to offer courses in Piura in April and in Trujillo and Lima soon. We are also very active on social media (Facebook, Youtube, etc.).

    We offer you:
    - Support and introduction by experienced German teachers
    - a contact person for cultural matters
    - a varied job
    - Space for your own creative ideas
    - motivated students your age
    - the possibility to take responsibility and to actively try out teaching
    - Accommodation (shared flat), travel expenses for lessons and meals

    Your profile:
    - German native speaker or very good level (min. B2)
    - Experience in teaching and / or beginning / ending studies in teaching / languages
    - You have a confident and confident demeanor, are sociable and interested in your students
    - You have team spirit and talent in teaching and are happy to take on responsibility
    - You are motivated and want to support the students in fulfilling their dream of Germany
    - good understanding of German grammar
    - Flexibility and willingness to change places of work (trips to Piura, Trujillo and Lima) and working hours

    What's Chiclayo?
    Chiclayo is on the Panamerican Highway and therefore it's a perfect place to make a stop while traveling southwards to Trujillo / Lima or northwards to Ecuador. From Chiclayo you also get to Moyobamba, Tarapoto and Chachapoyas which are amazing places with lots of interesting archeological sites and wonderful landscapes.
    Chiclayo itself is a city in an oasis in the Peruvian desert. But do not be afraid, there's more than sand! We live 15 km from the beach which is especially good for surfing. Chiclayo is also surrounded by very interesting archeological places (pyramids!) and modern museums show the incredible treasures found in the tumbs. The mountains are only 3 hours away and you can explore the cascades and small canyons on a weekend or day trip (see pictures). As well, there are a lot of other interesting places to visit in the north of Peru (Trujillo, Chachapoyas, Cajamarca, Moyobamba, Iquitos, ...).

    Who are we?
    We are a young couple: Randy from Peru, civil engineer, and Dinah from Germany. As well, we get help in editing videos from Nelson (Venezuela).

    Dies ist eine Sprachschule in Chiclayo, Peru, die jungen Menschen und jungen Erwachsenen auf moderne und interaktive Weise Deutsch beibringen soll. Unsere Schüler nutzen unsere App und kommen einmal pro Woche oder zweimal im Monat zum Unterricht. Wir unterrichten in kleinen Gruppen, damit die Schüler viel Gelegenheit zum Sprechen haben.
    Im Moment unterrichten wir in Chiclayo, aber wir möchten bald auch Kurse in Piura, Trujillo und Lima anbieten. Wir sind auch in sozialen Medien (Facebook, Youtube usw.) sehr aktiv.

    Wir bieten dir:
    - Unterstützung und Einführung durch erfahrene Deutschlehrer
    - einen Ansprechpartner für kulturelle Angelegenheiten
    - eine abwechslungsreiche Arbeit
    - Platz für deine eigenen kreativen Ideen
    - motivierte Schüler in deinem Alter
    - die Möglichkeit Verantwortung zu übernehmen und das Unterrichten aktiv zu erproben
    - Unterkunft (WG), Fahrtkosten zum Unterricht und Verpflegung

    Dein Profil:
    - Deutsch Muttersprachler oder sehr gutes Niveau (min. B2)
    - Erfahrung im Unterrichten und/ oder angefangenes/beendetes Studium im Bereich Lehramt/Sprachen
    - Du hast ein sicheres und selbstbewusstes Auftreten, bist kontaktfreudig und interessierst dich für deine Schüler
    - Du hast Teamgeist und Talent im Unterrichten und übernimmst gerne Verantwortung
    - du bist motiviert und möchtest die Schüler darin unterstützen ihren Traum von Deutschland zu erfüllen
    - gutes Verständnis der deutschen Grammatik
    - Flexibilität und Bereitschaft zum Wechsel von Arbeitsorten (Reisen nach Piura, Trujillo und Lima) und Arbeitszeiten

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Language practice
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    You will work every day with Peruvians and this is the best way to get to know their culture. But you will also have support to understand the culture which isn't easy for anybody who hasn't been in Latin America before.

    Getting to know a new culture helps us to learn a lot about the world, human beeings and ourselves. Of course you can also learn much about learning itself, teaching and mental processes.

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    We offer a 6-month German course. Students work on certain lessons in the app during the week. The lessons serve to deepen and apply what you have learned (speaking / writing).

    Your tasks:
    - Check student progress in the app and remind / explain / send additional tasks as needed
    - View material and select suitable material for the next hour depending on the progress of the group
    - Conduct lessons (explain grammar again, guide games / activities / exercises, correct)
    - Correct student tasks

    Students who have passed the 6-month course will take exam preparation or conversation classes. For this, hours have to be prepared and followed up and also carried out.

    Additional tasks (depending on your needs and your skills)
    - Creation of new lessons in the app
    - Creation of videos for learning German
    - Planning and execution of events
    - publications
    - Skype conversations with students

    The working time (including preparation and follow-up) is approximately 20 hours / week.

    Wir bieten einen 6-monatigen Deutschkurs an. Die Schüler bearbeiten unter der Woche bestimmte Lektionen in der App. Die Unterrichtsstunden dienen dazu, das Erlernte zu vertiefen und anzuwenden (sprechen/schreiben).

    Deine Aufgaben:
    - Fortschritte der Schüler in der App überprüfen und je nach Bedarf erinnern/ erklären/ Zusatzaufgaben schicken
    - Material einsehen und je nach Fortschritt der Gruppe passendes Material für die nächste Stunde auswählen
    - Unterricht durchführen (evt. Grammatik nochmal erklären, Spiele/Aktivitäten/Übungen anleiten, korrigieren)
    - Aufgaben der Schüler korrigieren

    Schüler, die den 6-monatigen Kurs bestanden haben, nehmen an Kursen zur Prüfungsvorbereitung oder Konversationsstunden teil. Hierfür müssen Stunden vor- und nachbereitet und auch durchgeführt werden.

    Zusätzliche Aufgaben (je nach Bedarf und deinen Fähigkeiten)
    - Erstellung neuer Lektionen in der App
    - Erstellen von Videos zum Deutschlernen
    - Planen und Durchführen von Events
    - Publikationen
    - Skype-gespräche mit Schülern

    Die Arbeitszeit (inklusive Vor-und Nachbereitung) beträgt in etwa 20 Stunden/Woche.

  • Languages spoken

    German: Fluent
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent
    French: Intermediate

  • Accommodation


    You will live in our flat in your own room. We like to share not only work but also private life, cook together and spend the free time together.

    The city center is very near, only 10 minutes with public services. There's a small shop in the same house and a little park right over the street.

    We're cooking mainly vegetarian food without milk or cream so that there'll be no problem for vegetarians or vegans. If you want to buy your meat and cook it yourself you're also welcome to do so.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    The beach is a good place for surfing or simply hanging around. You can get there with public service in less than an hour. In the city you can attend dance courses, go swimming or learn an instrument. Our students are eager to get to know and show around the volunteers. With the last volunteers they organised soccer games, went to the beach and visited the pyramids and museums. There is a good public transport system (even though it seems a little bit chaotic). At the weekend you can visit other cities, tourist attractions or go to the river with us (our favourite place to relax). We try to show our volunteers around whenever we have time.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 227538428822

Feedback (6)


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