Help with a permaculture project in the mountains of Vilcabamba, Ecuador

  • Favourited 67 times
  • Last activity : 21 Oct 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 2 weeks



  • Description


    Workaway note: Please contact this host in Spanish

    As a small step towards freedom and tranquility visit our farm in an incredibly natural and mystical place!
    We are descendants of the Incas who form the Saraguros culture family, we have been regarded as an ancient ethnic group with very own cultural features that even today remain, and can be seen in their clothing, food, ethno-medicine, music, etc.

    We are located in the Toronche sector, farm in the mountains near the Podocarpus National Park in San Pedro de Vilcabamba. Our farm has a natural forest of endemic trees, organic garden, waterfalls, archaeological site, home made with green building techniques, and farm animals.

    Our project aims to protect life respecting biodiversity and the cultural aspect. It is divided into three main components:

    1. Conservation, forest management and soil regeneration.
    2. Permaculture as orchards with chemical-free production resulting in a living and healthy eating. Bio, water use and implementation of forest edible and medicinal plants.
    3. mystical tourism that includes visits to sacred sites, ceremonies and taking medicine with a spiritual and therapeutic purpose.

    We invite people to be part of this project with support of 4-5 hours of work, we offer a camping area, kitchen, spring water, dry toilet, shower with a spectacular view, transportation and food. It is the perfect place to rest, meditate, find yourself, learn about permaculture, and appreciate the Pachamama place.

    As the project is at an early stage, we receive donations that will contribute to a better development of the proposed activities in return receive an unforgettable experience resulting from contact with nature and cultural exchange.
    What do you expect to live a unique experience with nature and ancestral knowledge sharing?

    Es momento de mirar tu cambio visitando nuestra finca en un lugar increíblemente natural y místico!
    Somos una familia descendientes de los incas que formamos la cultura Saraguros, hemos sido considerados como una etnia milenaria con rasgos culturales muy propios que aún en la actualidad se mantienen, y se puede apreciar en su indumentaria, gastronomía, etnomedicina, música ,etc.
    Estamos ubicados en la parroquia San Pedro de Vilcabamba en el sector Toronche , la finca esta en las montañas cerca del parque nacional Podocarpus. La finca cuenta con un bosque natural de árboles endémicos, huerta ecológica, cascadas, espacio arqueológico, casa elaborada con técnicas de bioconstrucción, y animales de la granja.
    Nuestro proyecto tiene como objetivo principal construir una finca sustentable, respetando la biodiversidad y el aspecto cultural. Se divide en tres componentes principales:

    1. Conservación de la biodivercidad esto nos convierte en guardianes de la tierra y tu puedes ser uno de ellos.

    2. Práctica de Permacultura, en huertos organicos con producción limpia cuyo resultado es vida y alimentación sana. Bioconstrucción, regeneracion de suelos, aprovechamiento del agua e implementación de bosques comestibles y plantas medicinales.

    3. Turismo místico que incluye visitas a sitios sagrados como cascadas y el templo ceremonial de los incas, ceremonias con medicina sagrada con un fin espiritual y terapéutico.

    Se parte de este proyecto y has experiencia dentro de estos campos de aprendizaje
    Es importante conocer las culturas y conocerte a ti mismo, en nuestra finca es el lugar propicio para encontrar esa coneccion , nesecitamos gente que le guste trabajar en la tierra y vivir apartado de la ciudad . Que a puesto los ojos de volver a la tierra afuera en las montañas. tenemos lugar para camping y una casa rustica, el trabajo es de 5 horas al dia y 25 dolares a la semana
    Tus donaciones o cooperación es bien venido que va en veneficio de nuestro proyecto.
    Debes traer tu carpa y saco de dormir; cuando llegas a Vilcabamba puedes visitarnos en la tienda organica en la calle diego vaca de vega 20 metros del parque central, frente a vinos vilcabamba
    Con mucho gusto te esperamos

    ¿Si eres una de esas personas que quiere vivir una experiencia única con la naturaleza e intercambio de saberes ancestrales este es el momento?

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Farmstay help
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN sustainability goals this host is trying to achieve

    UN goals
    No poverty
    Zero hunger
    Good health and well-being
    Quality education
    Gender equality
    Clean water and sanitation
    Affordable and clean energy
    Decent work and economic growth
    Industries, innovation and infrastructure
    Reduce inequality
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible consumption and production
    Climate action
    Life below water
    Life on land
    Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Partnerships for the goals
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Travelers are those who value and live a unique experience, know the plants of power that were used throughout history, Handed down from generation to generation

    Los participantes conocen nuevas formas de vida en la práctica y coneccion con las plantas de poder que fueron usado a través de los abuelos y abuelas. Transmitidos de generacion en generacion

  • Help


    We work in permaculture.
    The project we have is very young we need your support
    mystical tourism and biodiversity care.

    Trabajos en permacultura como una alternativa de vida sustentable
    Turismo mistico y cuidado de la biodiversidad.
    Medicina sagrada o ceremonias con plantas medicinales de poder energético y espiritual.

  • Languages spoken

    Spanish: Fluent

  • Accommodation


    We have space for tents and a rustic house. We have space for camping, a rustic house, internet, electricity and a hot shower

    Tenemos espacio para camping, una casa rustica, internet, electricidad y ducha caliente

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    The project is located in Parroquia San Pedro de Vilcabamba. We are in the mountain of the Toronche sector; located at the height of 2,100 meters. To get to the farm is 25 minutes by car or 2 hours walking Your dream is our

    El proyecto esta ubicado en Parroquia San Pedro de Vilcabamba.
    Estamos en la montaña del sector Toronche; ubicados en la altura de 2.100 metros.
    Para llegar a la finca es 25 minutos a carro o 2 horas caminando
    Tu sueño es nuestro sueño

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    This host can provide space for campervans.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    4-5 hours per day, 5 days

Host ref number: 214262773225

Feedback (9)



Nice family looking for an opportunity to learn more in Salcedo, Ecuador
Help me improve my English and experience life in the countryside of Quito, Ecuador