Help to look after horses and the wider environment in a mountain village, Alsace, France

  • Favourited 48 times
  • Last activity: 25 Jul 2024



 Min stay requested: No minimum



  • Description


    I am a women who like nature and animals; to day, I have 3 cats (pet hair everywhere in the house...) and 9 horses. I live in a beautiful village in the mountains (450m) of Alsace (east France). There is a big forest all around with nice trails to discover old castles, springs, relics, rocks...

    Je suis une femme passionnée de nature et d'animaux, actuellement j'ai, 3 chats (donc des poils partout...) et 9 chevaux. J'habite un village de moyenne montagne en Alsace 450m d'altitude, dans une région de grandes forêts. De nombreux chemins balisés permettent de belles randonnées pour découvrir châteaux forts, cascades, vestiges celtiques et gallo romains ainsi que de magnifiques rochers....

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Farmstay help
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    The voluntary like a kind of live and work in ecological way without wast from the 4 "R": 1) Refuse at first; 2) Reuse as much as possible; 3) Repair if possible; 4) Recycle finally
    They love to discover the alsacien culture and also from other regions or country AND speak french and alsacien
    They love to be in the nature with animals especially contact with horses to understand them better.

    Les volontaires qui séjournent à la ferme aiment découvrir un mode de vie et de travail rustique et écologique sans gaspillage répondant aux 4 "R" : 1) Refuser d'abord, 2) Réutiliser autant que possible, 3) Réparer si possible, 4) Recycler finalement.
    Ils aiment découvrir la culture alsacienne et d'autres régions ou pays et bien sur parler français, même alsacien.
    Ils aiment vivre dans la nature et entourés d'animaux et surtout le contact avec les chevaux qu'il apprennent à connaitre.

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    To give the best grass for our horses I must clean the land by cutting down brambles, nettles and . We are also taking stones out, to build a dry stone wall (if anyone has any knowledge of building dry stone walls please get in touch).
    Here the work is hard but also rewarding, and you will always be in full view of the beautiful mountain scenery. If you're interested in some hard work with good company, great food and a breathtaking view, please get in touch, because I need strong help! :)
    If you come just for holiday you are at the wrong address

    Pour la qualité des prés il faut nettoyer les parcs en coupant les refus (ronces, genet, orties, rumex...) et en ôtant des pierres qui empêchent la mécanisation
    Le travail est dur certes, mais aussi intéressant dans un cadre enchanteur et une bonne ambiance à laquelle vous contribuerez.
    Pour tout cela nous apprécierions de l'aide (musclée si possible) Si vous venez seulement passer des vacances, inutile d'écrire.

  • Languages spoken

    Arabic: Fluent
    German: Fluent
    English: Fluent
    French: Fluent

  • Accommodation


    I live in a nice big comfortable old stone house, but it is very difficult to heat except the kitchen where we stay in winter time . Workawayers will have a choice of 2 guest bedrooms, 1 of which can accommodate a couple. Shared house facilities such as bathroom, kitchen and living room. All meals are provided and shared with one another, this way we can better get to know one another :)

    J'habite une grande maison ancienne, en pierre. Elle est belle et confortable, mais difficile à chauffer sauf la cuisine où nous vivrons en hiver, Nous avons 2 grandes chambres avec douche en commun; de même pour la cuisine. Les repas sont pris en commun ce qui permet de mieux se connaitre et d'échanger.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    I travelled alone with my horses and dogs in tent and without any help; more than a year.
    Now I hope a new big travel as long I can (I am 74 years in a very good heals)

    Je suis voyageuses au long cours et aime la vie rustique et en plein air; j'espère refaire un autre grand voyage avec certains de mes chevaux (j'ai 74 ans et en très bonne santé)

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    25 H renouvelable Flexibility is a must here as work hours vary depending on weather and circumstances, some days will be more and others will be less. Of course days off are thrown in between.

Host ref number: 153415999338

Feedback (37)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (4.8)

Cultural exchange: (5.0)

Communication: (4.9)